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I Believe

in God
Five basic reasons why God is a Father
1. Our Creator ( Is. 42:-5-6)
2. Our Provider (Ps. 23:1; Lk. 12:28)
3. Our Redeemer (Is. 63: 16; Jn. 3:16)
4. God‟s indwelling Spirit (1 Jn. 4:12-13)
5. Our Self-Identity and Destiny- we are his
children and destined for eternal life
Our “motherly” Father

God is not sexual being

God‟s fullness of life embraces both the

paternal and maternal dimensions of love

Bases: Is. 66:13; Mt. 23:37

God revealed himself
in the OT as:
1. a personal God
12:1-2; 22:18)
2. a liberating God
(Ex. 3:7,10)
3. a faithful God
4. a father
(2 Sam. 7:12,14)
God as “Abba” (NT)
Jesus revealed God as a “Father”

God is the Father of all

-Father was not an authoritarian
paternalistic God
-a God incredibly committed to us
-a forgiving Father
-a Father who cannot be bribed, cajoled or
Proclaiming God as our Father, “Ama”,
“Tatay”, “Daddy”, “Papa”, is to realize
God‟s place in our own identity
We recognize our depth of gratitude to God
and responsibility to Him, i.e., to grow in
fullness of our capacities and trust him
God is almighty is the only divine attribute
cited in the Creed
Its importance can be explained under three
specific qualities

1. universal
2. loving
3. mystery
God the Father‟s power is universal
because he is our PANTOKRATOR, the
Creator and ruler of all things, infinitely
beyond any human father we experience
He is the Lord of Hosts (Yahweh Sabaoth)
and Lord of Mountain (El Shaddai)
His power is beyond or transcendent(Is.
55:8-9;) and within us or immanent(Is. 6:3)
Bible revolutionizes the notion of God as
-not impersonal, arbitrary, self-seeking
force, imposing terror on all creatures
- re-creating personal energy of non-
violent love (KAGANDAHANG-LOOB)
“Question of evil”

God‟s power is mystery because it appears

as powerlessness
“The foolishness of God is wiser than
human wisdom and the weakness of God
is stronger than human strength” (1 Cor.
Mystery of evil: we must affirm
1. our unshakeable belief that God our
Father is concerned precisely with each
and every one of us in all our troubles and
2. our faith tells us that evil originated in
the Fall of the first parents and not a
defect in God.
3. moral evil is a result of free choice.
The mystery of all suffering and evil in the
world (physical and moral) has to be
viewed in terms of our interrelated “world-
Faith offers spiritual strength to face human
conditions than intellectual solution
Evil is not a problem to be solved but a
mystery to be faced
From evil, we can draw goodness

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