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What do you feel that you have learnt

in the progression in your preliminary

task to your full product?

By Josh

From my preliminary task to my final product I fell my framing,
sound skills and camera work has improved drastically.
This is through the use of help, trail and error and videos which
have helped me learn skills such as short cuts on Final Cut Pro X in
order to apply them to my final product.
Finally the use of planning and post production, like scripts and
the animatic helping use get a more developed product.

I feel that my framing has improved drastically, in my preliminary
task I had poor framing, i.e central positioning, rule of thirds and
dead space, this means my final product looks more professional,
this also means that the audience will have more information and
be drawn more into the film.

Framing continued
In this Shot a match-on-action is used, when comparing this
to the next clip, the earphone wire has magically changed,
this may be picky, but a clip is went to be natural and as if
you where there, so this is an error, whereas in our final
product we did scrutinize it, heavily, in order to get the best
quality. This ensures we have improved continuity between

In my Preliminary task we used the microphone on the camera
which gave us problems like background noise and projection
problems, this is where the final product prospers, the use of
location recording gives us the ability to have more control over
these issues. Finally and linking with Final Cut Pro, we are no able
to remove background noise and also add clarity to a recording.

Camera Work:
My camera work has improved majorly, for example my positioning of the tripod, camera
movement and audio capturing.
The tripod positioning has been improved by the placement of the tripod, the more secure
the tripod the smoother the footage. An example of this is when we filmed out side of my
house in the final product, there was a step where the camera needed to go, therefore we
had to adjust the camera angle and legs in order for it to be a stable platform to film on.
Camera movement, the fluidity of the camera makes the footage smooth and natural, rather
than jittery and un natural. In my final product the end scene the camera pans and tilts
down to see a dead body, looking at it, its very smooth and natural, as if looking through
somebody's eyes.
Audio capturing, as in filming when there in no cars in the area, making sure the set is
quite, all of these variables making the film that much better because there is less
unneeded sound and rather set sounds that build tension with in senses.

The animatic has helped me get a rough idea on how the film will
turn out and what the problems will be. For example the problem
with the amount of frames in the 2 minutes started with the
animatic, and therefore we had time to discuss and plan what will
happen with this issue, whereas with the Prelim Task we only had
a few lessons to jumble something up.

The use of Scripts and documents such as dangers while filming
allowed us to become efficient in how we was going to tackle the
filming stage.
The use of the Script allowed the actors to learn the lines of by
heart and allow them to practise their body language ect, to
achieve a good end product.

Final Product over my Preliminary


Camera Work:
My match on actions are more natural, meaning they look like the
camera magically moves position as an actor moves through a
doorway for example, this means that my footage looks more
professional and realistic to the audience.
Again my framing, i.e the rule of thirds, has improved,
So the dead space is minimal, and the positioning
Of props and actors are well thought out.

My skills in Final Cut Pro X has improved drastically, i.e I can use
the shortcut keys rather than the icons so therefore I am more
time efficient.
Another aspect is communication, our team has bonded and gained
the trust of one another, so we can rely on them to contribute to
the work load and therefore come out with a better product.

What have I learnt?

What I have learnt

I have learnt that there is no I in team and so this final product
wouldnt have been as successful as it is without our group.
Also that neither filming nor editing can be ignored, both are as
important to create a well thought out film, and so we need to
plan in advance in order to be most efficient.
Finally I have learnt that time management is key in getting these
deadlines met, and that with out these as stated above more time
would be spent on one aspect, like filming and so the product
wont be as successful.

About Me?
Well I have learnt that dedication to complete the work and not
doing an half arsed job is key in order to get that successful
And that determination to keep going through the bad patches and
prosper in the end makes the course worth the effort.

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