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The Simple Present Tense is used:

1.To express a habitual action.
He smokes every day.
The porter locks the door.
2.To express general truth and laws of nature.
Summers are usually hot.
The sun rises in the east.
The moon goes round the earth.
3.For timetables ( buses, trains, etc.) and programmes.
The train to York leaves at 5.30 pm.

4.For sports commentaries, reviews and narration.

Beckham passes the ball to Briggs. (sports commentary)
Tom Hanks acts wonderfully in the film. (review)
There is a girl called Cinderella. ( narration)
5. It can be used in newspaper headlines:


6. It can be used for a planned future action or series of

actions, particularly when they refer to a journey. Travel
agents use it a good deal.
We arrive in Rome at 19.30, spend four hours in Rome
7.It must be used instead of the present continuous with
verbs which cannot be used in the continuous form, e.g.
love, see, believe - we will say I believe you but not I am
believing you!

Look at each underlined verb and say what kind of meaning it
expresses. Is it a thought, a feeling, a fact or a repeated action?
Matthew loves sport.
a feeling
Sarah often works late at the office. a repeated action

a feeling
I hate quiz programmes.
We play table tennis every Thursday. a repeated action
The computer belongs to Emma. a fact
These plates cost 20 each. a fact
I believe its the right thing to do. a thought
Im hungry. I want something to eat. a feeling
I usually go to work by bus. a repeated action
Its OK. I understand your problem. a thought

Complete the sentences by putting in the verbs. Use the

present simple. You have to decide if the verb is positive
or negative.
- Claire is very sociable. She knows (know) lots of people.
- Weve got plenty of chairs, thanks. We dont want
doesn`t speak
any more.
1.My friend is finding life in Paris a bit difficult. He...
(speak) French.
2.Most students live quite close to the college, so
they (walk) there.
3.My sports kit is really muddy. This shirt.(need) a
good wash.
does not eat
4.Ive got four cats and two dogs. I..(love)
don`t look
5.No breakfast for Mark, thanks.
like happy.
6.Whats the matter? You ... (look)
7.Dont try to ring the bell. It(work).
8.I hate telephone answering machines.
I just.(like)
don`t own
talking to them.
9Matthew is good at badminton. He.(win) every
10.We always travel by bus. We.(own) a car.

Complete the conversation. Put in the present simple

I go
Rita: Do you like (you! like) football, Tom?
Tom: I love (I/love) it. Im a United
fan. (1).(I/go)
we travel
to all their
games. Nick usually (2).(come) with
you come
me. And
/ travel) to away games, too.
doesn`t make
Why (4)(you
I not I come) to a match some
do you take
Rita: Im afraid football (5)..(not / make) sense to me
I love
men running after a ball. Why (6).(you
/ take)
it so seriously?
it coast
Tom: Its a wonderful
(7).(I/love) it. United
are my whole life.
don`t know
Rita: How muchI (8)...(it
/ cost) to buy the tickets
that travel?
doesn`t matter
and pay for the
Tom: A Ilot.
not / know) exactly how
that annoy
much. But
/ not / matter) to
it doesn`t annoy
me. (11).(I
/ not / want) to do anything
else. (12).(that
/annoy) you?
Rita: No, (13)(it / not annoy) me. I just (14)
.(find) it a bit sad.


1.When a verb ends in a single e, this e is dropped before ing:
argue arguing
hate hating
love loving
except !!! after age, dye and singe ageing, dyeing, singeing
verbs ending in ee: - agree, agreeing; see, seeing
2.When a verb of one syllable has one vowel and ends in a single
consonant, this consonant is doubled before ing.
hit, hitting
run, running stop, stopping
a final L after a single vowel is always doubled:
signal, signalling; travel, travelling except in American English.
3. ing can be added to a verb ending in y without affecting the
spelling of the verb:
carry, carrying
enjoy, enjoying
hurry, hurrying

The Present Continuous Tense is used:

1.For an action which takes place when we speak ( now, at this
We are learning English now.
Whats the baby doing? He is tearing up a 5 pound note.
2.For a durative action, an action going on, a process.
Tom is working hard these days.
I am reading a play by Shaw.
3.For a near future arrangement
Im meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatre.
4.With always, when we want to express irritation, for actions
which happen too often
You are always watching TV.
He is always losing his keys.

Exercises Present continuous

Rachel is in the computer room at college. Complete her conversation
Andrew. Put in a present continuous form of the verb.
Andrew: What are you doing?(you / do)
Rachel: Im writing (I / write) a letter to a friend. Hes a disc jockey. Vicky and
are trying
I (1)(try)
to organize a disco.
are you finding
Andrew: That sounds a lot of
work. How (2)..(you!
time for your studies?
is helping
Rachel: Well, as I said, Vicky (3)(help)
we are getting
We aren`t spending
get) on all right.(5)..........(we/
not /spend
It isn`t taking
too much time on it.(6)(it/
not/take) me away from my studies,
are you waiting
dont worry about that. Oh, sorry, (7).(you/
wait) for this
Andrew: Yes, but theres no hurry.
I `m correcting
Rachel: (8)(I/
correct) the last bit of the letter. Ive nearly

What can you say in these situations? Add a sentence with the present
A friend rings you up in the middle of Neighbours, your favourite soap opera.
Is it important? Im watching Neighbours.
1 A friend is at your flat and suggests going out, hut you can see rain
outside. I dont want to go out now. Look,
it is raining
2 A friend rings you up at work.
I am working
Sorry, I cant talk now
3 You want to get off the bus, but the man next to you is sitting on your coat.
Excuse me,
you are sitting on my coat

A friend wants to talk to you, hut you have just started to write an
important letter.
Can I talk to you later?
I am writing an important letter.
You have been ill, hut youre better now than you were.
Im OK now.
I am getting/feeling better.



Now or sometimes?

We use the present continuous for something happening now.
I am speaking to you live. - means that Kitty is in the middle of a
live broadcast.
Its raining at the moment.
Im watching this programme.
Look. That man is taking a photo of you.
We use the present simple for repeated actions.
I often speak live to the camera. - means that she does it again
and again.
It always rains at the weekend.
I watch television most weekends.
Hes a photographer. He takes lots of photos.

B Temporary or permanent?
We use the present continuous for a routine or situation that we
see as temporary (for a short period).
Im working at a sports shop for six weeks.
At the moment theyre living in a very small flat.

We use the present simple for a routine or situation that we see as
I work at a sports shop.
Its a permanent job.
They live in a very nice flat.

C Always
We can use always with the present continuous to mean very often; usually
with the added meaning of too often.
Tom is always inviting friends here.
(= He invites them very often.)
Im always making silly mistakes.
(= I make silly mistakes too often.)

Always with the present simple means every time.
Tom always invites us to stay at Christmas.
(= He invites us every Christmas.)
I always make silly mistakes in exams.
(= I make mistakes in every exam.)


Present continuous or simple?


At work Mark is talking to Alan in the corridor. Complete their conversation.

Put in the present continuous or simple of the verbs.


Are you looking (you I look) for someone?

Yes, I need (1 / need) to speak to Neil. He isnt in his office.
He is talking
(1) .(he / talk) to the boss at the moment.
I think
they are discussing
(2)(1 / think) (3)........ (they / discuss) money.
are you looking
Oh, right. And what about you? (4).............. (you / look) for someone too?
Do you know
Yes, Linda. (5)..(you / know) where she is?
Oh, she isnt here today. She only (6)(work) four days a week.
She doesn`t work
/ not / work) on Fridays. Shell be here on Monday.
you know
Thank you. (8)..(you I know) a lot about Linda.
I give
Well, most days (9)(I
/ give) her a lift,
she lives
or (10)(she! give) me one. (11)(she! live)
It saves
quite close to me. (12)(it!
save) petrol.
I agree
Yes, of course. Good idea. Yes, (13)(I/ agree).
I am wasting / waste) my time here then. Ill get back to my computer.
Well, (14)..(I

Complete the sentences. Put in the present continuous or simple of

the verbs.

Im writing (I / write) to my parents. I write (I / write) to them every weekend.

It is snowing
It is coming (it / come) down
(it / snow) outside
quite hard,
I start
2 Normally(I/
start) work at eight oclock,
I am starting
(I/ start) at seven this week. Were very busy at the moment.
I am going
3 I havent got a car at the moment, so(I
/ go) to work on the bus
this week.
I drive
(I/ drive) to work.
4 The sun(rise)
in the east, remember. Its behind us
we are traveling(we / travel) west.
I am writing
5 Im afraid I have no time to help just now.(I/
write) a
I promise
report. But .(I
/ promise) Ill give you some help later.
I want
I am saving
6 ..(I/want)a new car.
(I/save)up to buy

Complete the sentences. Use always and the present continuous or simple
Melanie:Tom talks too much, doesnt he?

Yes, and hes always talking about football.


You forget your keys every time.


I try to remember them, but I always forget.

Claire: Sarah takes the train every day, doesnt she?

she always takes
Mark: Yes, .the

Vicky: Rachel misses lectures much too often in my opinion.

She is always missing
Emma: I agreelectures.

Mike: Every time I drive along here, I go the wrong way.

do you always go
Harriet: But its very simple, isnt it? Why ...the
wrong way?

David: Trevor and Laura argue much too often, I think.

They are always arguing
Melanie: I know


present tense of the auxiliary verb TO HAVE + THE PAST
PARTICIPLE of the main verb
He has painted the room. affirmative form
Has he painted the room? interrogative form
He hasnt painted the room. negative form

Use: is used to denote an action, or a state beginning in
the past and continuing up to the moment of speaking:
She has written many books.
I have given up my job. is used to express recent indefinite past:
He has just arrived.
My brother has already crashed his new car. expresses a completed action, the consequences or
results of which are still felt.
You have made two mistakes.
Tom has lost his key. He cant get into the house.

4. It refers to actions, which took place at some time in the past but
the exact date being of no particular interest.
He has travelled almost everywhere.
5. it can be used with all expressions of time which include the
present moment:
now, today, this year, ever, never, just, already, always, yet, since.
They have been at that hotel since Friday.
We have visited the museum today.
You havent finished your breakfast yet.
Ive felt really tired for a whole week.


present perfect tense of the auxiliary verb TO BE ( HAVE BEEN)
PRESENT PARTICIPLE ( VERB + ING) of the main verb
He has been painting his room. affirmative form
Has he been painting his room. interrogative form.
He hasnt been painting his room. negative form

Use: is used to denote an action which began some time
before the present moment and will probably continue
for some time after.
They have been learning their lessons.
Tim is still watching television. Hes been watching television all
day. is used for an action over a period of time leading up
to the present ( the action is still going on or has only
just finished).
We have been waiting here for twenty minutes. (We are waiting
He has been sleeping for ten hours. can be used to talk about repeated actions up to now.

She has been plying the piano since she was four. can be used to talk about an action which ends just before the
I have been swimming. Thats why my hair is wet. can be used with for and since.
My sister has been staying with me for three weeks now.
You have been playing on that computer since seven oclock.

1) I have been doing or I have done?
Look at these conversations and put in the correct form of the verb.
Use the present perfect continuous or simple.

I feel really tired.

Its because youve been doing (you I do) too much.
Well, at least Ive finished (I/ finish) that report now, and I can relax.
`s/has left
the ladder outside, look.
been ceaning
I expect thats Mike.He`s/has
clean) the windows.

He`s/has finished
I dont think ..
(he / finish) yet.
Youve got mud on your shoes.
i`ve/I have been working
Trevor: Its all right, Ill take them off.....(I/
work)in the garden.
You`ve/ have done
Yes, it looks a lot tidier. Well done...(you/
do)a good job.
..(I / hear) that you and Harriet are building a garage.
Have you been doing
How long....(you/
do) that?
We`ve/We have done
Oh, for about a month now. (we / do)..about
half of it

2) What would you ask in these situations? Use the present perfect continuous or
Your friend is wearing glasses. Youve never seen him with glasses on before. Ask him
how long ..
How long have you been wearing glasses?
Nick is playing computer games. Ask him how many
How many computer games have you played?
1 You meet a group of people walking across country. Ask them how many miles
How many miles have you walked?

2 Some workmen are digging up the road outside Sarahs house. Ask her how long
How long have they/ the workmen been digging up the road?

3 Laura is taking lots of photos of you and your friends. Ask her how many
How many photos have you taken?

4 You have just woken up from an afternoon sleep and seen that it is raining.. Ask your
friend how long How long has it been raining?

3) Complete the conversation. Put the verbs in the present perfect continuous
or simple.

What are you doing. Trevor? Youve been (you / be) in here for ages.
Youre making an awful mess.
I`ve / have been clearing
Trevor: (1) (I/clear)
out this cupboard most of the afternoon.
I`ve/ have found
Theres a lot of old stuff in here.(2).(I/ find) these, look.
You` ve / have been sitting
Laura: (3).(you/sit)there
staring at those old boots for the last
I`ve/ have been watching
five minutes. (4).(I/watch)
You have been
(5).(you/ be)in a dream.
I have had
Trevor: Theyre football boots. (6).(I/
have) them since I was about
They have been
sixteen.(7).(they/ be)in here for years.
Laura: Well, throw them away. And what about that tennis racket? Is that yours?
I have never had
Trevor: No, it must be yours. (8)(I/never/have)
a tennis racket.


Do not use the present perfect (I have done) when you talk about a
finished time (for example, yesterday / ten minutes ago / in 19851 when I
was a child).
Use a past tense:
The weather was nice yesterday. (not has been nice)
They arrived ten minutes ago. (not have arrived)
I ate a lot of sweets when I was a child. (not have eaten)
A: Did you see the news on television last night? (not Have you seen)
B: No, I went to bed early. (not have gone)
Use a past tense to ask When...? or What time...?:
When did they arrive? (not have they arrived)
What time did you finish work?

Present perfect

Past simple

Tom has lost his key. He cant get

into the house.

Tom lost his key yesterday. He

couldnt get into the house.

Here, we are not thinking of the

past action. We are thinking of the
present result of the action: Tom
doesnt have his key now.

Here, we are thinking of the actionin the past. We dont know from
this-sentence whether Torn has his
key now.


1) Decide which word us correct
Id like to borrow this book.

Has Anna read it yet?

a) done b) for c) just d) yet


1 Ben writes very quickly. Hes. finished his essay

a) already

b) been

c) for

d) yet

2 What are you going to do? I dont know. I havent decided ..
a) just b) long c) since d) yet


3 London. I went there in June.

a) been b) gone c) just

d) yet

4 Have you.done
any skiing?

a) ever b) for

c) just

d) long

5 My boyfriend hasnt rung week.

a) for

b) last

c) since

d) this

6 I havent seen that coat before. How.have
you had it?

a) already

b) for

c) long

d) since

7 The girls haveto
the cinema. They wont be back until ten oclock.

a) already b) been

c) gone

d) just

Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the sentence is
correct, put a tick (). If it is incorrect, cross the unnecessary have or has out of the sentence and
write it in the space.

Susan has lost her keys. She cant find them anywhere.
Christopher has hurt his hand, but its OK now,



1 The directors have arrived half an hour ago, but they didnt stay long .

Its raining and Peter has left his umbrella behind, look .

Its a long time since your friends have last visited us.

None of you have called me for weeks. Arent we friends any more? .

We can play tennis now. The others have finished.

The company has bought some land, but then it sold it.

The computer isnt on now. Someone has turned it off.

Tessa has posted the parcel. Its on its way to you.

Several bombs have gone off in the city centre. It has happened
an hour ago.

10 Simon has left. He and Oliver have left after lunch.



3) Put in the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Ive had (have) these shoes since my eighteenth birthday.
I tidied (tidy) my desk, but now its in a mess again.
1 The last time I.(go)to Brighton was in August.
have never seen
2 Id like to meet a ghost, but I(never
/ see)one.
3 Ive finished my homework. I(do)
it before tea.
4 And the race is over! And Micky Simpson(win) in a record time!
5 I (work)
for a computer company for a year. That was after college.
did you get
6 What time(you
/ get) to work this morning?
has been
Martin(be) to Greece five times. He loves the place.
has come
8 The President(come) out of the building and is going to make a speech.
9 You wont believe this, but Ive got some tickets for the concert. Oh, well done.
did you get
/ get) them?
haven`t riden
10 Of course I can ride a bike. But I(not/
ride)one for years.
11 Marilyn Monroe(be) in about thirty films.
Have you ever baked
12 .......................(you/
ever/ bake) your own bread? No, but I might try it some time.
13 Janet .(be)
very ill three years ago.
14 Rupert has left a message for you. He..(ring)
last night.
Have you seen
15 ..(you
I see) the news today? No. not yet. Ill watch it at ten.
Have been
16 We moved here in 1993.We.(be) here a long time now.

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