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Comfort of life

Engineering is everywhere
Without engineer, this world would not have be what
it is today
We argue that the practice of engineering does not
exist outside the domain of societal interests. That is,
the practice of engineering has an inherent (and
unavoidable) impact on society.
Engineering is based upon that relationship with

Engineering in society:
Engineering has changed the world which comfort and
modernized the living style o humanity hence have a
great impact on society.

An engineer's conduct toward other engineers, toward

employers, toward clients, and toward the public is an
essential part of the life of a professional engineer, yet
the education process and professional societies pay
inadequate attention to the area.

Business and engineering:

All the new technology in the world for examples smart phones, laptops, air conditioner, washing
machine, microwave oven are the invention of engineering which enhance the business.

Business is also a source of engineering which effect the economical development in the world.

Engineering in society and

economical :
Telecommunication engineering have vanished the distances and
abridged far off contacts to quanta distances.

Role of Civil Engineering:

Civil engineers develops our society, they design and build
an infrastructure that ensures high rigidityand enhances
the life of people examples - schools, colleges, shopping
centres, bridges, water supply, drainage system, sewage
system and many more.
They provide transportation system. Also provide reliable
and safe structures which resists the effect of natural
calamities like floods, earthquake etc.
That's why civil engineers are very important for
development of society

farming of product used to sustain or enhance
human life
Implication of engineering in agriculture
Use of Mechanization for soil ,field operation for crop
and land management

robotic system: independent of the weather, small and autonomous, can

work for a long period

Use of air conditioning and refrigeration : during post harvest for

better food preservation and transportation

Total annual percentage of crop lost in in India is estimated to be between 35 to 40percent

(around 12 million tons) between farms and producers due to bad preservation

Irrigation system for water management: steady supply of water

for crops

Benefits to society and the

Increase in standard of living
Reduction in drudge work
Prevention of famine
Lower cost of production of goods
a release of labor from agricultural activities for employment in
other sectors

Creation of export market

The Roles of Engineering in socio-economic

Infrastructural Development.
Infrastructures are necessary structures
required for successful operations in a

They are the bed rock of a society. Without

them , the society could neither exist nor

Infrastructures are to the society what the

roots are to that green, beautiful tree!



Examples of Infrastructures
Water Supply
Sanitation systems,
New electricity lines,
Rails and Roads
Energy & Electricity
And a lot of other services

Chart showing Malaysia's life expectancy ratio

in birth from 2000-12. Data is according to the
world bank.

Bilateral as well as cross border trades

have been strengthened due to improved
means of transportation (Rails, Road, Sea,
Air, and even underground pipe and
channels etc.,). Thereby, boosting the
nations income and at the same time,
encouraging unity among nations.

Increase in life expectancy rate. This is

made possible through constructions of
sustainable physical structures and
improved health care facilities.

Who are those responsible for these?

Future advancement

Relating past to future

Engineering science and technology is
closely related to the development of
humankind socially and economically.
Review the past, and we will know the

Modern era
(Role of engineering in 21st century)
In the modern era, engineering science and technology has directly
connected scientific discoveries with industrial development and it has
become a major driving force of economic and social development.

Today, the world is turning multi-polar, economic globalization is

deepening, culture is as diverse as ever and humankind is fast entering
an information society.

Challenges and solution for future

advancement :
Where can we find the motive power to realize our dream, counter the challenges
and create the future stability socially and economically?

We can only find it from development, reform and innovation. The more resources
we consumer, the fewer they will be on our planet. Therefore, the traditional
development mode relying on the consumption of large quantities of resources is
clearly unsustainable.

Advancing science and technology is a strategic choice for humankind to meet

global challenges and realize sustainable development. This puts forward a new
mission for the advancement and innovation of engineering science and

In conclusion, It can be seen

that there is a great reliance
on engineering technology to
solve environmental problems
around the world today.

There are diverse facets of

the economy where
engineering has had
tremendous impact ranging
from the agricultural industry,
telecommunication, power,
infrastructure etc.

It is a well known fact that

countries who place more priority
on it`s quality of engineers are
more advanced than countries that

A society without engineers is like

a world without electricity..

In this technological age, the

power of theengineersin
shaping the societyand
environment has
profoundly affected the lives
many members of



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