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ask them in the questions

Presenter Info
Kris Dunn
CHRO at Kinetix (RPO,
Founder of Fistful of
Talent , The HR
Hoops Junkie
Chelsea Rowe
Leadership Development
Consultant at Kinetix
Contributor at Fistful of
Resident Nerd


What the modern L&D

function looks like across
core job skill training,
leadership development
and more

Where Can You Focus? The Choices Are


Core job skill trainin

Broader professiona
development by
Manager of people

Core Job Skill Training

Some Examples:
Systems /process training
Widget production
Safety compliance

Types of jobs/companies
which will give you the most
Jobs requiring repetition, limited
ambiguity, and low complexity

Start with a job analysis and

develop or previously
identified performance gaps
How do I know if its
Employee performance
improves, time-to-productivity
goes down

Broader Professional
Some Examples:
Advanced Certifications
Continuing Education

Type Of Climate Prime To

Deliver ROI For
Companies with development budget
set up for employees
Companies with range of specialized

Key considerations: determining

who can attend and how much is
spent on each employee can be
Bonus Points: Leverages your
Company as career agents for

Manager of People Training

Some Examples:
Delivering Feedback/Coaching
Goal Setting
Performance Management

Good opportunity for any company

with managers of people (type
core job skill training)
Start by consulting with managers
and internal talent leaders on
How do I know if its working?
Exit surveys data changes, job
performance increases, managers
become more agile

Some Examples:Training
Leadership Development
HiPo Development Programs
Executive Coaching
Change Management

Companies that this training

format will deliver ROI?
Jobs/companies where turnover is
particularly expensive
Organizations which routinely
promote from within/defined career

Get started by consulting with

senior leadership to align with
strategic initiatives

How do I know if its working?

Great sense of awareness, more
tailored/strategic decision making,
greater leadership team cohesion

BONUS Lets talk about

managing perception of your
training efforts in your
Which type of training gets
the most reputational ROI?


Which type of training do you
currently have deployed in a
way youre comfortable with?


How smart HR and Talent

leaders are building their
approach to L&D with a mix
of company provided
training, outsourced
training and self-paced

Most Training and Development Activities

Arent Small Enough to be Effective
Traditional Paradigm
Training is an event
New expectation training
is just in time and is ready
when I want to take it
Size of traditional training
interventions is an issue.
The smaller and more just
in time it is, the better
the chances for learning to
occur and be used on the

Theres a Big Wave of Change Coming Related to

how People Want to Learn
Look to colleges and universities
to see the future of learning.
The business model of learning is
Some estimates predict roughly
half of all college classes will be
e-Learning based in 2019.
In the corporation, remote based
learning that uses technology can
reduce costs by 50% and cut
instruction time by 70%, and
allow units to be self paced and
at times, selected by the user
based on need.

Your Delivery Mix Is Based on Budget and How

Your Org Wants to Learn
Decent Budget, No Team Build
eLearning and supplement with
outsourced initiatives
Have a Team but no budget? That
team needs to be able to develop L&D
materials and youve got part
classroom training and part eLearning...
No budget and no team share L&D
budgets for your sector and influence to
get some budget, then move to #1
Big Budget, Big Team yeah, right
Sr. Level Considerations make sure
the classroom style training you can
provide influences the people who hold
budget $$$

Getting Budget Starts With A

Consultation on Pain
Look around there are
performance issues and
opportunities everywhere.
Consultation with Line Managers
and Functional Area Leaders is
Key Point sometimes the
business unit leaders wont
know what the problem is.
Do you have the investigative
skills to diagnose and make
them believe you can help
This consultation is the
intersection of learning strategy
and Workforce Management.


The most effective L&D delivery
platform at my company for my
mix of budget and org needs is:


Why You Need An

LMS/Technology Solution
To Bootstrap And Make
Learning Matter

Tracking and Reporting

You need help building
the ongoing case that
your L&D efforts are
Deserve more funding

The less time you spend

keeping score, the more
time you have to do
something that really

Cost Savings
FTEs dont grow on trees
3 Scenarios where an LMS just
makes you better as a L&D
No budget: Provides measureable data
you can use to petition for more $$$. No
need to pull employees out of the jobs
Some budget: On-demand manager
training. Gives you ability to assess
progress and identify opportunity for
more growth.
Fat budget: Ability to roll out to broad
employee base. Create extra
opportunities for employees who are
interested to growth without requiring for


5 ways to effectively
market your L&D/Training
function to look fabulous
as a Talent Leader

Before You Start Focus on

Headcount and Revenue

If you truly want to

operationalize your
learning strategy, you
cant treat everyone equal.
Start with the groups that
produce revenue first,
segment by headcount,
and prioritize your efforts
by moving down that list.
Priority list is enhanced by
leaders that show or
decline support.

L&D Marketing 101 Make Sure Your Product

Meets the Needs of the Customer
Whos the customer? Either the Biz Unit
or the employee.
Your marketing materials include course
descriptions, landing pages, the way you
communicate the offerings and, of
course, the training materials
For the biz unit make sure youre
describing how the training solves their
need for greater performance.
For the employee, make sure your
training helps them progress in their
Marketing to the Biz Unit and the
employee should be conducted

L&D Marketing 201 Promote Outcomes to the

Right Stakeholders
First things First do you have
If not, get some. Examples
include performance data, prepost assessments, etc.
Once you have outcomes, you
need to share them with the
internal world.
Outcomes promoted to biz
units includes performance
data, pre and post assessment.
Outcomes to employees more
testimonial based, focused on
career advancement.

L&D Marketing 301 Promote Your

L&D Function with Scoreboards
Lets face it nothing
pushes involvement like a
Good scoreboard items on
the employee front include
courses completed, top
performing students, etc.
Good scoreboard items on
the biz unit front include
course units completed,
top performing students,
budget dollars spent, etc.

L&D Marketing 401 Tell Deep Stories about

How L&D Makes People Successful
Even if you have no data to
speak of, youve always got
testimonials of how your L&D
function makes people better.
Project time tape 5-10
testimonials (make sure
theyre out of your biggest
customers and most avid
supporters) and get ready to
market them.
No testimonials means youre
not marketing yourself
aggressively enough.

L&D Marketing 501 Market You L&D Offerings

via Modern Marketing Techniques
Once youve completed the
first four steps, youre
ready for the graduate
level of marketing.
Use the tools that
marketers use today to get
results great collateral
pieces from multiple media
Deliver like a marketer
email, social, text, print,
Remember the Rule of 7


Thank you to our webcast sponsor:

Twitter: @kris_dunn
Twitter: @chelseaarowe

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