Importance of Forests

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Importance of Forest
What are Forests?
What does they give us?
What are its merits and demerits?
Why are they important?
What can we do?
Some statics.

The trees are God's great alphabet: .With

them He writes in shining green .Across
the world His thoughts serene. ~Leonora

What forest is
one of the top 5 natural
resources on earth
It is a natural, complex ecosystem, made up of a
a natural
wide variety of trees,
that support a massive range of life forms.
Forests are hugely important for
have sadly
life on earth.
taken for

A highly complex, constantly changing environment made up

of a variety of living things and non-living things.

What are the merits?

Timber production
Excess income
Natural home for animals(land
and water)
Provide homes for many different
Give off oxygen and take carbon
Prevents soil erosion
Give us medicine for the

Basically, there are no major disadvantages of
forest. But, deforestation has many demerits
which lead to many hazards. Like :
1. It destroys the homes of millions of species
of plants and animals.
2. Causing havoc in the biological food chains.
3. Deforestation leaves the soil bare to
erosion and leaching (the depletion of
nutrients in the soil). Thus, over time the
soil will lose its fertility, and eventually
desertification may occur.
4. The removal of trees adds to the high
levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
5. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, its
excess leads to Global warming.
6. Deforestation results in declines in

hy are they important

hey help us breath cleanly

Neutralize the pollution
Help us fight the Global warming

ccommodate many species that are important for many biological proce

Some Statics
Each year about 13 million hectares of the world's forests are lost
due to deforestation
From 1990 to 2000, the net forest loss was 8.9 million hectares per
From 2000 to 2005, the net forest loss was 7.3 million hectares per
year - an area the size of Sierra Leone or Panama and equivalent to
200 km2 per day.
Primary forests are lost or modified at a rate of 6 million hectares per
year through deforestation or selective logging.
Plantation forests are established at a rate of 2.8 million hectares per
The ten countries with the largest net forest loss per year between
2000 and 2005 (Brazil, Indonesia, Sudan, Myanmar, Zambia, United
Republic of Tanzania, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Zimbabwe, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) had a combined net
forest loss of 8.2 million hectares per year.

Thirty-seven countries and territories lost 1 percent or more of their

forest area each year between 2000 and 2005, while 20 countries
gained more than 1 percent per year due to natural expansion of
forests and afforestation.
Rare tree species and those highly valued for wood or non-wood forest
products are often in danger of becoming extinct within parts of their
range. On average, 5 percent of the tree species native to a country
are either vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered.
Around 10 million people are employed in forest management and
In recent years, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have
been rising at a rate of about 0.5 percent per year.
It is estimated that the worlds forests store 283 Gigatonnes (Gt) of
carbon in their biomass alone, and that the carbon stored in forest
biomass, deadwood, litter and soil together is roughly 50 percent more
than the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

What can we do?

1. Protect More
Ancient Forests
2. Ban the Import of
Illegally Logged
3. Use Less Paper and
4. Support the
5. Act on the
Solutions to Global
Climate Change
6. recycle more and
re-use items

The fun way to remember the most

important points in forest preservation
calledTREESwhich means...

Teachothers about the importance of the

environment and how they can help save

Restoredamaged ecosystems by
planting trees on land where forests have
been cut down.

Encouragepeople to live in a way that

doesn't hurt the environment.

Establishparks to protect rainforests and


Supportcompanies that operate in ways

that minimize damage to the environment.

Forest help us respire

Presented by:

Faisal Rasool

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