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Pengertian Passive Voice

Passive voice adalah suatu
grammatical construction (bentuk
gramatikal) dimana subject pada
sentence (kalimat) atau clause
(klausa) tidak melakukan aksi,
melainkan menerima aksi atau
ditindaklanjuti (receiver of action)
oleh agent lain (doer of action) baik
disebutkan ataupun tidak.

Penggunaan Passive Voice

a. Digunakan ketika doer of action (pelaku
aksi) tidak diketahui.
ex :
- Someone knocked on your door last
night = Your door was knocked on last
- Somebody has used the computer without
permission = The computer has been
used without permission

b. Digunakan ketika doer of action tidak

pentinguntuk disebutkan. Misalnya karena
pelaku aksi tersebut sudah jelas / bisa ditebak
atau merujuk kepada orang secara umum.
ex :
- You can view the results on the web = The
final results can be viewed on the web
- The teacher instructed the students to solve
the math problem = The students were
instructed to solve the math problem

c. Digunakan untuk memberi penekanan

pada object.
ex :
- Sunmark Press published The Enzyme
Factor at the first time in 2005 = The
Enzyme Factor was published at the first
time in 2005 by Sunmark Press
- I have to collect more than 20,000 dollars
to buy the car = More than 20,000 dollars
have to be collected to buy the car.

d. Digunakan sebagai variasi pada

tulisan. Misalnya pelaku aksi telah
disebutkan pada kalimat
ex :
- KPK investigators knew that Neneng
Sri Wahyuni returned to Indonesia.
They arrested the woman on June
13. = KPK investigators knew that
Neneng Sri Wahyuni returned to
Indonesia. The woman was
arrested on June 13.

Merubah Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) ke dalam bentuk

Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif)



Simple Present

Jane helps Tina.

Tina is helped by Jane.

Present Progressive

Jane is helping Tina.

Tina is being helped by Jane.

Present Perfect

Jane has helped Tina.

Tina has been helped by Jane.

Simple Past

Jane helped Tina.

Tina was helped by Jane.

Past Progressive

Jane was helping Tina.

Tina was being helped by Jane.

Past Perfect

Jane had helped Tina.

Tina had been helped by Jane.

Simple Future

Jane will help Tina.

Tina will be helped by Jane.

To Be Going To

Jane is going to help Tina.

Tina is going to be helped by Jane.

Future Perfect

Jane will have helped Tina.

Tina will have been helped by Jane.

NB : (Bentuk Progressive/ Continuous dari Present Perfect, Past

Perfect, Future, dan Future Perfect sangat jarang digunakan dalam
bentuk kalimat pasif)

Pengecualian Pada Transitive Verbs

Tidak semua transitive verb, kata kerja yang
direct object, dapat dipasifkan. Beberapa kata
tersebut yang antara lain: have, become, lack,
look like,
mean, dan lain-lain akan terdengar tidak wajar
ketika dipasifkan.
ex :
- I have a great new idea. > tidak dapat
dipasifkan dengan : A great new idea is had


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