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Topic 1 : Electrical
Installation System in

Lecturer : Madam Arffaazila Bt

Groups Member
Joyce Wong Yun Jie


Har Jun Jie


Teoh Su Ling


Mohamad Akif Bin Jora Fozi

Tamil Alagan A/L Thangaraj


Introduction to electrical installation

system in building
Introduction to Electrical Building Services provides a practical
introduction to electrical theory and electrical building services
systems to enable delegates to communicate more effectively
with specialists such as electrical designers, consultants and
contractors. It will enable the non-electrically minded to
comprehend the discussions and requirements surrounding the
To ensure a proper understanding of the basic algorithms used in
electrical engineering, delegates will undertake some simple
example calculations.

1.0 Types of electrical wiring

1.1 Open

An old house more convenient with an open wiring system since

the walls are closed.
The cables must be mounted without any sharp bends to prevent
damage to the sheathing and insulation.
The open system will take time to put up neatly, and it will require
more cable length as you have to follow all the bends and corners.
The cables may be painted or covered with wall-paper to make
them less visible.
Open wiring is usually the lowest cost system, but offers little
protection from fire and mechanical injury.
This makes this system relatively undesirable from the standpoint
of safety to personnel and appearance
Open wiring is generally not recommended, sometimes used for
low-voltage distribution inside buildings.

Property Selection
Among the feature the selection of this type of wiring
systems based on factors below :
Building stone or wood.
low cost.
Number of wires or circuits are less.
Less mechanical damage.
Prepare and finish in short time.
Small load power levels.

Pros And Cons of Open Wiring Systems

There are several advantages and disadvantages open wiring
system are listed below :
Prepare and finish in short time.
Easy made maintenance.
Easy to be modified.
Suitable for 1 -phase supply only.
Susceptible to damage.
Small load power levels.

1.2 Hidden wiring

system in which the cable is not visible because it

has been hidden from the eyes of consumers .
This is intended for consumers who are concerned
with neatness and beauty.
The only wires will be released as part of the end
of the cable should be connected to terminal

Property Selection
Selection of hidden wiring system depends on
several factors such as under :
Overall building of stone
Neat and attractive atmosphere
Mechanical damage can be reduced
Number of cable installed much
Cable longer term durability

Pros And Cons of Hidden Wiring Systems

There are several advantages and disadvantages hidden wiring system are listed
below :
Looks neat and pretty.
Mechanical damage can be reduced.
Does not depend on temperature conditions.
Can put a lot of cable.
Have a relatively long durability.
Expenses for this system is not so expensive.
Materials used are easily available.
Circuit damage difficult to detect.
Maintenance work quite difficult.

1.3 Conduit

popular in Malaysia and almost every building

wiring system using this type because it is durable
and is often used in place such as under :

Usually installed in place that is likely to

mechanical damage such as in factories and
The cable used is composed of coated and noncoated wire.

Property Selection
Among the feature - the selection of this system is
based on factors below :
If the cause of mechanical breakdown on a building
too much.
Requires a good grounding system.
Require the addition circuit.
Using supply 1 phase and 3 phase.
Higher power levels.

Type of conduit
There are several types of conduits used in electrical installations . Among
these are :
Heavy gauge metal conduit.
Flexible conduit.
Non-metallic conduit.

Uses of conduit
There are a number of uses in the installation of electrical conduits in
particular place. Among them are :
Heavy gauge metal conduit is most widely used.
Flexible conduit is installed as a connector between fixed or isolator to
electric motors.
Non-metallic conduit is installed on the outside of the building or place that is
easy to apply this reason in metal conduit.

Heavy gauge metal conduit

Flexible conduit

Non-metallic conduit

Pros And Cons of Conduit Wiring Systems

There are several advantages and disadvantages conduit wiring
system are listed below :
Cable guaranteed from mechanical damage.
Easy to install and swap a new one.
Less danger of fire.
Produce good earth connection.
Higher cost.
Need for skilled labor.
Requires a long time to complete the work.
Requires other accessories to facilitate installation.

2.0 Fitments and their functions

in the electrical wiring

2.1 Conductor
Electric current can flow freely
"Conductor" implies that the outer electrons of the atoms are loosely
bound and free to move through the material.
Metals such as copper typify conductors.
In copper, the valence electrons are essentially free and strongly repel
each other.
Mostmetalsare good electrical conductors.
Most non-metals are not good electrical conductors.
Metals are also generally goodheat conductorswhile non-metals are not.

2.2 Insulators
Opposite of electrical conductors.
Electrical insulators are materials that can withstand the flow of
electrical current.
Insulator are non-conducting materials.
Insulators help coat, protect, or support electrical conductors so that
the electrical current flowsthroughthe conductor.
These protective materials help prevent electrical shock or sparks.
Glass was used as the earliest electricalinsulator.
Glass can withstand the highest volts of electrical current.

2.3 Electrical Protection Wiring

2.3.1Lightning Conductor

A lightening conductor is a thick copper wire or strip that

connects a spike secured onto the tallest point of a
building to a long copper earth pole that is hammered
deep into the ground at the side of the building.
It protects the building from lightning strikes, by providing
an easier path for current to flow to earth than through the
In the event of a direct lightning strike, the current in the
conductor may be so great as to melt or even vaporize the
metal, but the damage to the building will nevertheless be

2.3.2 Earth Circuit

Earthcan refer to the reference point in anelectrical circuit
from which other voltages are measured, or a common
return path forelectric current, or a direct physical
connection to theearth.
Electrical circuits may be connected to ground (earth) for
several reasons.
Inmainspowered equipment, exposed metal parts are
connected to ground to prevent user contact with dangerous
voltage ifelectrical insulationfails.
Connections to ground limit the build-up ofstatic
electricitywhen handling flammable products
orelectrostatic-sensitive devices.

2.3.3 Fuse

A type of low resistanceresistorthat acts as asacrificial

deviceto provide overcurrent protection, of either the
load or source circuit.
Its essential component is a metal wire or strip that melts
when too much current flows, which interrupts
thecircuitin which it is connected.
Short circuit, overloading, mismatched loads or device
failure are the prime reasons for excessive current.
A fuse interrupts excessive current (blows) so that further
damage by overheating orfire is prevented.

3.0 Safety procedures and rules

based on IEE standard for
for Safe Working
on Extra-Low and
Low Voltages (Up to 1000v)
In general remember the following rules:Identify the source(s) of supply;
Secure Isolation;
Post notices;
Test that the equipment/system is DEAD; then
Apply earths where necessary and applicable.
Begin work

n for

Satisfactory? If yes then begin work.

Safety Precautions and Procedure for Work on Low

Voltage Systems
1. Wherever possible all work on low voltage electrical equipment including
conductors shall, except for circumstances details in work on a low voltage
system associated with a high voltage system.
2. Access to switch rooms is controlled by the Facilities Management section
of Campus Services Refer to Section 7 of the Safe System of Work Policy.
3. In situations where it is considered essential by an Authorised Person in
order to ensure a safe system of work, the dead safe-to-work permit
procedures are to be used (Refer to HR3).
4. If electrical equipment and conductors cannot be proved dead at the
point of work, and isolated, the live working procedures shall apply.
5. Making electrical equipment/conductors dead by means of a signal or
pre-arranged time interval is strictly forbidden.
6. The use of time clocks, relays, contactors and remote stop buttons as a
means of making dead is strictly forbidden.

Electrical Installation Works

On completion of the works and prior to normal use, the following
1. Electrical tests carried out in accordance with IEE Wiring Regulations.
Test results to be recorded.
2. Completion certificate to be obtained/completed for works including
new circuit.
3. Minor works certificate to be obtained/completed for works involving
modification (excluding repair) to existing circuit.
4. Circuit identification chart to be updated.
5. Electrical installation drawing to be updated to include new works.
6. The Authorised Person shall ensure all work listed above is supervised
and carried out in accordance with the IEE Wiring Regulations BS7671
7. The Contractor shall notify the Authorised Person prior to testing so
that the Authorised Person can arrange for witnessing of the tests.

4.0 Latest Technology on

Electrical Installation System

Solar energy
Wind energy

4.1 Solar energy

Solar Electric or PV modules convert sunlight to

electricity. The PV modules generate DC electricity - or
direct current - sending it to the inverter.
The inverter transforms the DC power into AC electricity
for ordinary household needs.
Existing electrical panel distributes solar electricity and
utility power to loads (appliances)
For systems with a battery backup (optional), the
inverter also regulates the charge of batteries. The
electricity stored in the batteries can be used at night
orduring blackouts.

4.2 Wind turbine

A shaft and gearbox connect the rotor to a generator,so

when the rotor spins, so does the generator. The
generator uses an electromagnetic field to convert this
mechanical energy into electrical energy.
The electrical energy from the generator is transmitted
along cables to a substation. The electrical energy
generated by all the turbines in the wind farm is
combined and converted to a high voltage.
The national grid uses high voltages to transmit
electricity efficiently through the power lines to the
homes and businesses that need it .Here, other
transformers reduce the voltage back down to a usable

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