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What have you learned from your

audience feedback?

My Target audience and the

overall view of the feedback

My target audience were between the ages of 16-50.

Unfortunately the amount of feedback has been limited due to
the time I spent trying to finish the product. With hindsight
maybe I should have used Facebook to get it out to more people
and gain more feedback. From the feedback that I did receive
the majority enjoyed the video I created. I found that people liked
the concept and the story it was trying to tell. They also enjoyed
the song and said it was nice to see it revamped.

Feedback I got while creating my


My teacher commented that the use of the slow motion shots

were a nice transition between the narrative and performance in
the music video. Some people also liked the scenes where the
cards and dice were in reverse. Also the main character is very
good a lip syncing and portrayed the part well. Whilst filming
and creating the video a number of people had already seen
certain parts of the music video and had passed comments on
what they saw. A number of changes to filming had been made
along the way because of these comments. I really had to think
about the finished product and how it would come across to an

Feedback about the lighting

Dont always ask relatives, their opinion can sometimes be

biased. The feedback that I have gained is that some of the
shots could be better quality. Lighting also played a big part as
some of the scenes have flickering across them. I realised after
that this was due to how it was filmed. Time constraints meant I
was unable to redo the shots which was a shame as the music
video could have been so much better. All in all the audience
thought that the video linked well with the lyrics and that it was a
good interpretation of the song choice.

What I had learnt

I learnt that I should have thought more about the content

because some of the ideas that I had didnt always work. Some
of my initial shots with the band were good however they didnt
appeal to the audience as the shots didnt fit well with the style
of music.

Digipak and poster feedback

I received helpful feedback about the digipak and was pleased

with what people thought of it. They liked the digipak layout and
thought it was good how it linked to the song. They also liked the
aesthetic appeal. The poster I created to link together with the
digipak and to promote my song was well received. The
audience liked that the poster was eye catching and that it
showed that it was connected to the digipak and that it didnt
look like a different product.

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