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Chapter 16: Macroscopic Description of Matter

Stop to think 16.2

Stop to think 16.3
Stop to think 16.5
Stop to think 16.6
Stop to think 16.7
Example 16.2
Example 16.3
Example 16.6
Example 16.10

page 485
page 487
page 494
page 498
page 498
page 485
page 492
page 495
page 498

Chapter 16: Macroscopic Description of Matter

Temperature: T is related to a systems thermal energy.
Temperature scale:
1) Celsius C: The world most common temperature scale
As the old centigrade scale, has 100 degree between
melting point and boiling point of water, taken to occur 0
and 100 degrees, respectively.
2) Kelvin K : Temperature is measured as thermal
energy of system. Takes its zero to be absolute zero.

Tk Tc 273
3) Fahrenheit F: used primarily in US

TF Tc 32

Solids, Liquids and Gases

Solid: a rigid macroscopic system with a definite shape
and volume. An atom is not free to move around inside
the solid: Solids are nearly incompressible.
Liquid: Liquid flows and deform to fit the shape of its
container. It is nearly incompressible
Gas: a system in which each molecule moves through
space as a free noninteracting particle until it collides
with another molecule or with the wall of the container. A
gas is also highly compressible.

Mass density

Pressure P, as defined


Units of P, 1pascal = 1 Pa = 1 N/m 2

Atmospheric Pressure:
1 standard atmosphere = 1 atm = 101,300 Pa =101.3kpa

Atoms and Moles

Atomic mass unit: m(12C) = 12u
Molecular mass m(O2) = 32u
Mole, the amount of any substance containing 6.021023
particle is defined as one mole.
Avogadros number NA= 6.021023
Number of mole


NA m(the mass of a mole)

Ideal gases
The ideal-gas law


R = 8.31 J/molK Universal gas constant

P pressure, units is Pa
Vvolume, units is m3
PV units is Pam3= Nm= joules.
n the number of moles
Ttemperature in Kelvin scale.

Application of ideal gas law (16.20)

A 20 cm-diameter cylinder that is 40 cm long contains 50 g of oxygen gas at 20 C?
How many moles of oxygen are in the cylinder?
Notice the molar mass of oxygen is 32 g, therefore the number of mole for 50 g
oxygen is 50g/32 g = 1.56 mole
How many oxygen molecules are in cylinder
N = 1.56/mol x NA= 9.41023
What is the number density of oxygen:

What is the reading of pressure gauge attached toV
the tank
r h

Using the ideal gas law to get pressure inside the tank, P = nRT/V
Notice the reading of pressure gauge is the difference of pressure inside of tank
from the pressure of outside.

Ideal-gas processes
The PV Diagram: Pressure
vs volume
Each point on the graph
represents a single unique
state of the gas
Assuming that n is known,
from ideal-gas law PV=nRT,
we can get T for each point.

Constant Volume Process

Constant-volume process---isochoric process, volume
does not change during the process.

Constant-Pressure Process
Constant-pressure Processisobaric process
The pressure does not change during the process

Constant-temperature process
Constant-temperature process isothermal process.

Ti Tf PiVi PfVf constant

Problem 16.31
0.0040mol of gas undergoes the
process as Fig.

What type of process is this?

The Fig. shows that the pressure is

inversely proportional to the volume. So
the process is isothermal. PV = nRT

The initial and final temperatures should be

same T = PV/nR
Notice 1atm = 1.013105 Pa,
1cm3=10-6 m3

P1V 1
P1V 1 P 2V 2 V 2

Masteringphysics Up Up and away

For the balloon float, at least the buoyant force
should equal the total weight (basket, fabric, hot
air inside etc), that is:

W mbg hV 1 g c (V 1 V 2) g

h cTc / Th

We get Th (min) Tc

(V 1 V 2) mb / c

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