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A guide of fire avoidance and protection.


despite its importance throughout human history, it can have

catastrophic consequences to communities of people, wild fauna and flora.

A simple experiment showing how edaphic factors can directly affect the direction
of a fire. This was done so as to provide reasoning for an accident that took place
under similar conditions in 1985 at Armamar(Viseu) .

The dramatic effects of fire tornado were portrayed through this

experiment,naturally caused by heated air colliding with turbulent wind. As a result,
nature and inhabitants suffer devastating destruction.

Even though air directs fire to a specific bearing, fire can spread to opposite directions as
well. The experiment shown was made as a model, recreating a real event that killed
many firefighters.

A simple

Informing youngsters on the importance of protection and sheltering during a fire incident is vital.
Above left,YRE members are briefed on fire shelters and other fire preventing equipment. Above
right,a forest engineer presents information concerning the training of fire fighters.

All in all, forest preservation should be our main priority.

Improvements on the techniques
of tackling rapid forest fires can ensure a healthier and
greener future.

Joana Pedro
Pedro Gonalves
Marina Panagiotou
Marcos Panayiotou

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