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Adjat S. Rasyad

General Structure of the Spinal Cord

1. The spinal cord gives rise to 31 pairs of spinal nerves. Spinal

cord has cervical and lumbar enlargements where nerves of
the limbs enter and leave
2. The spinal cord is shorter than the vertebral column. Nerve
from the end of the spinal cord form the cauda equina.

Spinal Cord and

Spinal Nerve Roots
The spinal cord extend from the
foramen magnum to the level of
the second lumbar vertebra,
composed of cervical, thoracic,
lumbar, and sacral segments

General Function of Spinal Cord


The spinal cord communicates the brain and the PNS inferior to the head


The spinal cord integrates incoming information and produces responses

through reflex mechanism

Cross Section of the spinal cord


The cord consists of peripheral white matter and central gray matter


White matter is organized into funiculi, which are subdivided into

fasciculi, or nerve tract, which carry potentials to and from the brain


Gray matter is divided into horns: dorsal horn contain sensory axon that
synapse with interneurons, ventral horn contain the neuron cell bodies of
somatic motor neurons, and lateral horns contain the neuron cell bodies of
autonomic neurons


The dorsal root coveys sensory input into spinal cord, and the ventral root
conveys motor output away from the spinal cord

Cross Section of the Spinal Cord

Relationship of sensory and motor neurons to the spinal cord


A reflex is the functional unit of the nervous system: sensory receptors,

sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons, and effector organs


Reflexes dont require conscious thought, and they produce a consistent

and predictable result


Reflexes are homeostasis


Reflexes are integrated with the brain and spinal cord. Higher brain
centers can suppress or exaggerate reflexes


Kind of reflexes: (1) Stretch reflex, (2) Golgi tendon reflex, (3)
Withdrawal reflex (4) Withdrawal reflex with reciprocal interneuron, and
(5) Withdrawal reflex with crossed extension reflex

Reflex Arc
The parts of reflex arc are labeled in the order in which action potentials pass
through them. The five components are the (1) sensory receptor; (2) sensory
neuron, (3) interneuron, (4) motor neuron, and (5) effector organ

Stretch reflex
Muscle spindle detect stretch of the skeletal muscles and cause the muscle to
shorten reflexively

Golgi Tendon Reflex

Golgi tendon organs respond to increased tension within tendons and cause
skeletal muscles to relax

Withdrawal Reflex
Activation of pain receptors causes contraction of the muscles and the removal
of some part of the body from a painful stimulus

Withdrawal reflex with reciprocal innervation


Reciprocal innervation causes relaxation of the muscle that would oppose

the withdrawal movement

Withdrawal reflex with crossed extensor reflex

In the crossed extension reflex, during flexion of one of the limb caused by the
withdrawal reflex, the opposite limb is stimulated to extent

Spinal reflex, with ascending and descending axons

Convergent and divergent pathways interact with reflexes

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