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A career is a sequence of positions held by a person
during the course of a lifetime. It comprises of a
series of work related activities that provide
continuity, order, and meaning to a person’s life.
 A career consists of the changes in values, attitudes
and motivation that occur as a person grows older.
 Features:
 A career develops over time
 The individual
 Psychological success
 Exploration
 Establishment
 Mid career
 Late career
 decline
 They are distinct patterns of self-perceived talents,
attitudes, motives and values that guide and
stabilized a person’s career after several years of
real-world experience and feedback.
 Management competence
 Technical competence
 Security
 Creativity
 Autonomy
 Dedication to a cause
 Pure challenge
 Life-style
Career planning is a slow process and
should come as natural part of the
organizational culture. It should not be
formalized or hurriedly introduced, as it
may give rise to chaos and problems.
Attention should be paid to the career
development of employees on a systematic
 HRP is process of analyzing & estimating the need &
availability of employee. But career planning assist in
finding those employees who could be groomed for
higher level position, on the strength of there
performance .

 HRP gives valuable information about the HR for

expansion growth etc. On the other hand career
planning only give us picture of who cold succeed in
case any major developments leading to death,
retirement, resignation of existing employee.
 Attract and retain talent by offering careers, not
 Usehuman recourse effectively and achieve
greater productivity.
 Reduce employee turnover.

 Improve employee moral and motivation.

 Meet the immediate and future human recourse

needs of the organization on a timely basis.
 Individual career development:
 Performance
 Exposure
 Networking
 Leveraging
 Loyaltyto career
 Mentor and Sponsors
 Key subordinates
 Expand ability
 Self-assessment tools
 Individual counseling
 Information services
 Job posting system, Skills inventory, Career ladders and
career paths, Career resource center, etc.
 Employee assessment programs
 Assessment center, Psychological tests, Promotability
forecasts, Succession planning, etc
 Employee development program
 Career programs for special group
 As the fastest pace in business development opened new
doors for the organizations’, it also brought challenges for
Professionals and Professionals to be (Students), for their
survival and career development for the changing picture
of future business.
● The fluency in written and verbal communication,
particularly in presentations skills in English, became
eminent for business professionals and business
professionals to be (students), for bridging
communication gap.
● Evidently boosted demand of more trained, professionally
educated and refined people for the competent
Succession planning is a strategic, systematic
and deliberate activity to ensure an organization
s future capability to fill vacancies consistent
with the merit principle. It specifically focuses
on ensuring the availability and sustainability of
a supply of capable staff that are ready to
assume key or critical organizational roles as
they become available. Succession planning
strategies, which focus on developing employee
capability, ultimately enable organizations to
respond to change more effectively.
 Customized to suit the needs of the organization.

 Driven by the line function and not HR executives.

 Develop key candidates, in anticipation of future


 Training& Development.

 Take into account the culture of the organization.

 Consistent with the future strategic direction of the

 Candidates are arbitrarily identified.

 No strategic vision

 Problem in dealing big picture.

 Replacement may be far from ready to take over.

 Promotions & employee aspirations.

 lacks of transparency

 portfolio split
Succession Planning Model Results
1. Talent Driven
2. Accelerated
3. Vision for future
Education advancement
and Training

Self Development Accountability

Competency driven
Strategically Targeted
Rotational Assignments

Future Competencies Needed Aligned

with Strategic Plan

CEO/ Leadership Commitment & Involvement

Tells about Source: Aberdeen Group, September 2006

the extent to which leadership job openings can be filled from

the internal pool
the av. no. of qualified candidates for each leadership position
the number of positions with two or more ‘ready now’
the attrition rate from the succession pool

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