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 The Present Tense is the tense (that
is, the form of the verb) that may be
used to express:
 action at the present
 a state of being;
 an occurrence in the (very) near future;
 an action that occurred in the past and
continues up to the present.

1.We use the simple present tense when:

 the action is general

 the action happens all the time, or
habitually, in the past, present and
 the action is not only happening now
 the statement is always true

2. The simple present used to describe a
common action :

 The simple present is mainly used to

express habitual actions, such as he
walks to school.

 The simple present is also often used in

combination with adverbs for example,
he usually walks to school.

3. Other instances in which the simple
present is used:

 The simple present is often employed on

the headlines of newspapers:
 Oldest man alive wins an Olympic race
or Stock markets crash.

 It is employed in conditional sentences:

 If he finds your sweets, he'll eat them!

 When a planned event's described along

with a time in the future:
 We leave for Berlin tomorrow at 21:00

 There are certain verbs that cannot be used in the
Present continuous, and therefore must be used
in the simple present, such as to love, to believe
and to see.

 It can also be used when making a citation:

 "What does the label say?" "It says not to dispose
the battery in a fire"

3. The use of the simple present when asking a

 When asking a question, the simple present always
uses the auxiliary to do.
 "What does the man want to buy?", "Which
colour pencil does the teacher like?"
 The simple present is formed by the
following pattern for regular verbs:

Pronoun Example verb : to play

i play
you play
he plays
she plays
it plays
we play
they play
 Thefollowing t able shows an irregular
verb, to be:
Pronoun Example irregular verb :
i to be
you are
he is
she is
it is
we are
they are
1) For repeated or regular actions in the present
time period:
 I take the train to the office.
 The train to Berlin leaves every hour.
 John sleeps eight hours every night during the
3) For fact:
 The President of The USA lives in The White
 A dog have four legs
 We come from Switzerland.
3)For habits:
 I get up early every day.
 Carol brushes her teeth twice a day.
 They travel to their country house every

4)For thing that are always / generally true:
 It rains a lot in winter.
 The Queen of England lives in Buckingham
 They speak English at work.


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