How I Met Myself

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How I Met Myself

14 , Another Year Goes By
15, I Discover Some More Facts
16, It all Happens Again

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Chapter 14: Another Year Goes By

After Kati was born, Andrea and John looked after her but the
relationship that John and Andrea shared was not the same anymore.
It was if Jnos Szab stood between them. Then, John and Andrea
brought Kati to England for her second visit and that holiday
managed to solve the problem between John and Andrea. After the
holidays, John became busy again and Andrea decided to teach a
few Hungarian classes here and there and also help Zsolt in his
cafe. Kati was also sent to school .Then ,they spent Christmas as a
happy family. On New Years Eve, they went to the country to stay
with Andreas family. When John had went back to work, on 6
January he realized that 18 January is around the corner and
remembered what had happened on that day for past 2 years .He
had a terrible dream and horrible a feeling that his dream has
something to do with Andrea.

Chapter 15: I Discover Some More

The next day, on the way home from work, John saw a new
sign with the word Szab on it. He realizes that Szab
means Taylor in English. JOHN TAYLOR! Immediately he
realized that it his doppelgnger and he shares the same
name. Went to see Mrs Fischer again and he tells John that
he looks like Jnos. Further questioning reveals that Jnoss
wife and daughter were named Andrea and Kati
respectively. The following week, John discovered they
share the same birthday, 23 October after referring to
Public Records Office. He knows his is doppelgnger trying
to tell him something. Convincing Andrea would still be
impossible just yet.

Chapter 16: It All Happens

Every night from then on John had frightening
dreams. He heard a man shouting, and sees Andrea
and Kati in his dreams. Finally, it is Saturday, 18
January. After work, John got home and saw a note
from Andrea. She had gone to the caf with Kati as
Zsolt needed her help. He immediately sensed
danger and knew that something terrible is about
to happen. He ran to the caf. Suddenly he hears a
loud explosion from Gergely utca. He runs into his
doppelganger on the way to the caf but this time
it is John who knocks him over.

Characters & Characteristics

Main character

John Taylor

Primary character

Andrea Taylor

A good mother

A responsible father

A busy man

Loves his wife

Very disturbed

Responsible for her family
A Hungarian teacher
Part time caf worker

Primary characters
Kati Taylor

A pretty, happy little girl


A caf worker

Primary character

Mrs Fischer

Gives John informations about Jnos

Trying to give John a warning


Moral Values
We should always care about our family
How John is concerned of Kati and Andrea.
We should work hard to achieve a goal
John didnt give up gathering information

about his doppelgnger .

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