Evaluation Question One

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In what ways does your media

product use, develop or challenge forms
and conventions of real media products?

Main cover line
Cover lines
Direct address

In what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge forms and conventions of real media
For my magazine cover I have used codes and
conventions of media. Some of these include Masthead,
Main cover line, Cover lines, Barcode, Footer, Header,
Direct address. I have used these in a way to show the
genre of my magazine. For example the masthead I
have used has a font that is typical of a rock music
magazine, the sharp edges of the font are seen in most
rock music magazines and the idea to include it into my
own magazine came from the popular rock magazine
Kerrang. My colour scheme also denotes rock music as
from my surveys when planning the magazine and
studying other already popular rock magazines red,
black and grey seem to be the perfect colour scheme
for a rock magazine. Because of this I have used the
colour scheme red, black and grey throughout my
magazine to replicate some of the other popular
magazines. My magazine also uses direct address I
have used this as I found that most magazines across
all diferent genres use direct address to help entice a
reader into buying the magazine.

Direct address
Sub headings
Page numbers
Social media

In what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge forms and conventions of real media

For my magazine contents page I have used codes and

conventions of media. Some of these include Masthead,
images, page numbers, editorial and Direct address. I have
used the typical convention of adding an editorial to the
contents page so I can explain the magazine being the very
first issue and to also engage with the audience. I have altered
the shapes in my contents page such as the grey rectangle
which borders the masthead to look more edgy fitting in with
my genre, I also got that idea of the already well known Kerrang
magazine. I have anchored the images on the contents page as
that is something which is common in magazines. I have also
provided information about the magazine being on social
media, because social media is so popular more and more
magazines are using it to promote their articles so that is what I
have tried to do by providing info on where to find the
magazine on social media websites. I have again used direct
address in my image for the same reasons of it being a
common convention of a magazine and that it engages the
reader I also tried to base this contents page of a Kerrang
contents page. The layout is similar to the Kerrang contents
page however I have gone for a diferent colour scheme.

Drop cap
By line

In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of real media
For my double page spread I followed most
common forms, codes and conventions of a
music magazine. I have used a full page main
image which most music magazine do on a
double page spread. I have also used a dropcap at the start of the text, a by line and a
sub heading. However I have not used rule of
thirds for my image which goes against the
typical conventions of a magazine main
image. This could however reflect the
against the rules nature of rock music. I
have also gone against my colour scheme in
this part of the magazine as the colours are
now predominately black and white. I did this
because I believe the black text on the white
background is easier to read and other
versions of the DPS that included my colour
scheme were too problematic as in the text
or image were not clear.

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