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Production Function

Single Factor
Two Factors
Returns to Scale

Managerial Economics
Production Function

• All inputs for production are referred as ‘Factors of Production’ and classified
as –
– Land – Rent
– Labour – Wages
– Kapital – Interest
– Entrepreneur skill – Profits
• Production function – functional relationship between quantities of factors of
production and the resultant quantity of output.
• Thus the quantity of Output (Q) from the process of Production can thus be
expressed as a functional relationship –
Q = f (L, Lb, K, E)
Implying that –
– A change in the proportion of factors may vary the level of output
– Same level of output can be achieved using different proportions of factors
• For the sake of simplicity we further assume that there are only 2 factors of
production – i.e. Kapital and Labour
• The Production Function can thus be written as –
Q = f (K, L)
Single Factor Model
Single Factor Model

• Production can further be thought of as a function of a single factor – eg. Labour –

by keeping the other factors constant.
• Eg. – Say a certain amount of investment is done in Plant & machinery – which
remains fixed over a period – i.e. Does not change with additions to Labour.
• Then –
– Total Product can be defined as the total quantity of output produced on employing
certain units of Labour
– Marginal Product of Labour (MPL) can be defined as addition to total product due to an
addition of one unit of labour
– Thus – MPL = dTP/dL
• In such situation – Marginal Product will Total Product will

Increase initially Increase at increasing rate

Then decrease after certain level Increase at decreasing rate

Will reach Zero Reach a maximum

Then becomes negative Start declining

Total and Marginal Product

Marginal Product will Total Product will

Increase initially (OA) Increase at increasing rate (OD) Marginal Product

Then decrease after certain level (AB) Increase at decreasing rate (DE)

Will reach Zero (B) Reach a maximum (E)

Then becomes negative (BC) Start declining (EF)

Kapital Labour MP TP AP
100 1 10 10 10 3 Labour Units 7

100 2 20 30 15 C
100 3 30 60 20 E

100 4 20 80 20

100 5 15 95 19 D Total Product

100 6 7 102 17

100 7 0 102 15
O Labour Units
100 8 -10 92 12 3 7
Average and Marginal Product

• When Marginal Product (MP) increases – Average Product (AP) also increases – MP
curve is above AP – (OA – OF)
• When MP starts to decline – AP keeps increasing – MP curve is above AP – (AD – FD)
• Till such point where AP is equal to MP – MP and AP intersect – (D)
• Thereafter, AP also starts declining – AP curve is above MP – (DB – DC)
Kapital Labour MP TP AP

100 1 10 10 10

100 2 20 30 15
30 D
100 3 30 60 20 20
100 4 20 80 20

100 5 15 95 19
100 6 7 102 17
100 7 0 102 15 O
3 4 7
100 8 -10 92 12 Labour Units C
Total Product, Marginal Product and Average Product

• MP = dTP/dL = Slope of TP curve
• AP = TP/L = Slope of line joining point on TP A D
curve and Origin
• At point H on the TP curve –
– AP is the slope of line OH
– MP is the slope of line PQ
– PQ is steeper than OH – thus MP is higher B
than AP 3 Labour Units 7
• At point G on the TP curve – C
– Slope of OG = AP = MP 102
– Point G corresponds to Point D – where MP

intersects AP G

• Beyond point G on the TP curve – Q

– Slope of TP Curve < Slope of Line from Origin H

to point on Curve
– MP < AP O Labour Units
3 7
Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns

• This phenomenon is usually referred to as the ‘Law of Diminishing

Marginal Returns’
• Statement –
– For a given level of fixed inputs
– and a given level of technology
– Marginal returns from variable input will start diminishing
– beyond a certain point
• Diminishing Marginal Returns of factors is assumed as a standard
condition while analysing Production functions.
• However, capital accumulation and technological change off-sets the
effects of diminishing returns
• If technology is considered as an input – will it also be subject to
Diminishing Returns ?
Two Factor Model
Two Factor Model

• Given Production Function – Q = f(K,L) – let us now

assume that both factors are variable.
• Thus –
– Increasing quantity of K or L or both K and L will increase

– Decreasing quantity of K or L or both K and L will decrease
– ALSO, Increasing K and decreasing L in some proportion will IQ3
keep the Output constant IQ2
• The last proposition above gives us iso-output curve – i.e.
A curve joining different combinations of K and L such Labour
that Output remains constant – referred to as ISOQUANT
• Properties similar to indifference curves –
– Negative sloping
– Convex to origin
– Higher Isoquant represent higher levels of Output
– Slope of the curve – here referred to as Marginal Rate of
Technical Substitution (MRTS) gives the MRS between
Kapital and Labour = dK/dL for a given level of Output.
Properties of Isoquants

• Substitution –
– The 2 inputs – K and L – are substitutable
– A rate of substitution exists between K and L such that 4 A

the resultant Output remains constant
• Diminishing MRTS –
– The convexity of the curve implies a diminishing MRTS 2
– Thus every additional units of K can be substituted by
1 C D
lesser and lesser units of L
– Implying Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns
1 2 3 4 5
Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution Labour
Q = f (K, L)
dQ = dL . (δQ/δL) + dK . (δQ/δK) . . . Total differentiation L K ∆K/∆Y
[Marginal addition to total Output] = [additional units if L] x
A 1 4 -
[MPL] + [additional units of K] + [MPK]
dQ = dL . (MPL) + dK . (MPK) B 2 1.75 2.25/1
But along an Isoquant Curve marginal addition to Output is 0. C 3 1.25 0.5/1
So, dQ = dL . (MPL) + dK . (MPK) = 0 D 4 1 0.25/1
Special Cases

• Perfect Substitutes –
– In fig 1 the Isoquant is linear

 Constant MRTS
 Constant MP of factors (not diminishing)
 Factors perfectly substitutable at all stages
of production IQ3
 Entire production possible only by K
 Entire Production possible only by L O
• Fixed Factor Proportions –
– In fig 2 Isoquants are rt. angled –
 A certain level of Output possible only

with a unique combination of K and L
 Quantity of K and L along line OP
 For any IQ increase in K or L more than the
combination given by OP results in Zero IQ2
MP of factors IQ1
– Typically modular expansion of production O
Choice of Inputs

• The Choice of optimum combination of Factors is

determined by the Relative Prices of Factors A
• The logic is similar to that used in the Indifference
Curve analysis

• In fig, -
– IQ1, IQ2 and IQ3 are various Output levels possible by
combinations of K and L R S
– AB is the ‘Iso-cost Line’ (similar to the Budget line) Q IQ3
• If all resources are used in buying K – OA is the IQ2
maximum K that can be employed T IQ1
• OA – i.e. Total units of K affordable is determined by
cost of K – i.e interest rate (r) O
• If all resources are used in buying L – OB is the
maximum L that can be employed
• OB – i.e. Total units of L affordable is determined by
cost of L – i.e. Wages (w)
• Slope of AB = w/r
– Optimum Choice of Inputs would be point where
Isocost line is tangential to the Isoquant
– At equilibrium –
• Slope of Isoquant = Slope of Isocost
• MRTS = w/r
• MPL/MPK = w/r
Returns To Scale
Returns to Scale

• A unit increase in inputs – how much change in output will it result in ?

Double the Inputs  More than double change in Output  Increasing Returns
Double the Inputs  Less than double change in Output  Decreasing Returns
Double the Inputs  Double the Output  Constant returns
• In the fig. –
– From OA to AB – Inputs have doubled – but
output has more than doubled – Increasing
returns 4 D

– From AB to BC – Inputs have grown by 50% - 3 C
Output has grown by more than 50% - 55
Increasing returns 2 B
– From BC to CD – Inputs have grown by 33% - 1 A 30
Output has increased by 10% - Decreasing 10
returns O
1 2 3 4 5
Returns to Scale

Internal Factors – Resulting from Expansion of the Firm

Economies Dis-economies

• Managerial Efficiency • Business too big to manage

• Benefits of specialization
• Benefits of R&D
• Technology
External Factors – Resulting from Expansion of the Industry

Economies Dis-economies

• Specialised Units • Over utilisation of infrastructure

• Common Infrastructure • Competition takes business
• Emergence of Market Place share
Returns to Scale

• Increasing returns normally seen in manufacturing

• In sectors with increasing returns – optimum size of units is large – likely
to be govt. regulated sectors
• Service sector normally displays constant returns

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