Nguyễn Thị Linh Nhâm Nguyễn Đình Quang Nguyễn Thị Lựu Bùi Danh Sơn Võ Thị Tuyền

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Nguyn Th Linh Nhm

Nguyn nh Quang
Nguyn Th Lu
Bi Danh Sn
V Th Tuyn

The Native Americans

The native Americans were not
the aborigines who had the
red skin.
They were the Mongoloid
people had the yellow skins.
They used comestic from
paint tress.
They mainly lived in Pacific
north and the eastern

Pacific Northwest:
- Based on the vast stock of fish
especially salmon and
abundant edible plants
-Made nets and weirs to harvest
this crop
- Developed techniques to
preserve their fish
-Assuring sufficient food in
seasons of scarcity
-Not having canoe

Eastern Woodlands:
-Agricultural culture:
fishing, hunting and trapping
- Lived in cottages
- Light birch canoe , a means
of commerce and
- Spoke such languages as
Siouan, Algonquian and


Lived on nature

Stable villages and

sedentary society

Early Americans
In 1492,The first European person
came to the American continent
in Bahamas is Christopher
Columbus (an Italian explorer),
worked for the Queen Isabella
of Spain. But he never came to
what named the USA.

Colonial america

After that, in 1513, the first

permanent European setlement
in North America was Spanish.
It was built in St Augustine in
Florida .by Juan Ponce de Leon

Later, in 1607,The British set up the

first colony in Jamestown
(named following The King of
England James I) in Virginia by
Virginia Company London and
the explorer Raleigh Gilbert
Raleigh Gilbert

Gradually, people came to the

British colonies were
English, Neitherland,
Sweden. Germany. France,
Scotland, Ireland. Some left
home to escape , political ,
.Some like black Africans
arrived as slaves.

The European conflicted,

made the native
Americans move to the
West territories , even kill

American independence

By the end of 18th century the whole of eastern coast of North American
had been colonized largely by British (13 colonies )

Causes: Although subject to British taxes , the American colonists have no

representation in the British parliament .
When the parliament free taxes for the nearly bankrupt British East
India company ,duty from import duty , a lot of merchants through
out the colonies were threaten with bankruptcy colonial opinion united
against the British

The Boston tea party

On 16 December , 1773 three ships
of the British East India
company came into Boston
Harbor. Unluckily , Boston was
a centre of resistance to the
British. The American patriots
dressed as the Indians( the
native Americans ) boarded
and threw the 340 chests of tea
into sea. To punish the
parliament closed Boston

The colonist first meeting in Philadelphia in September 1774 and replied

by a trade embargo on Britain

The War began in April 1775 .

The colonist second meeting in Philadelphia in may 1776 made George

Washington their commander in chief .

On July 4th 1776 Declaration of

independence was signed in the
colonists 2nd meeting .It was
mainly written by Thomas
Jefferson ( a lawyer of Virginia )

that all men are created equal ,

that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable
rights , that among these are Life
,Liberty, and pursuit of

October 1777 , the American won a

decisive victory as Saratoga
. Saratoga convinced the French the
Americans might win the war , the
French entered the war providing
military and economic assistance and
Spain and Dutch also declare the war
with British in 1778 and 1781.
Later Washington with the aid of
French army surround the British forces
at Yorktown on October 1781 (80000
soldiers and the chief Corngolisis
surrendered ) this battle defeat any hope
of British for the war . The war
continued two years later.
On September 1783 treaty of Pari
recognize the independence freedom and
sovereign of 13 colonies.
The United states of America was


York Town

19th century expansion

Treaty of 1783 which was ended the
war with Britain gave another
huge area of land , further to the

Later 1787 US Constitution signed

US Constitution

1789 George
Washington elected
first President(
George Washington was
born in Virginia in 1732
to a wealthy plantation
-Commander in chief in
Revolutionary War
-Making the creation of
the United States

The 19th century expansion

American land were expanded to

the West by purchase or treaty after
the war.
For example.

1803 American land was increased

by Louisiana , purchase .1803
Napoleon King of France agreed to
sell a lot for $15 million .. This
treaty was done by the president
Thomas Jefferson ( who had
written Independence Declaration.
The USA spread across continent to
Pacific by many ways such as
treaty, war with Mexico(18451847)or with the Native Americans

Civil war (1861-1865

Causes : Until civil war in 100 years , the USA mainly developed
into 2 ways :

Industrial commercial in the

Northern state by machine

Cotton farm in the South State by


Civil war
In the North ( free states)
They need national market to
produce and consume the
But the South closed the goods from
the North only used the Slavery

In the South they need lands in

the west to expand the slavery

Civil War

The direct cause of civil war

was that the republic candidate
Abraham Lincoln was elected
President in 1860 . He objected
the slavery in the USA

Lincoln (1809-1865)
The Greatest President -in the history of
the USA
The only president was born in a farmer
The famous letter written to the
headmaster of his son by himself
A lawyer
Famous for speeches. For instance, the
speech to honor dedicating the
military cemetery at Gettysburg:
"that we here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have died in
vain--that this nation, under God,
shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people,
by the people, for the people, shall
not perish from the earth
Push through Congress the Thirteenth
Amendment to the United States
Constitution, which permanently
outlawed slavery
The first president was killed
Lincoln -The excellent film of Oscar)

He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, all men are not true. But teach him also that for every
scoundrel there is a hero; that for every selfish Politician, there is a dedicated leader...
Teach him for every enemy there is a friend.
Steer him away from envy, if you can, teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Let him learn early that the bullies
are the easiest to lick...
Teach him, if you can the wonder of books... But also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of
birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside. In the school teach him it is far honourable
to fail than to cheat...
Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong...
Teach him to be gentle with gentle people, and tough with the tough.
Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the band wagon...
Teach him to listen to all men... but teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth, and take only the
good that comes through. Teach him if you can, how to laugh when he is sad...
Teach him there is no shame in tears.
Teach him to scoff at cynics and to beware of too much sweetness...
Teach him to sell his brawn and brain to the highest bidders but never to put a price-tag on his heart and soul.
Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob and to stand and fight if he thinks he's right.
Treat him gently, but do not cuddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel. Let him have the courage
to be impatient... let him have the patience to be brave.
Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself, because then he will have sublime faith in mankind.
This is a big order, but see what you can do... He is such a fine fellow, my son!

Civil war
The South Carolina ceded
from the Union on 20th
December 1860
.Missisppi, Florida ,
Alabama , Georgia,
Louisiana and Texas
followed it early in 1861
together they formed
the confederation , on
4th February 1861 .
Jefferson Davis become
the President of
confederation at the
capital Richmond

The table show the two regions


22,000,000 (71%)

9,000,000 (29%

Civil liberty



Slavery in the southern No

states in 1860



2,100,000 (67%)

1,064,000 (33%)




Arms production



Cotton bale



Fighting began on 12th April 1861 in
Fort Sumter. Following Fort
Sumter Arkansas, Tennessee ,
North Carolina followed

Civil War

In the Eastern
Union forces
suffered numerous defeat
the two brilliant Southern General
Robert E. Lee
and Thomas stonewall Jackson

In the Mississippi valley

in the west ,
General Grant and his force
gradually split
the confederation in two.

The sea
the union had naval superiority.It
was unable to establish in 1863 .
In 1863 British and south board
could not move in the sea

Meanwhile, in Septmeber,1962
Lincoln made
Emancipation Proclamation
( the Slavery free declaration). Black
slaveries were free and
participated in army

Then the war became a lost cause

after the battle Gettysburg in

54 black regiment

Lastly , in April
1865 ,Lee and his
army surrendered
at Appomattox,
-the president
Lincoln was shot in
May 1865 in Fords
by Joth Wikes Booth

Industrialization and

50 years rural area urban state

transformed from rural
republic into urban state
Inventions accelerated
industry: telephone and
typewriter made the nations
economic progress
Social problems especially because
immigrants violent racial
discrimination, ghettoes

Caption of industry
:monopoly company
(only this company can
produce and consume
products, not being
competitive like
Rockefeller in oil ,
Carnegie in steel , Ford in

Mass production goodsevery household a large

scale production

Henry Ford and his first car

the Quadricycle, which he
built in 1896

Ford motor T

Teddy Roosevelt and Wilsonreforms-regulate trusts:

Eight hours working day.

Protective tariffs were introduced



The world war I


The world war I

Before April 1917 strict neutrality

Due to attacking on passengers ship as by
German submarines and the discovery of
German plot to involve Mexico , the USA
declared war on German in April 1917
USAs participation helped Allies to win
America did not participated in the league of

The roaring twenties

Taxes were
drastically reduced
Remarkable rise in
living standard
Prohibited to
manufacture ,
transport or sell
intoxicating liquors,

Crash marked the
beginning of the
worst depression
Russian Revolution
(Oct, 1917 )

Slum of labourer

Racial discrimination

The Great or Redundant Depression



The new deal era

The only president
worked in 4 terms ,the
longest term in USA

the disabled person

in 1921
Graduated from Harvard
A lawyer


New Deal

Create jobs
Emergy relief

Create greater

Measures for farmer


2rd New Deal


Providing security

the terrible

World War II

1.Pearl Harbor
2.American navy obtained
3.Germany surrenders
4.the United nation
5.Bombs Hiroshima
6. Japan surrenders

7 December 1941
8 May 1945
July 1945
6 August 1945
August 9 1945

The cold war


The cold war


The Marshall Plan ( The European Restoration ) .

The USA wanted to influence the Europe on
politics, economy by loaning billions of
dollars in 1947

The president Trunan

signed Marshall plan

The Cold War

The Trunan Doctrine

Funds to help all free people to
resist Communist in Greece and
Turkey, after that in the West

The Cold War


The Warsaw

The Cold War

Viet Nam War(1954-1975)

The longest war and the the peak
war between capitalism and The
-Five American President
participated in this War
(Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson,
Nixon, Ford)
-The first time The USA surrender
and signed the Paris

The Cold War


The famous anti communist

theory was Senior Joseph
McCarthy of Wisconsin

Civil Rights(1950s-1960s)

Kennedy, and
attempted to
improve the
situation of black


KennedyThe president

The non violent movement

Martin Luther King

Rose Park-a black

women refused to
move the seat for
a white men.She
away the bus. This
Resulted in
Bus decay

The Civil Right

Martin Lurther King
received theNobel Peace Prize for
combating racial inequality
through nonviolence

-the leader of Africa

American Civil Rights Movement

Martin Luther King on his speech

I have a dream in parade

The Civil Rights

1960sThe militant
Black Power movement

-Lastly the civil right

act democracy law
signed in 1954

Signed in 1964
The Civil right Act(
racial discrimination in public

Crisis: Watergate

On 17 June 1972 five men

broke into the the Democracy
Party Headquarter in the
Watergate Building, The five
was arrested. All men worked
for the committee for Reelection of the President
Richard Nixon. Nixon still
elected the president while
this problem was investigated
Later, in March 1973, one of
them claimed the President
Nixon involved. Then, Nixon
resigned in August,1974(the
first president resign in the
term). The Scandals in politic

Inspite of political scandals, the United

States reamined by far the richest
and most powerful nation n the


President Reagan cut

government spending
most of all. especially as
social programs, together
with tax cuts to help
nations to overcome the
Changed the foreign
policy ,the toughter line
against Communist and
Soviet Union. attack
terrrosim, carry out an
air raid in Lybia


-The cold war came to sudden

Eastern Europe communist
Soviet Union collapsed(1991)
The USA the world only
But November,11,2001, The
USA was attacked by

In 2009 the first

president was elected
Barack Obama

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