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In what way does

your media product
use, develop or
challenge forms and
conventions of real
media products?

1. In what way does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
media products?

1. In what way does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
> The products?
mast head I used and the mast head Kerrang uses is similar in some
ways. Both mast heads are in capital lettering and are spread across the
whole width of the page. They both also have some kind of texture,
Kerrang having a smashed glass effect and Your rock having a sort of
scribble effect. The mast head Kerrang used was a white colour whereas
mine was a vibrant green. This is because I needed my mast head to stand
out as it was the first edition. For the main image I used a two shot,
medium close up, Kerrang only used one person but still had a medium
close up shot. The medium close up shot was used because it is not too far
away and still lets you see a bit more of the subjects clothing and body
language. The main cover line on my magazine was lucky sevens new
album, interview inside which related straight to the main image as lucky
sevens was the name I used for the two girls I photographed. Kerrang did
the same thing as their main cover line was related to the main image.
Both magazines have the barcode and date in the bottom right corner as
this is a convention of the magazine layout. My barcode was turned
sideways as it gave me more space for a strapline at the bottom of the
page. The main cover line is the biggest cover line on the page in a very
large font, but still smaller than the masthead. The big font was used to
show it was the main attraction. I stuck to a constant green and black
colour scheme on both this page and the contents page. I did this because
it creates a house style that would then become recognised by readers of

1. In what way does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
media products?

1. In what way does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
> My contents
page and Kerrangs contents page both have the mast head
from the front cover on them somewhere. My masthead is right at the top
because it is my first edition so I wanted people to know all the time they
are reading Your Rock. Kerrang has the mast head half way down the
page showing what is in the Kerrang magazine. I split my contents page
into two half's to separate it a little bit. The first half I split into two
columns; both columns having an image and some story lines. The bottom
half of the page is then split into three, two columns for story lines and a
left hand column for the editorial. All three columns on the bottom half
have subheading showing what each column is telling you about. This is
similar to the layout of the Kerrang page in that it has two half's with
images at the top and mostly story lines at the bottom. Both magazines
have quite a simple layout that is not too busy but still has enough
information on them. Both pages feature the issue number on them. My
contents page sticks to the same colour scheme as the cover, using a
black, green and white scheme. This makes the magazine have some
consistency and would allow people to tell straight away that it is my
magazine they are reading. Kerrang also has a colour scheme, theirs being
black white and yellow. I think both colour schemes are quite similar in that
they both use black and white and then have a hint of colour in them. Both
magazines feature bordered pictures. My borders are quite thick so the
pictures stand out well where as Kerrangs images have a thinner, more

1. In what way does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
media products?

1. In what way does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
> For my
double page spread I broke away from the codes and
conventions for a typical rock magazines double page spread when
choosing a colour scheme. I did this because the band I chose to do my
article about were females. This is not very common in the rock music
industry, to have a girl band, so I wanted to make it very clear the band
was just girls. To do this I used a pink background on the article, because
pink is normally associated with girls and the two people I photographed
had hints of pink on their clothing. I did try to keep the pink as dark as
possible so the rock theme was still there but did use quite a vibrant
background and text. The layout of my double page spread is however
very similar to the Kerrang double page. this is having a large image on
one page and the text on the other. The main image is quite big and
takes up nearly a whole page of my article. This is similar to the Kerrang
article. I have used my original masthead off the cover in the right hand
because I wanted to use the masthead a lot as it is the magazines first
issue. The title of the article is the biggest writing on the page and
spreads across from the left to the right page, which is similar to
Kerrangs article. My article starts with an introduction paragraph and
then goes into the interview with questions in one colour and responses
in another. The article is in quite a small font as it takes up around a
whole page of the double page spread. I chose an interview because the
band was a new band and so I thought an interview format would allow

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