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Unit- 5

Group Behavior and Group


What is a Group?

A group is consisting of a number of persons

whose interactions at a given time generate a
system of values, norms, and sanctions appropriate
to the nature of the task on which they are
working, which has created a set of well defined
role and status relations which are interdependent.

Two or more individuals, interacting and

interdependent, who have come together to
achieve particular objectives.

Group Dynamics
Group- A collectivity of two or more persons
Group Dynamics= Group + Dynamics
Dynamics-( derived from a Greek word meaning
Group Dynamics refers to the interaction of forces
between group members in a social situation.
The social process by which people interact
face to face in small groups is called group

Concept of Group
Shaw has summarized various definitions of groups into four
First group is defined as consisting of individuals who perceive the
existence of a group and their membership in it.
Second group is defined on the basis of a common motivation or
Third, this class of definitions looks to the structure of the group
the relationships and ties among group members which bind them
together into a group.
Fourth, this definition perceives the central element of a group to
be interacting among its members.
Shaw defines group as 'two or more persons who are interacting
with one another in such a manner that each person influences
and is influenced by each other.

Key Features of the Group

1) Two or More Persons-To form a group, there should be at
least two persons because a single individual cannot interact.
There is no specific limit on the maximum number of persons
in a group but the size of the group is determined by rules and
regulations of the organization and its requirements.
2) Collective Identity -Each member of the group must believe
that he is a member of, is a participant in, some specific group.
3) Interaction- Members of the group must interact among
1) Shared Goal Interest-The shared goal interest binds the group
members together.

Group Classification


Command Gp.


Task Gp.

Interest Gp.

Friendship Gp.

Group Classification
Formal Group-A designated work group defined by
the organization's structure. In formal groups, the
behaviors that one should engage in are stipulated by
and direct toward organizational goals. Eg. Marketing
team for a particular product
Informal group
A group that is neither formally
structured nor organizationally determined; appears in
response to the need for social contact. Three
employees from different departments who regularly
eat lunch together are an example of an informal group.

Formal Groups
A command group is determined by the organization
chart. It is composed of the individuals who report
directly to a given manager. An elementary sell principal
and her 18 teachers form a command group.
Task groups are also organizationally determined,
represent those working together to complete a job task.
A task group's boundaries are not limited to its immediate
hierarchical superior. It can cross command relations.
For instance, if a college student is accused of a campus
crime, it may require communication and coordination
among the dean of academic affairs, the| dean of students,
the registrar, the director of security, and the student's

Informal Groups
Interest group Those working together to attain a
specific objective with which each is concerned.
Employees who band together to have their vacation
schedules altered, to support a peer who has been fired,
or to seek improved working conditions represent the
formation of a united body to further their common
Friendship group Those brought together because
they share one or more common characteristics. .
Social alliances, which frequently extend outside the
work situation, can be based on similar age or ethnic
heritage, interest for outdoor games, or the holding of
similar political views etc.

Stages of Group Development

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5


Five Stage Group Development Model

Groups go through five distinct stages:
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing,
and Adjourning
Forming Stage The first stage in group development is
characterized by much uncertainty.
Storming stage
The second stage in group
development, characterized by intra-group conflict.
Norming stage The third stags in group development,
characterized by close relationships and cohesiveness

Five Stage Group Development Model

Performing stage
The fourth stage in
group development, when the group starts
Adjourning stage The final stage in group
characterized by concern with wrapping up
activities rather than task performance.


Group Conflict
Group exist in every organization and they
affect the behavior of their members. They
not only affect the behavior of their
members, rather, they have impact on other
group and the organization as a whole. In
this interaction process, there may be two
types of conflict: Intragroup Conflict (within the group itself)
Intergroup Conflict (between groups).

Intragroup Conflict
Intragroup conflict may arise in three situations: (i)
when group faces a novel problem of task; (it) where
new values are imported from the social environment
into the group; and (iii) where a person's extra group
role comes into conflict with his intragroup role.
Intragroup conflict is visualized more when people
come from different socio-economic backgrounds and
have different political & religious views. The
disagreement may be over ethics, the way power
exercised, or moral considerations of assumptions,
justice, fairness and so on are interpreted. Such
differences may affect the choice of either goals or
methods of ac goals.

Intergroup Conflict

Intergroup conflict arises out of the interaction of

various groups. There are many factors in the
organization which determine the inter-group
relationships. The can influence relations between two
or more groups. If these factors are not positive they
tend to create conflict among groups. These factors areGoal Incompatibility
Resource Sharing
Task Relations
Uncertainty Absorption, and Attitudinal set.

Intergroup Conflict
Goal IncompatibilityThe goals of two groups can have a powerful impact on
their relationship. The ideal state exists when each

group perceive its goals as the goals of the

organization as a whole and the goals of other
groups as compatible with one another and
mutually reinforcing.


Intergroup Conflict
Goal IncompatibilityGoal incompatibility means that goal
attainment by one group may prevent or
reduce the level of goal attainment by one
or more other groups. Eg. The conflict between marketing and
production departments in business
Labour-Management conflict also arises
because of incompatibility of goals.

Intergroup Conflict
Resource Sharing
The relations between two groups can be affected by the degree to
which the two groups draw from a common pool of resources,
and the degree to which this common pool of resources is
adequate to meet the demands of both the group. Thus, conflict of
this nature arises because of the discrepancy between aggregated
demand and available resources. Each party to the conflict has an
interest in making toe total resources as large as possible, but also
in securing as large a share of them as possible. The conflicts
between management and labour union are quite common in all
types of organizations. Such conflicts take place on the quantum
of wages, amenities, working conditions, and other related

Intergroup Conflict
Task Relationship
Collaboration occurs when two groups share joint
responsibility for certain tasks. A dependent task
relationship exists between two groups if one group is
dependent upon the former for recourses. A dependent
task relationship may result in one group having the
ability to dictate or unilaterally determine the outcome
of their interaction. The conflicts arise in these
relations if a group exceeds its authority.


Intergroup Conflict
Absorption of Uncertainty

As organizations are open systems, they and their elements

various groups face uncertainty. Uncertainty is the gap between
what is known and what needs to be known to make correct decisions.
In order to manage uncertainty, organizations assign certain groups
or individuals to deal with it. Thus a group may absorb uncertainty of
other groups. The group may make decisions: set premises for
decision-making for other groups, thereby avoiding the uncertainty.
For example, the accounting department may prescribe the rules for
travelling expenses: to be incurred by the marketing department.
Thus, the marketing department may be relieved of the uncertainty of
how the money should be spent on travelling, The conditions for
conflicts exist if uncertainty absorption by one group is not in
accordant with the expectations of other groups. For example, if
marketing department finds the rules framed by the accounting
department inadequate or inefficient, the condition conflict exists.


Intergroup Conflict
Attitudinal SetsThe sets of the attitudes that members of various groups hold
towards each other can be cause and a consequence of the nature
of their relations If the group relations begin with the attitudes of
distrust, competitiveness, seen and closed communications,
there is a possibility of various factors of group relationship
being emphasized in a negative way, consequently leading to
conflicts. the alternative case, the group relationship may be cooperative characterized by mutual trust and respect, greater
acceptance of responsibility for mutual problems, greater
consideration for others' points of view, greater willingness to
avoid blaming each other, more open communication, and so on.


Group Decision Making

Specific Objectives
Identification of Problems
Search for Alternatives
Evaluation of Alternatives
Choice of Alternative


Group Decision Making

Specific ObjectivesThe starting point in any analysis of decision making
involves the determination of whether a decision need to
be made.
Problem Identification
Since a particular decision is made in the context of
certain given objectives, identification of problem is the
real beginning of decision-making process. A problem is
a felt need, a question thrown forward for solution. It is
the gap between present and desired state of affairs on
the subject-matter of decision. It is just like the diagnosis
of patient by the doctor

Problem Identification
Problem Identification Methods
Diagnosis & Analysis
(i) Diagnosis,-The term diagnosis has come from Medical Science
where it is used as the process of identifying a disease from its
sign and symptoms. A symptom is a condition or set of conditions
that indicates the existence of a problem.
For example- High Turnover in an Organization
Diagnosing the real problem implies knowing the gap between
what is and what ought to be, identifying the reasons for the gap,
and understanding the problem in relation to higher objectives of
the organization

Problem Identification
(ii) Analysis-While the diagnosis of problem gives
the understanding of what should be done In
terms of decision making, analysis of problem
takes it a step further. The analysis of the problem
requires to find out who would make decision,
what information would be needed, and from
where the information is available.
This analysis provide managers with revealing
circumstances that help them to gain an insight
into the problem.

Search for Alternatives

A thorough diagnosis defines both a specific problem and the
situation in which the problem exists. Now the decision ,
maker seeks possible solutions. A problem can be solved in
several ways, however, all the ways, cannot be equally
satisfying. Further, if there is only one way of solving a
problem, no question of decision arises. Therefore, the
decision maker must try to find out the various alternatives
available in order to get the most satisfactory result ,of a
A decision maker can use several sources for identifying
alternatives: his own past experience, practices followed by
others, and using creative techniques

Evaluation of Alternatives
After the various alternatives are identified, the next step is to
evaluate them and select the one that will meet the choice criteria.
However, all alternatives available for decision making will not be
taken for detailed evaluation because of the obvious limitations of
managers in evaluating all alternatives. The decision maker
develops a list of limits that must be met by a satisfactory solution.
He may treat these limits as constraints, that is, he may check
proposed alternatives against limits, and if an alternative does not
meet them, he can discard it. Evaluation of various alternatives
dissects an alternative into various tangible and intangible factors.
Tangible factors are those which can be quantified because they are
quite obvious like the cost per unit, investment required, output to
be received, etc. Such factors can be measured easily, though their
happening may not be measured with certainty.

Evaluation of Alternatives
Demand projection at a given price in a particular
alternative. As against these, intangible factors are
mostly qualitative and cannot be measured in
terms of quantity.
For example, in a plant location, various noneconomic factors like psychological problem
arising out of displacement of persons from the
plant site, ecological balance, etc., have to be
taken into account which cannot be quantified. In
evaluating an alternative, both these factors have
to be taken into account

Choice of Alternative
The evaluation of various alternatives presents a
clear picture as to how each one of them
contributes to the objectives under question, A
comparison is made among the likely outcomes of
various alternatives and the best one is chosen.
Choice aspect of decision making is related to
deciding the most acceptable alternative which fits
with the organizational objectives.
(i) Experience. Managers can choose an alternative
based on their past experience if they have solved
similar problem earlier.

Choice of Alternative
which is generally used in scientific enquiry
involves that a particular alternative is put
in practice, result is observed, and the
alternative giving the best result is selected.
For example, many organizations go for test
marketing of their products before the
products are really introduced in the market


Choice of Alternative
iii) Research and AnalysisResearch and Analysis is the most certain method of selecting an
alternative, specially when major decisions are involved. This
approach entails solving a problem first by comprehending it. This
involves a search for relationships between the more critical
variables, constraints, and planning premises that bear the
objectives sought. In the second stage, the alternative is broken
into various components. Their individual impact on objective is
evaluated and the impact of all factors of an alternative is
combined to find out the total impact of the particular alternative.
The one having the most positive impact is chosen. Since this
requires . making lot of calculations, often the help of computer is
taken. In fact, various computer-based models have been
developed to make the choice of an alternative easier.

Once the creative and analytical aspects of decision
making through which an alternative has been
chosen are over, the managerial priority is one of
converting the decision into something operationally
effective. This is the action aspect of decision
making. The basic difference between decision
making as an analytical process and action is that the
former requires the use of conceptual skills since it
translates the abstract ideas into reality.


When the decision is put into action, it brings
certain results. These results must correspond with
objectives, the starting point of decision process, if
good decision has been made and implemented
properly. Thus results provide indication whether
decision making and its implementation is proper.
Therefore, managers should take up a follow-up
action in the light of feedback received from the

Group Decision Making

Nominal Technique
Delphi Technique


It is a technique to stimulate idea generation for decisionmaking. It is a conference technique by which a group attempts
to find a solution for a specific problem by amassing all the
ideas spontaneously contributed by its members .For this group
should have 10 to 15 persons.
Brainstorming is useful for all types of decisions, it is more
useful for simple, well-defined problems. It encourages
enthusiasm and a competitive spirit among members in
generating ideas; it also prevents group members from feeling
hopeless regarding the range of possibilities in a given situation.
Though brainstorming can result in many shallow and useless
ideas, it can spur members to offer new ideas as well

Brainstorming- Process
1. The problem on which decision is required is given to the
group. Problem is stated clearly and precisely so that
members of the group can focus their direct attention on it.
2 Each member is asked to give ideas through which the
problem can be solved. Here the emphasis is on quantity of
ideas and quality may follow later. The brainstorming
session is meant to be a free, frank, and relaxed one to
general maximum number of ideas irrespective of qualities.
Factors inhibiting the idea generation are pushed back. The
basic theme behind idea generation that though a big chunk
of ideas collected during the session may not I worth while,
yet a small percentage of it may provide sufficient useful list
to work upon.

Brainstorming- Process
3. The members are expected to put their ideas for
problem solution without taking into
consideration any limitationsfinancial,
procedural, legs organizational or otherwise. Such
limitations only act as deterrent to fn flow of ideas
because the participants will limit themselves in
these limitation.
4. Idea-evaluation is deferred to a later stage because
it does not flow in the direction of idea generation.


Nominal Group Technique

Nominal group technique (NOT) is a structured group meeting which
restricts verbal communication among members during the decisionmaking process. It is meant to resolve differences in group opinion by
having individuals generate and then rank a series of ideas in the
problem exploration, alternative generation, or choice-making states of
group decision-making. The process 1. The group leader outlines the problem requiring decision.
2. Each member writes down his ideas silently and independently and
presents his best single idea on the problem.
3. When all the members write their ideas, these are presented for discussion
and evaluation before the group members.
4. The members are asked to rank the various ideas for decision-making and
the decision is arrived at on the basis of this ranking. If the group does
not reach agreement, it repeats the ranking and voting procedure until the
group reaches some agreement and makes a decision.
This technique encourages creativity, prevents strong personality types
from dominating the group, encourages continued exploration of the
issues, provides a forum for the expression of the minority viewpoints,
and gives individuals some time to think about the issues before offering


Delphi Technique

The name Delphi indicates a shrine at which the ancient Greeks used to pray
for information about the future. In Delphi technique of decision-making
members do not have face- to -face interaction for group decision. The
decision is arrived at through written communication in the form of filling
up questionnaires often through mails. In the conventional Delphi, a small
group designs a questionnaire which is completed by a larger respondent
group. The results are then tabulated and used in developing a revised
questionnaire which is completed by the larger group. The results of the
original polling are fed back to the respondent group to use in subsequent
responses. This procedure is repeated until the issues are narrowed,
responses are focused, or consensus is reached.

Delphi technique is quite useful where the problem does not lend itself to
precise analytical techniques but can benefit from subjective judgments on a
collective basis and members who may be experts in the area of the problem
may not be able to have face-to-face interaction. For example, what will be
the trend of fashion in next year, the decision can be arrived at through
Delphi technique.

Team Effectiveness


Difference b/w Work Group & Team

A work group is a group that interacts primarily to share
information and to make decisions to help each member perform
within his or her area of responsibility.
A work team generates positive synergy through coordinated
effort. Their individual efforts results in a level of performance
that is greater than the sum of those individual inputs


Difference b/w Work Group & Team

Work Group


Share Information


High Performance
Teamand Teamwork
A team is a small group of people with

complementary skills, who work actively

together to achieve a common purpose for
which they hold themselves collectively
Teams are one of the major forces behind
revolutionary changes in contemporary

High Performance
Teamand Teamwork
The nature of teamwork
Team members actively work together in such a

way that all of their respective skills are utilized

to achieve a common purpose.
Teamwork is the central foundation of any high

performance team.

High Performance
Teamand Teamwork
Characteristics of high performance teams

High performance teams:

Have strong core values
Turn a general sense of purpose into specific

performance objectives
Have the right mix of skills
Possess creativity

High Performance
Teamand Teamwork
Diversity and team performance
To create and maintain high performance teams,

the elements of group effectiveness must be

addressed and successfully managed.
Diverse teams:
Improve problem solving and increase creativity
May struggle in the short term
Have strong long-term performance potential

What is team building?

Team members and leaders must work hard to

achieve teamwork.
Team building helps in achieving teamwork.
Team Building
A sequence of planned activities designed to gather

and analyze data on the functioning of a group and

to initiate changes designed to improve teamwork
and increase group effectiveness.

What is team building?

How team building works?
Five step process
Problem or opportunity in team effectiveness.
Data gathering and analysis.
Planning for team improvements.
Actions to improve team functioning.
Evaluation of results.

Types of Teams

Problem Solving





Problem Solving Teams

Groups of 5-12 employees from the same
department who meet for a few hours each
week to discuss ways of improving quality,
efficiency, and the work environment.


Self-Managed Teams
Groups of 10 to 15 people take on
responsibilities of their former supervisors.
The condition in which team has been
formed, the type of tasks team undertakes
and the reward structure all this affects the
team performance.


Cross-Functional Teams
Employees from about the same
hierarchical level, but from different work
areas, who come together to accomplish a


Virtual Teams
Virtual teams use computer technology to
tie together physically dispersed members
in order to achieve a common goal. Eg.Video-Conferencing


Problem Solving Teams

Employee involvements teams include a wide

variety of teams whose members meet regularly

to collectively examine important workplace
Quality circle
A special type of employee involvement team.
Team meets periodically to address problems

relating to quality, productivity, or cost.


Cross Functional Teams

Consist of members representing different

functional departments or work units.

Used to solve problems with a positive

combination of functional
integrative systems thinking.




Virtual Teams
Members meet at least part of the time

electronically and with computer support.

Groupware facilitates virtual meetings and
group decision making.


Virtual Teams
Key advantages of virtual teams

cost effectiveness and speed to

Brings computer power to information
processing and decision making.

Key disadvantage of virtual teams







Self Managing Teams

Small groups are empowered to make the

decisions needed to manage themselves on a daily

Teams make decisions on:
Scheduling work
Allocating tasks
Training in job skills
Evaluating performance
Selecting new team members
Controlling quality of work

Self Managing Teams

How self-managing teams work?
Are permanent and formal elements of the
organizational structure.
Team members assume duties otherwise
performed by the manager or first-line
The team should include between 5 and 15
Members rely on multi-skilling.

Self Managing Teams

Benefits of self-managing teams
Productivity and quality improvements
Production flexibility
Faster response to technological change
Reduced absenteeism and turnover
Improved work attitudes
Improved quality of work life

Self Managing Teams

Operational difficulties for self-managing

Impact on supervisors and others accustomed to

a more traditional way of working.

Self-managing teams are not appropriate for all


Team Effectiveness


Adequate resources
Leadership and structure
Climate of trust
Performance evaluation and reward

Abilities of members
Allocating roles
Size of teams
Member flexibility
Member preference


Work Design
Skill Variety
Task Identity
Task Significance
Common Purpose
Specific Goals
Team efficacy
Conflict Levels
Social loafing


Key Roles of Team



The End


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