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dr Aris Prasetyo,MKes


Salivary Glands

Swallowing, or deglutition

Distribution of gastrointestinal peptides along the gastrointestinal tract. The

thickness of each bar is roughly proportionate to the concentration of the
peptide in the mucosa. Preproglucagon is processed primarily to glucagon in A
cells in the upper gastrointestinal tract and to glicentin, GLP-1, GLP-2, and
other derivatives in L cells in the lower gastrointestinal tract

Gastric glands didominasi oleh 2

tipe sel sekretorik:
(1) parietal cells
(2) chief cells.

Sel Parietal mensekresi:

intrinsic factor, penting untuk absorbsi
vitamin B12
hydrochloric acid (HCl)

pH 1.5-2.0 gastric juice, penting

untuk :

membunuh microorganisme yg masuk

bersama makanan
mendenaturasi protein dan
menginactivasi enzym dalam makanan.
Memesah dinding sel makanan yang
berasal dari tumbuhan dan jaringan ikat
Mengaktifkan pepsin, enzim protease
yang disecresi oleh chief cells.

Chief Cell
mensecresi pepsinogen
Mensekresi Rennin atau chymosin, dan
gastric lipase, enzym yang penting untuk
mencerna susu pada bayi baru lahir

produksi asam dan enzim oleh

mucosa lambung
(1) dicontrol CNS
(2) diregulasi reflex dinding lambung
(3) diregulasi hormon traktus digestivus.

Usus halus
(1) duodenum
(2) jejunum
(3) ileum.

Diagrammatic representation of the layers of the wall of the stomach, small

intestine, and colon. The structure of the esophagus and the distal rectum is
similar, except that they have no serosa or mesentery. In addition, the muscle in
the upper quarter of the esophagus is striated, and there is a transitional zone
of mixed smooth and striated muscle before the muscle becomes solely smooth
in the distal esophagus

The Movement of Digestive


Diagram of segmentation contractions of the intestine.

Arrows indicate how areas of relaxation become areas of
constriction and vice versa.

The Control of Digestive

local mechanisms

25 cm
Berhubungan langsung dengan lambung
disebut"mixing bowl karena menerima
chyme dari lambung dan sekresi dari
pancreas dan liver.

2.5 meters
Pencernaan kimia terbesar dan absorpsi
nutrien terjadi di jejunum

3.5 meter
Berakhir pada sphincter, ileocecal valve,
yang mengontrol kecepatan makanan dari
ileum ke cecum

Integrated action of gastrointestinal hormones in regulating digestion

and utilization of absorbed nutrients. The dashed arrows indicate
inhibition. The exact identity of the hormonal factor or factors from the
intestine that inhibit(s) gastric acid secretion and motility is unsettled,
but it may be peptide YY

pancreatic enzymes
Pancreatic alpha-amylase carbohydrase
identic dengan salivary amylase.
Pancreatic lipase memecah lipids,
menghasilkan asam lemak yang mudah
Nuclease yang memecah nucleic acids.
proteases and peptidases enzyme yang
memecah protein

Fungsi liver
(1) mengatur metabolisme
(2) hematological regulation
(3) memproduksi empedu

Metabolik regulation

Metabolisme Carbohydrate.
Metabolisme Lipid
Metabolisme Asam Amino
Membuang sampah tubuh
Vitamin storage.
Mineral storage.
Drug inactivation

hematological regulation
Phagocytosis antigen
Synthesis plasma protein.
Mengubah/ membuang hormones di
Mengubah/ membuang antibodies.
Menetralisir/ membuang toxin

Enterohepatic circulation of bile salts. The solid lines entering the portal
system represent bile salts of hepatic origin, whereas the dashed lines
represent bile salts resulting from bacterial action.

Usus besar
(1) cecum, bagian awal
(2) colon, bagian terbesar
(3) rectum, 15 cm terakhir

Wis entek
Terima kasih

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