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1.What is the goal of Niveas global

brand campaign?

The goal of Niveas global brand campaign

is to create a unified brand appearance
across all categories and all media, in other
words create awareness.

2.What is the message theme? (slogans)

The slogan is Beauty is

This 'holistic' concept of beauty was

inspired by a number of workshops, run by
the company, where women in Germany,
France, the USA, Russia, Brazil and China
were interviewed about their understanding
of beauty.

3.Identify the core market, the semi-periphery

markets and the periphery markets?

Core market: Germany, France, and United


Semi-periphery market: Brazil, China,

Russia and India.

Periphery markets: Middle East and Africa.

4. What are the core elements of the

media strategy?

The core elements of the media strategy

includes 45 second image spots on big
private television channels, and eight page
spreads in weekly and fortnightly womens

Also, the campaign will feature city posters

at 20,000 sites in over 85 cities in the

5. What are the components of the

message strategy?

The components of the message strategy

of Beauty is campaign will include
TV coverage

For the aim to convey

Niveas understanding of beauty through
their slogans such as Beauty is Caring
and Beauty is Sparkle.

6. What type of global marketing research did

Nivea conduct? Define consumer insight?

Nivea conducted a global internet project, Share what

beauty is for you: where consumers are invited to send in
their personal experience of beauty in word and image via
the campaign website.

Another type of research that was conducted was focus

group through inspiring the concept of beauty by a number
of workshops, where women in Germany, France, USA,
Russia, Brazil, and China were interviewed about their
understanding of beauty.

7. Describe Beiersdorfs marketing and

advertising strategy in the Middle East?

Marketing and advertising strategy in the

Middle East ran in four languages, English,
French, Arab and Farsi and will include
both local and international figureheads in
an attempt to increase brand popularity
and awareness.

8. Should Beiersdorf continue with its

fairly rigid standardized marketing and
advertising stratgety?

Yes I believe that Beiersdorf should

continue its standardized marketing and
advertising because in the Middle East
Nivea has reported positive results for
2007 including a 47% increase in the sales
of Nivea products.

9. Find a Nivea ad and translate/adapt/redesign

it for the Gulf market?

10. Assess the campaign in terms of success

on the basis of two variables? Sales/Top
executives interviews

In early 2007 the company stated its

ultimate aim to achieve a 5.5 per cent slice
of the global market for personal care
products by 2010. Growth was said to be
particularly focused on markets of China,
India, Brazil and Eastern Europe.

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