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the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a
person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic.
synonyms: subject,topic,subject matter,matter,
thesis,argument,text,burden, concern,thrust,
message, etc.

What exactly is a theme of a story, and how can recognize it?

The theme of a story is what the author is

trying to convey in other words, the
central idea of the story. Short stories
often have just one theme, whereas
novels usually have multiple themes. The
theme of a story is woven all the way
through the story, and the characters'
actions, interactions, and motivations all
reflect the story's theme.

But don't confuse theme with the story's plot

or moral. The plot is simply what happens
in the story and the order of the story's
events, and the moral is the lesson that the
writer wants the main character (and by
extension, you) to learn from the
story.Each of these serves the overall
theme of the story. That is, the events of
the story illustrate the theme, and the lesson
that you learn relates directly to the theme.

So when you're trying to recognize the

theme of a story, ask yourself what the
author is trying to convey through the
characters and events of the story. For
instance, inThe Catcher in the Rye,
Holden Caulfield's actions are motivated
by his not wanting to grow up, so one of
the main themes of this novel is the
preservation of innocence.

Common Themes in Literature

It has been argued that there are anywhere between

3 and 40 main themes in literature that continue
to be explored by each successive generation of
writers. No one knows for what the real number
is--it depends on who you ask--but below is a
list, not necessarily inclusive, of the most
common ones. There are many variations, and
there are often overlaps as well. So, right or
wrong, in no particular order, here they are.

The Great Journey

This follows a character or

characters through a series of
episodic adventures as they
travel. It may be a sad story or
a happy story, or it may even
be comedic.
-The Odyssey
-Apocalypse NowandNational

Loss of Innocence

Sometimes called the "coming of age

story," this most commonly introduces an
innocent character to the evil or
complexity of the real/adult world.

Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest

Mass by Nick Jaquin

The Noble Sacrifice

. We often see this theme in horror or science

fiction, like inAlienandTerminator, where
the antagonist--a
monster/creature/human/alien/computer/etc.-- is
trying to kill the protagonist, who must fight to
stay alive and/or defeat the antagonist. Subcategories would be person vs. person, person
vs. nature, person vs. society, person vs.
technology and etc.
- Of Mice and Men

The Fall From Grace

This theme shows us people going where only God should

go, doing what only God is meant to do, or attempting
to do something that human beings should never do.
This is always followed by misfortune, whether it is the
direct result of their action or an act of God.
This also refers to the loss of status, respect, or prestige. It
may also refer to the fall of man , Christian termed to
thee first man and woman who lives in a state of guilt
because of disobedience.

God sees the Truth but Waits by Leo Tolstoy

A World is an Apple by Alberto

Love and Friendship

The ending may be happy, sad, or bittersweet, but

the main them is romantic love. Also included
in this theme is platonic love and friendship.

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

The Capriciousness of Fate

Greek tragedies fit this category. Often,

there is a major reversal of fortune. It
could be from good-to-bad or from bad-togood.OedipusRexis a classic work that
explores the concept of fate and destiny,
having an unhappy ending.
The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant
The Glass Menagerie


The subject is obvious, but the

outcome differs. Sometimes the
outcome is good, like in the
moviesRevenge of the
NerdsorAnimal House.
Sometimes the outcome is bad,
as inMacbethandMoby Dick.
Other movies based on this

The Big Trick

In this one, someone or some group of people

intentionally trick someone
else.RumplestiltskinandLittle Red
Ridinghoodare in this category.Stone
Soupis an old story in which several men
trick the inhabitants of a village into providing
them with food. This theme was evident
inSnatch, starring Brad Pitt, andThe Sting,
staring Robert Redford and Paul Newman.

The Big Mystery

Something unexplained happened and it

is the protagonists job to find an
explanation for it. and it took a
comedic turn inClueandThe Pink
Panther. Almost all police and detective
dramas work within this form, as do
most espionage and spy thrillers.
Agatha Christy and Tom Clancy work
within this form.
Sherlock Holmes, Hardy

Crime Does Not Pay

A popular theme played out in books
throughout time is the concept that honesty
is honored and criminals will eventually be

- God sees the Truth but Waits by Leo

-Crime and Punishmentand "The Telltale
Heart" are two stories written on this theme.

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