Plant Metabolites

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Plant Metabolism

Primary Metabolites
Primary metabolites are compounds that are
commonly produced by all plants and that
are directly used in plant growth and
The main primary metabolites are
carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acid

Carbohydrates are the sugars made up of glucose
and its isomers
Carbohydrates come in many different sizes:
Monosaccharides made up of one sugar unit
(glucose or fructose)
Disaccharides made up of two sugar units (sucrose
is a glucose and a fructose)
Polysaccharides are polymers made up of more
than two sugar units

Structural polysaccharides are used to
support plants
Storage polysaccharides are used to store
energy for later use by the plant

Microbial polysaccharides are used for food, pharmaceutical,
and medical applications: this wide range of usefulness derives
from the great diversity in structural and functional
polysaccharides including xanthan, xylinan, gellan, curdlan,
cyanobacterial polysaccharides


They are glucans (polymers of glucose)

A(1-6) linkages some have a-1,2 and a1,3, and 1,4

MW is 15,000-500,000

Applications: Blood plasma expanders for prevention of thrombosis

Wound healing and dressing
purification of biomolecules

Microorganisms like Leuconostoc mesentroides

They are produced by extracellular enzymes like
dextransucrase which act on sucrose and bring
polymerization of glucose residues and liberates free
fructose in medium
Batch fermentation

A GLUCOSE POLYMER (-glucan) with a-1,4 and few a 1,6
70% of glucose is converted to pollulan

Fungus: Aurobasidium pollulans

A GLUCOSE POLYMER (-glucan) glucose hed by b-1,3

Alcaligenes faecalis, Rhizoium trifolli, Agarobacterium rhizogenes

Forms strong gels ehen heated to 55oC, gelling agent, immuno
modulator and immobilization of enzymes

Pectin is a long chain of pectic acid
and pectinic acid molecules. Because
these acids are sugars, pectin is a
polysaccharide. It is prepared from
citrus peels and the remains of
apples (pomace) after they are
squeezed for juice.

-(1-4)-linked Dgalacturonic acid

Pectin is a thickener in many products. If there is
sufficient sugar in the mixture, pectin forms a firm gel.
Jams and jellies are thickened with pectin. Pectin binds
water, and thus keeps products from drying out. It
stabilizes emulsions.
Pectin combines with the calcium and whey proteins of milk,
stabilizing foams and gels made with cream or milk.
In the cigar
substitute for
collectors will
wrapper leaves

industry, pectin is considered an excellent

vegetable glue and many cigar smokers and
use pectin for repairing damaged tobacco
on their cigars.

In human digestion, pectin passes through the small intestine more or less intact. In the large
intestine and colon, microorganisms degrade pectin and liberate short-chain fatty acids that
also used
lozenges as a demulcent. In
on healthin(prebiotic

cosmetic products, pectin acts as stabilizer. Pectin is also

Beta-glucan, from oat or barley bran

polysaccharides occurring in the bran of cereal grains, the

cell wall of baker's yeast, certain types of fungi, and
many kinds of mushrooms.
The cereal based beta-glucans occur most abundantly in
barley and oats and to a much lesser degree in rye and
They are useful in human nutrition as texturing agents and
as soluble fiber supplements, but problematic in brewing as
excessive levels make the wort too viscous.
Yeast derived beta glucans are notable for their
immunomodulatory function. The differences between
soluble and insoluble beta glucans are significant in regards

Beta 1, 3-D glucans seem to make the immune

system work better without becoming overactive.
They accomplish this by activating phagocytes, which
are immune system cells whose function is to trap and
destroy foreign substances in our bodies such as
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
In addition to enhancing the activity of phagocytes,
beta-1,3 glucans also reportedly lower elevated
levels of LDL cholesterol, aid in wound healing, help
prevent infections, enhance NK cell function, and
help in the prevention and treatment of cancer

Preparation of
chitin and

Biotechnological Uses of Chitinolytic enzymes

Chitin has a broad range of applications in biochemical, food, and various

chemical industries.
It has antimicrobial, anticholesterol and antitumor activities
Chitin and its related materials are also used in wastewater treatment
drug, wound healing, and dietary fiber
Industrial (water purification, stabilizer, pharmaceuticals)
Medicinal (surgical threads, wound healing, role in immune response to
allergic diseases)
Agricultural (inducer of plant immune system and hence enhance defense
mech.; fertilizer

In vertebrates, chitinases are usually part of the digestive tract.
In insects and crustaceans, chitinases are associated with the need
for partial degradation of old cuticle.
Implicated in plant resistance against fungal pathogens because of
their inducible nature and antifungal activities invitro (Chitinase in
fungi is thought to have autolytic, nutritional, and morphogenetic
In viruses, chitinases are involved in pathogenesis
In bacteria, chitinases play a role in nutrition and parasitism.
In addition to the above potential applications,
chitinases can be used for the production of chitooligosaccharides,
which have been found to function as antibacterial agents, elicitors
of lysozyme inducers, and immunoenhancers
Chitinases can also be used in agriculture to control plant pathogens

Penggunaan lain sebagai enzim
dalam cairan lensa kontak
Dalam industri makanan, papain
digunakan sebagai pelunak daging
Produknya : Panafil, Papase, dan
Softlens enzymatic Contact Cleaner

Bromelains, bromelain, dan bromelin
merupakan campuran protein
pencernaan dan enzim pembekuan
susu yang diperoleh dari jus Nanas
(Ananas comosus) Fam Bromeliaceae.
Terdistribusi juga pada batang
Enzim terdapat pada buah yang
mentah ataupun buah yang matang.

Bromelains digunakan untuk terapi

tambahan untuk mengurangi peradangan
dan edema dan untuk mempercepat
perbaikan jaringan, terutama setelah
Efektivitas dalam kondisi seperti itu
tampaknya karena modifikasi
depolimerisasi dan permeabilitas yang
menginduksi setelah pemberian oral.
Bromelains juga digunakan dalam produksi
hidrolisat protein dalam pelunakan daging
dan industri kulit

Enzim yang diperoleh dari cultur
Escherichia coli.
Efek antitumor mungkin disebabkan
degradasi oleh enzim L-Asparagin yang
beredar yang menyebabkan kematian sel
yang membutuhkan sumber asam amino
eksogen untuk bertahan hidup.

Efek samping tercatat dapat
menyebabkan reaksi alergi dan
anafilaksis fatal.
Digunakan tunggal atau kombinasi
dengan zat kemoterapi lain seperti
prednison, vincristin.

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