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Oedipus Rex Story

Zach Driscoll
Per 3
AP Comp and Lit

1. Exposition
The play begins in Thebes. Oedipus, the king of Thebes
is trying to figure out why.
He promises to the people of Thebes that he will find
the cure to the plague.
He sends Creon, his brother and law, to the Oracle of
Delphi to see how he can fix the plague.

2. A Solution to the Problem

Creon returns from the oracle
He tells Oedipus that in order to stop the plague he
must find the one who killed King Laius, the previous
king and punish them for what they did.
Oedipus vows to catch the murderer

3. A Blind Man who sees

Oedipus then calls Tiresias a blind prophet
Tiresias refuses to give Oedipus the information that he
Oedipus gets mad and taunts Tiresias
Tiresias reveals the truth
Oedipus gets mad and does not believe him.
Oedipus accuses Tiresias and Creon of conspiring
against him

4. The Result of the accusation

Creon hears of Oedipus accusation and quarrels with
After hearing this loud conversation Jocasta, Oedipus
wife arrives.
She attempts to calm Oedipus down by telling him
about her prophecy which just happens to be very
similar to his.
Oedipus becomes more worried

5. Another Solution to the Problem

Jocasta tells Oedipus of a man who survived the attack.
She says that this man could settle all questions about if
Oedipus killed Laius or not.
They send for the man and begin to wait

6. What a Coincidence?
A messenger shows up with new for Oedipus
It turns out that his father had died
Oedipus and Jocasta are relieved because this means
that Oedipus did not kill his father
Then the messenger reveals that Oedipus is adopted
Oedipus begins to get nervous again.
This is the peripetia of the play

7. The Sole Survivor

The only survivor from the attack, a herdsman, comes
to the castle
Oedipus asks him about the attack
It is revealed that Oedipus killed his father and then
married his mother
It is also revealed that the herdsman was the one who
Jocasta and Laius gave Oedipus to, to dispose of
This is the Climax of the play

8. The Problem with the Solution

Oedipus has his Agnorosis
He realizes that Jocasta is his mother
He realizes that he could not avoid the prophecy
He realizes that he killed his father

He learns that Jocasta has killed herself

after learning about the situation
With this Agnorosis he has discovered the
cause of the plague, which is himself

9. Figurative Blindness Become


Oedipus blinds himself because of this scaring truth

He goes from being blind in a figurative sense because
he cannot see the truth of the situation to being literally
He talks to his children and apologizes for the rough life
he has caused them

10. Exile and Resolution

Oedipus Exiles himself from Thebes
As a result of this the plague is cured
The primary conflict of the play has been resolved
Universal order has been restored


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