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Skill Presentation of

By :
Alfina Rizqi Ardila
Dewi Yulia Wati
Luthfiyah Hanim S

Listening Part A Working Strategy for the TOEFL

(Strategi Mengerjakan Part A Listening for the TOEFL)
While listening to short conversations, focus attention on
the second line of the conversation.
(Sambil mendengarkan percakapan pendek, fokuskan
perhatian pada baris kedua percakapan itu.)
Most likely the answer to the questions in Part A is a
repetition of key words or the second row of short
(Kemungkinan besar jawaban terhadap pertanyaan di
Part A merupakan pengulangan kembali dari kata kunci
atau baris kedua percakapan pendek tersebut).

Sentence structure and specific expression of commonly

tested in Listening Part A covers :
(Struktur kalimat dan ekspresi khusus yang biasa diujikan
pada Listening Part A meliputi):
1. Structures (passives, negatives, wishes, conditions)
2. Functional expressions (agreement, uncertainty, suggestion,
3. Idiomatic expressions (two-part verbs, three-part verbs,
4. Avoid answering questions that sound most similar to the
expression that you hear from the tape.
(Hindari menjawab soal yang kedengaran paling mirip
dengan ekspresi yang anda dengar dari kaset)


Focus on second line

In part A, you will find skill 1. When you
are listening the conversation, focus on
the second line, because most likely the
answer to the questions in second line of
the conversation.
Avoid answering questions that sound
most similar to the expression that you
heard. But try to find the similar meaning
of the second line.

: Is there anymore typing paper?
: Not, they are out.
What does the man mean?
A. He doesn't know how to type.
B. He doesn't want to type anymore.
C.He hasn't typed the paper.
D.He believes they're out of paper.
: D. He believes they're out of paper.
Not, they are out = Nothing

Skill 3: Avoid similar sounds

(hindari memilih bunyi yang
mirip kedengarannya)

Example :
10. women : I could not believe the story in the
news about the problem with airplane.
Man: yeah, I saw it too. The pilot was forced
to land the plane in the field
What does the man mean??

10. (A)The pilot made an emergency landing.

(B)The pilot was forced to leave the plane in a
hurry. fielded
(C)The pilot questions about the forced landing.

The plane was damaged when it landed


Skill 9
Listen for almost negative expressions



: Could you put some more woods in the fireplace?


: I have to bring something from outside.

Narrator: What does the man imply?

(A)Theres no more wood inside.
(B)The wood in the fireplace should be put outside.
(C)Theres a fire outside.
(D)He needs to bring some wood outside.

The answer:
(A) Theres no more wood inside

The woman ask to the man to put some more

wood in the fireplace. Then, the man says that he
must bring something from the outside. It gives the
evidence that theres no more wood inside and the
man must bring the wood from outside.

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