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Transformarea formelor.

B(h)uis Kunststof Buizen Paviljoen

Rintala Eggertsson Architects designed a site-specific

habitable sculpture for the occasion of Venices International
Architecture Biennale. Dubbed MILU, the layered timber
structure served as a sculptural work of art and a semiprivate meeting space for visitors attending the worldrenowned event.

Eureka Pavillion by NEX Architects

Eureka Pavillion by NEX Architects and Marcus BarnetT

NEX have designed this cubed timber pavilion forthe Chelsea Flower
Show in London with thesame structural form as a leaf.

Prayer & Meditation Pavillion

by Studio Tamassociati

Water Cube Pavillion

The theme of the 2012 International Exposition in Yeosu, South Korea, is The Living
Ocean and Coast. As a response, architects at MVRDV have designed a pavilion that will
contribute to raising awareness of the fragility of ocean ecosystems. The building is a kind
of aquarium, a glass structure made of water basins that surround the central void. The
idea was for each of the basins to display specific aspects of the ocean-the deep see, the
tropical waters, the mangroves, reefs-entertaining and educating the public.
The structure is devoid of columns. The walls of the cube bear all weight, acting also as a
thermal insulator for the inter object. Their latter function is particularly interesting, as it
presents an empirical proof of the oceans importance as regulator of the world climate.
Structural support elements are integrated within the walls. The water pressure and weight
of the basins are additionally supported by using double-layered glass.
The building is accessed through an underground tunnel, leading the visitors to the central
hall. From there they can take a tour of the world oceans which guides them past the water
basins. The illumination of each basin can be individually programmed, according to phase
of the day-night cycle theyre in.

Eraser Cube Spaces

Eraser Cube Spaces

This small rubber pavilion was designed by Zeinstra Van Gelderen Architects
and is made completely out of rubber. In order to enter, you must go in
through a vertical slit on one side of the structure. The house measures 2.3m
high, making sure nobody has to crouch! Every element of this house,
including the bench and window frame, is made out of urethane resin.

Eraser Cube Spaces

Buildingstudio: Botanical Garden Pavilion

Buildingstudio: Botanical Garden Pavilion

Cube object in London Zoo

Cube object in London Zoo

The tetra

Technology: The South Korean pavilion looks like the inside of a


Giant Rubik's Cube: The Serbian pavilion

Standing out: The Polish pavilion, a mosaic of national symbols

Sweden Pavilion for Shanghai World Expo 2010

Sweden Pavilion for Shanghai World Expo 2010

Puma Motosport

Luxury Shaped House With Layered Gardens And Screened Circular


Sweden pavilion at Expo 2010

China State Grid

Serpentine Gallery Pavilions

Stair-Scape Cube

The Queen Anne House by Blip Design

Design and 3D

The pavilion of EnergieCIty Leipzig at Leipzig central station.


LA Stories Project

Iceland Pavillion, Shanghai World Expo, 2010

Memory Cube Pavilion for Shum Yip Upperhills

Burriana Sports

Hybrid Architecture. Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2002

Hybrid Architecture. Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2002

The UK Pavilion in a dazzling cube-like structure. This majestic metaland-glass edifice is formed by more than 60,000 slim and transparent

Cube Bioinformatics Centre by TheeAe

Cube Bioinformatics Centre by TheeAe

Cube Bioinformatics Centre by TheeAe

Cube Bioinformatics Centre by TheeAe

Cube Bioinformatics Centre by TheeAe

atelier 37.2 mobile cubes

atelier 37.2 mobile cubes

Atelier Cube Christ The King Kindergarten

Atelier Cube Christ The King Kindergarten

Atelier Cube Christ The King Kindergarten

Cube Chalet AGi architects, Kuwait

Cube Chalet AGi architects, Kuwait

Dollhouse chair by Torafu Architects functions as seating and storage

Dollhouse chair by Torafu Architects functions as seating and storage

Dollhouse chair by ZAHA

Dollhouse chair by Coffey Architecture

Haptic house by Dexter Moran

Mae-Mak house by MAE

FORM / Kouichi Kimura Architects composes Tuneful House

FORM / Kouichi Kimura Architects OrdinaryHouse

Glass Tea House Mondrian Pavilion by Hiroshi Sugimoto

Hawkins\Brown Corby Cube

Ideal House Cologne Naoto Fukasawa

Ideal House Cologne Naoto Fukasawa

Ideal House Cologne Zaha Hadid

Jennifer Wen Ma + Zhen jianwei illuminate Beijing Water Cube

Living in a cube,

Living in a cube

Maria Umievskaya adds ancient drawings to modern japanese homes

MOE CLB pop up event cube by project Moe

MOE CLB pop up event cube by project Moe

MOE CLB pop up event cube by project Moe

Pixelux Studio the Magic Cube collective power generation

Santambrogiomilan Glass House series

Shedkm and James Ireland build a contemporary doll's house

Shedkm and James Ireland build a contemporary doll's house

Snhetta Zero

Snhetta Zero

Sou Fujimoto adds greenery to layered Cube Installation in Paris

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