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Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the

combination of your main
task and ancillary tasks?


How does the way that the review attracts an audience

to my film differ from the way that my poster does?

A film review and a film poster both have different and

respective functions and purposes. An audience that enjoy
an intellectual film magazine discussing complex issues in
particular films, and prefer to read analytical reviews of
films, rather than judge with their eyes on a poster, would
be the more attracted audience. The poster can attract
anybody, and is usually advertised freely, whereas review
readers of magazines such as Sight & Sound are willing to
pay money from their salary to explore in-depth analysis of
films. I believe that the audiences for both may
differentiate, with a smaller minority of the overall
audience willing to read the review, which takes much
more time and effort than analysing a poster.

How does my review inform my audience

about my film?
My film review references my film and
its key issues and themes, through a
critical analytic point of view from a
film critic assigned to international
film magazine, "Sight & Sound". In
each paragraph, critic Michael Brooks
offers his opinions on certain aspects
of my short film, Solitude, breaking
down certain topics and disputing
them realistically. The review openly
compliments my film, whilst also
lambasting it in an honest manner, in
order to provide constructive criticism
to help me improve as a film director.
Directly quoting the critic, Brooks says
his arsenal of cinematography
angles and shots must vastly
improve, and then going on to say
credit to the young man and
good luck to him, showing both
positive and negative viewpoints.

Is my review in any way biased and what might

the impact of this be?
I do not believe my review is biased, as I have openly
criticised myself constructively, analysing both positive
and negative aspects of the film. Admittedly, some
audience members could view my review as a biased
work, as I have positively complimented myself, and
this may detrimentally affect the number of people
who read my review, and ultimately the number who
want to view my film, because they feel it is being over
sold and is just going to be a disappointing contrast
from what the review has promised.
in his defence
but remember

From reading the review what do we learn/understand about

the genre of/audience for/directors rationale behind the film?

The genre of the film is actually

referenced to in the text, allowing the
audience to obtain a complete
understanding of the genre used in
my film. I know from my own research
that a niche audience is my primary
target, and likely the ones reading my
review. Niche audiences are very
informed members of the
unconventional film industry, and are
often more openly technical and
critical of certain micro elements used
within films. Coming to the director
himself (myself), the audience are
enabled to see the comparisons
between his first feature film, and his
current short, as both protagonists
display signs of isolation and a lack
and lust for human contact.

How effectively does my Film Review break down the

themes and issues that are the chief concern of my film?
My review communicates the themes
and issues of my short film in an
indistinct manner, with the issues of
drug and alcohol abuse briefly
touched upon, whilst key themes such
as appearance versus reality are
briefly touched upon. I believe I
referenced to certain key themes and
issues, without mentioning them
directly. My indiscrete manner may
negatively backfire as I do not explore
each issue or theme in-depth, instead
preferring to focus on the behind-thescenes effects on my film. However, I
have in some cases attempted to
explore certain themes and issues;
Solitude sees a young man attempt
to establish a connection between
himself and a young woman, in his
path to manhood, but without
actually referencing the issue/theme
directly in wording.


From looking at theposterwhat do we learn/understand

about the style of/genre of/audience for thefilm?

From looking at the poster, we learn

that the style of the poster is that of
a sombre nature, due to the clear
signs of despair and gloom shown
by the female in frame. It clearly
exemplifies the usage of the natural
environment and location shooting.
This reinforces the fabricated nature
of film posters targeted at niche
audiences, differing heavily from
the conventional posters targeted at
mainstream audiences. The position
of the female next to the stream
and the alcohol bottle placed next
to the female encodes the message
that the genre will likely be that of a
social realist, as it focuses primarily
on aspects of verisimilitude.

How effectively does the poster reflect/represent

the themes and issues of the film?
Notable themes and issues
connoted through the poster
include isolation, neglect
and mental imprisonment.
Through elements such as
the females desolate
stature, and the work of
cinematography highlighting
the half-empty beer bottle in
the foreground, they
effectively convey the
typical themes and issues
highlighted within my short

How far and how effectively does the poster

reflect the style of the film?
The style of the film is
reflected through the use of
several film award laurels,
demonstrating the film is
critically acclaimed by the
wider audience, and thus
appeals to a certain audience
demographic, therefore a
certain film style. The realistic
nature of my poster holds
notable social realist
conventions; review quotes,
awards and a tagline. These all
connote to represent a solemn
tone whereby it is not made
for pure entertainment, but for
interpretive, realist purposes.

How effectively does my poster promote my

short film?
Through usage of award
laurels, star reviews and
constructive quotes, my
poster effectively promotes
my short film. They connote
the message that my film is
appreciated by others,
especially by film and
newspaper critics. A great
example is the emphasis on
promoting the company
through a bold dark usage of
colour, which also suggests
that my film is worthy of the
companys importance.

What preconceptions can my audience

develop about the film from the poster?
The audience will likely
take preconceptions
from my poster and
conclude that my film is
very serious and
concentrated on a
particular issue/topic.
The serious manner of
the film is assumed from
the simplicity of the
posters design, and the
notable micro elements

Short Film

What stylistic elements are common to

both the ancillary tasks and main task?

The stylistic elements common to both the

ancillary tasks and the main task is the
naturalism of the poster and the naturalistic
camera shots used in the film to pull focus on
the surrounding features, conveying the
scenery effectively. The niche, realistic poster
and professional formal review layout follow
the stylistic conventions common to a social
realism genre review and poster, similar to the
main task. This allows the same stylistic tone
to be common in all three tasks.

What key thematic elements

are common to both the main
and ancillary tasks? How are
these explored/represented
in each?
Key thematic
that are common in both
the main and ancillary
tasks are that they all
follow social realism
conventions to represent
the social realism genre.
The film does this by
using untrained actors,
themes and issues in its
narrative, and naturalistic
lighting/settings for

Both actors participating were


Do the review and poster

convey/ communicate the same
message/ meaning as the film or
do they mediate narrative/
characterisation elements?
Both ancillary tasks and the
main task communicate the
same messages and
meanings of rejection,
isolation and neglect. These
are represented through
micro elements such as the
alcohol bottle placed next
to the female, and these
narrative elements offer
reason behind the

What narrative elements are common to both

the main and ancillary tasks?
The narrative elements
common in both the main
and ancillary tasks is they
all highlight the issues
associated with the female
character, through her
mentally unstable nature,
her drastic decision making,
and resort to using alcohol
and drugs as a means of
escapism. There seems to
be no solution to the
females problem, until the
entrance of the young man
provides her with a means
of safety and security a
break away from reality.

How do my ancillary tasks

impact on my main product?
The review impacts the film by revealing
detailed background information on the
story using comparisons to professional
texts similar to my own. I reference my
previous film, Truant, noting the
similarities between both. The poster
impacts my main task by giving a
simplified insight into the issues and
themes and a summary of the film by
providing iconic imagery.

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