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Assistance provided by the German Development

Cooperation through GIZ to the Republic of Moldova in

the period 2007-2014
Philipp Johannsen, ....


GIZ support to Moldova 2007 - 2014

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CBC in Moldova over three EU-programming periods


In accordance with the EUs programming periods

1. Before 2007: TACIS (National, Regional and CBC Programmes)
2. Previously (and still under implementation) 2007 2013:
ENPI-Components (National, Regional and CBC Programmes)
3. Today (under preparation) 2014 2020: CBC under ENI and EaP


GIZ support to Moldova 2007 - 2014

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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova


to CBC in Moldova evolved in various phases which are

related to the implementation of different projects.
Phase 1: January 2007 - December 2007;
Support via a German Romanian project
Project objective: strengthening the managing capacity of the central
and regional levels in developing project pipelines to be funded under
the CBC programme Romania-Moldova-Ukraine


GIZ support to Moldova 2007 - 2014

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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 1
1. Framework for implementing projects based on the existing Managing
2. Awareness Campaign on the OPs and lead partner principle
addressed to potential beneficiaries;
3. Project Pipeline development.
In the context of the 2nd and 3rd component, GIZ addressed directly the
Moldovan partners.


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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 1
Findings (among others):
Knowledge regarding CBC in the Republic of Moldova very limited,
leading to rather weak project proposals in the pipeline and applications.
Continuation of activities agreed with Moldovan partners
Agreed focus of new project:
Establishment of contact points to assist local authorities
Support to project pipeline development


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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 2: January 2008 September 2009
Project: ENPI-Capacity Building in the Republic of Moldova
Two components:
Train the Trainer component; training in EU-methodologies,
Project Cycle Management; didactical skills and techniques; study
visit to Romania.
Practical implementation of the ENP instruments; support to the
national, regional and local authorities in developing projects and
activities in the frame of the CBC-programmes.


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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 2
Areas of regional development and CBC considered as closely
Thus, two main areas of support have been identified for the second
2a: Regional development policy with the department for regional
development of the (by that time) Ministry of Local Public
Administration (MLPA) and

2b: Cross-border and transnational cooperation programmes,

in which Moldova took part.


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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 2
Quick start, objective had been to commence direct support to CBCmanagement and implementation in Moldova as early as possible.
The project was ready to start (in January 2008) just a few weeks after
the first phase of GIZ-engagement related to CBC in Moldova had
ended (end of 2007).
Needs for support under the projects component 2 bigger than
in parallel the next project was already designed with the Moldovan
partners and was ready to start in November 2008.


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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 3: November 2008 August 2010
Project: Support to Cross-Border Cooperation of Northern Moldova with
neighbouring Regions to Romania and Ukraine
Specific kinds of services and modes of delivery designed by the
partners from Moldova and Germany to meet the needs and requests of
the people involved in the implementation of the CBC- programmes
The initiative was considered as a pilot project
For the purpose of smooth and close to the beneficiary project
implementation a GIZ project office had been established within the
Rayon Administration in Soroca


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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 3
The results of the project were considered satisfactory
agreement by all partners to continue and to expand the project
area to cover all the country.
The new GIZ-project Capacity development for regional development
and CBC provided the framework for the 4th phase of CBC-engagement
of the GIZ in Moldova.


GIZ support to Moldova 2007 - 2014

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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 4: May 2010 December 2012
Project: Capacity development for regional development and CBC
New aspects:
Provision of specific assistance to the newly created regional
structures in the field of project design and management
Need to address the insufficient experience in developing and
implementing investment and capacity development projects


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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 4
Main objectives in two separate components:
A. Conceptual support in the policy field in order to help consolidate
the newly created institutions and structures for regional
B. Assistance in identifying, formulating and developing pilot
projects, specifically tailored for concrete support programmes and
funding modalities (i.e. CBC).


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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 4
The project has contributed to::


Increase awareness of LPAs on the relevance of partnerships, intercommunal and regional cooperation;

Improve regional cooperation between actors on national - NFRD and EU


Develop capacities of local actors to identify viable project ideas and use of
different funding opportunities;

Establish partnerships and cooperation on local, regional, national, crossborder and transnational level;

Develop project proposals for the Calls of EU, CBC/TNC programmes and
national programmes of regional and inter-communal development..

GIZ support to Moldova 2007 - 2014

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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 5: New framework for the cooperation since December 2013
Project: Modernization of local public services in the Republic of
Moldova (MLPS), Intervention area II
The new programming period 2014 2020 offers many opportunities for
the Republic of Moldova. But: requirements for an active
participation in the programmes have significantly increased (i.e.
application of the Shared Management System)
Partner Countries bear more responsibility; increased involvement in all
areas of the project management, particularly related to auditing,
controlling and guaranteeing recoveries.

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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 5
Together with the partners at the MRDC and the State Chancellery the
GIZ decided to extend the fruitful cooperation in the field of CBC to the
period 2013 2015.
The CBC-support activities now imbedded into the broader context of
the Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldovaproject, and here in particular into the so-called Intervention Area II
Regional Planning and Programming.
CBC-funds now even more considered as potential funding sources for
investment projects which are developed by the Regional Development
Agencies of Moldova with the support of the MLPS-project.


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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 5
Two main objectives of the CBC-support can be outlined:
Support the Moldovan beneficiaries to implement the ENPI CBCfunds
Strengthening the capacities of the public authorities to programme
and apply ENI and EaP-funds..
Main intervention area: Capacity Development for Local Public
Administrations I and II in relation to strategic and integrated project
identification and development of proposals.


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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 5

Assisting the State Chancellery in its function as National Authority for CBC

Support to the national working group on programming ENI-CBC (set up via a

Decision of the Prime Minister)

Examples of activities:


Financing of two Moldovan senior experts in long-term positions + a number

of national short-term experts contributing to the smooth and efficient running
of the CBC-programmes

Assessment of the national legal and institutional framework as it concerns

the capacity to implement the shared management principle;

Identification of the strategic and thematic priorities for CBC ENI

Programmes through an extensive public consultation process.

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Five Phases of GIZ-support to CBC in Moldova

Phase 5
Institutionalising Capacity Development :
Cooperation with the Academy of Public Administration (APA)
Based on a medium-term plan to incorporate training elements and
lessons learnt into the national curriculum
Development and implementation of training courses in the field of
regional development, strategic and integrated planning as well as
project development and management.


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