UNIX Basics

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Sreenivas Koppuravuri

Session Contents
 History of Unix
 Flavors of Unix
 Applications of UNIX
 Unix Features
 Unix Architecture
 Relationship :Kernel, Shell, User Programs
 Various shells

 Unix File System

 Unix Process Management
 I/O Redirection and Pipes
 User and group management

 About vi editor
 Unix Commands
 Shell Scripting
 Sed ( Stream Editor) , Awk programming .
UNIX Introduction
 Developed in 1969 by Ken thompson
 Popular OS, available from micro to mainframe
 Available for scientific as well as commercial use
History of Unix
 Originator : Ken Thompson
 Redesigned MULTICS SYSTEM and evolved early
version of UNIX
 Developed on PDP-7 machine
 1971 was written in B language
 1973 rewrote the UNIX OS in C
 1981 commercial version of UNIX released
Applications of UNIX
 Business environment
 Word Processing
 Financial Accounting
 Database management
 Communication
 Graphics
 Software development
 Office automation
 Academic and scientific environment
 Operating system research
 Prime operating system for conducting research work
Flavors of Unix:
 UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
 FREENIX is a trademark of Applied Digital Arts.
 Linux is a Registered Trademark of Linus Torvalds.
 UnixWare and Open Server are trademarks of Santa Cruz
 Tru64 is a trademark of Compaq.
 AIX is a trademark of International Business Machines
 Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems.
 NetBSD is a free, highly portable UNIX-like operating
system available for many platforms.
Falvours of Unix:
 HP-UX is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Co.
 IRIX is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
 U/WIN is a trademark of Global Technologies Ltd.,
 A/UX and Mac OS X are trademarks of Apple
 Free BSD and BSD/OS are trademarks of BSDi.
 Minix is a Unix-like freely distributed operating
Unix Features
 Multi User
 Multi Tasking
 Portability
 Security
 Modularity
 Multi user
Unix Features

-Several users can use the computer at the same time.

Unix uses time slicing to enhance multi user environment.
Unix Features
 Multi Tasking

Multi Tasking - Perform several tasks at the same time.

0 t 1 t
Some tasks are placed in the background while the
user continues to work in the foreground.
A background task is essentially a non - interactive task.
Unix Features
 Portability
Ability of the software to operate on any machine
effectively without major changes to the software.

 Porting the O/s - hardware independent

 Porting the Data - utilities are available.

 Porting the Applications - transportation is done by

recompiling the source codes.
Unix Features
Modular design
of the O/S allows various
parts of the Unix system
to be added or removed
according to requirement
without affecting the
performance of other
Unix Architecture
Relationship :Kernel, Shell, Utilities
and Apps
User Interactivec
commands ommands
and data

Prompt Output Output

Shell cat ls vi
Built-in Commands
of control
Request for

Unix Kernel and Device Drivers

 Core of the UNIX system
 Interacts with the hardware directly
 Insulates other parts of the UNIX from the hardware
 Perform all low level functions
 Part of kernel deals with the I/O devices, called Device
 All programs and applications interact with the kernel
UNIX Kernel
 Memory management
 Process scheduling
 File management and security
 Error handling
 I/O services
 Date and time services
 System accounting
What is Shell?
 Shell is the agency between the user and the unix
operating system. Like command processors of other
operating systems, the shell processes the instructions
that you issue to the machine. These instructions are
called COMMANDS.

 Simply stated, shell is a file that runs when a user logs

in and terminates when a user logs out.
Shell activities
 It issues the $ command and waits for user command.
 After the command is entered, the shell scans the
command line and and parses it.
 The command is then passed to the kernel for
execution and the shell waits for its completion.
 Again $ prompt appears and the shell waits for the user
to enter the next command.
 When there is no input from user, the shell is said to
be sleeping.
Various shells:
 Bourne (sh): this is the original Unix shell, available in
nearly every flavor of Unix.
 Korn (ksh): a backwards-compatible upgrade to the
Bourne shell, developed by David G. Korn at AT&T Bell
 Bash (bash): Bourne-again shell, a public domain shell
containing features of the Bourne, Korn and c-shell.
 C-Shell (csh) and T-C-Shell (tcsh): The c-shell is similar
to C programming language; t-c-shell extends csh.
 Z-Shell (zsh): an open-source Unix shell.
Various shells Manual sties:
 Bourne shell programming
 http://www.mcsr.olemiss.edu/unixhelp/scrpt/scrpt2.html

 The KornShell Command And Programming Language

 http://www.kornshell.com/

 Bash Reference Manual

 http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/localfiles/infofiles/bash/bashref_toc.html

 The C Shell tutorial

 http://www.eng.hawaii.edu/Tutor/csh.html

The Z Shell Manual

 http://zsh.dotsrc.org/Doc/Release/zsh_toc.html
Various shells:
 You can see what shells are available on your system
like this:

 $ cat /etc/shells

 You can see what shell you are currently using like this:

 $ echo $SHELL
File System
 Provides a logical method for organising retrieving
and managing information. The structure of the file
system is hierarchial , resembling an inverted tree.
File hierarchy

Software System Logs



Types of files
 Ordinary files
 Directory files
 Special files (device files)
 Character device files
 Block device files
 FIFO files
File naming conventions
 Max 14 characters long
 No concept of primary and secondary name
 May contain alphabets,dots,digits and underscores
 No embedded spaces or tabs
 System commands cannot be used
 Case sensitive
UNIX directories
 Directories : special files containing names of files and
other sub-dirs
 Home directory
 Directory assigned by super-user in which a user
normally works
 Current directory
 Directory from which user is currently issues commands
Standard directories of a UNIX
 /etc - stores system administration utilities
 /bin - stores most commonly used UNIX commands
 /usr - stores all user home directories and some UNIX
 /dev - stores all the device files
 /lib - stores library files for C programming
 /tmp - used for temporary storage
Files and processes
 Everything in UNIX is either a file or a process.

 A process is an executing program identified by a unique PID (process


 A file is a collection of data. They are created by users using text

editors, running compilers etc.
File Access Permissions
 Groups :
 Primary Group Membership (/etc/passwd)
 Secondary Group Membership (/etc/group)
 The ‘groups’ command

 Every file belongs to one user and one group

 Default user and group of a file when created
 ‘chgrp’ and ‘chown’ commands
Access Rights
 ls –lag list access rights for all files
 chmod [options] file change access rights for named

 Example:
 -rwxrwxrwx A file that everyone can read, write and
execute (and delete).
 - rw- --- --- A file that only the owner can read and
write - no-one else can read or write and
no-one has execution rights (e.g. your
mailbox file).
* Match any number of characters
 ? Match one character
 [ba] Match with one of the characters in
the bracket
 [a-z] Match with one of the
characters in between given
two, both inclusive.
 [!abc] Match character not not appearing in
Quotes Name Meaning
 There are three types of quotes :

" Double Quotes "Double Quotes" - Anything enclose in double quotes removed meaning of that characters (except \ and $).

' Single quotes 'Single quotes' - Enclosed in single quotes remains unchanged.

` Back quote
`Back quote` - To execute command
Unix Process Management
A process is program in execution
 Starting a process
1)Foreground process
2)Background process
 Process Handling
 Moving foreground process to background
nohup command
 Listing running processes
 Killing processes
Processes Control Commands
 command & run command in background
 ^c kill the job running in the foreground
 ^z suspend the job running in the
 bg background the suspended job
 jobs list current jobs
 fg %1 foreground job number 1
 kill %1 kill job number 1
 ps list current processes
 kill 1243 kill process number 1243
I/O Redirection and Pipes
 Standard input :
 Many commands take input from a file and sends output to
a terminal. These commands can also act effectively on a
character stream, without knowing source of the stream.
 The default source of this stream is keyboard. This stream
is called the standard input stream.
 The shell sets up the connection between command and
the keyboard.
 A stream can come from :
 The keyboard (default source)
 A file (redirection)
 Another program (pipeline)
Redirection : standard input.
 The shell can reassign the standard input from a file rather
than a keyboard. This connection is set by the shell using
metachatacter ‘<‘.
 Eg.
 $ wc < infile
 Here the shell reassigns the input to the wc (word count)
command to come from a disk file instead of keyboard.
 If input is taken from multiple sources, the ‘-’ symbol must
be used to indicate sequence of taking input. Eg.
 $ cat – myfile
<indicates first from standard input and then from
Redirection : standard output
 The standard output stream can also have three possible
destinations :
 The terminal ie. User screen (default destination)
 File
 Input to another program
 The default destination can be changed using ‘>’ operator.
 Eg. $ wc infile > newfile
 Here the results of the wc command will be sent to the disk
file ‘newfile’.
 Eg. $ wc infile >> afile
 The >> can be used to append the output to the file instead
of overwriting it.
Redirection : standard error
 All error messages are written to the standard error stream.
 Error messages such as ‘file not found’ are by default
displayed on terminal.
 We need to use the ‘2>’ descriptor to set the standard error;
 Eg: $ cat nofile 2> errorfile.
 Here if the file ‘nofile’ doesn’t exist in the directory then the
error message ‘No such file or directory’ will be written to
the file ‘errorfile’ instead of being displayed on the screen.
 The ‘2’ here actually represents the standard error file. In
fact 0 and 1 are file descriptors for input and output
streams but need not be explicitly specified with their
corresponding redirection operators.
Input/ Output Redirection
I/O Abbreviation Description
Standard stdin Commands receive information from the user via standard
input. By default, standard input is the keyboard.
Standard stdout Commands send non-error output to the user via
Output standard output. By default, standard output is the
terminal (i.e. written to the screen).
Standard stderr Commands send error messages to the user via
standard error. By default, standard error is the terminal.
Simple Redirection
Example Description
cmd1 | cmd2 Pipe stdout from one command to stdin of another.
cmd < file Read stdin from a file.
cmd << text Read stdin until reaching a line identical to text .
cmd > file Redirect stdout to a file. (overwrite if file exists)
cmd >> file Append stdout to a file.
cmd 2>file Redirect stderr to a file. (overwrite if file exists)
cmd 2>>file Append stderr to a file.
Multiple Redirection
Example Description
cmd1 2>&1 | Pipe stdout and stderr from one command to stdin of another.
cmd < f1 > f2 Redirect stdin and stdout simultaneously.
cmd > file 2>&1 Redirect both stdout and stderr to a file. (overwrite if file
cmd >> file Append both stdout and stderr to a file.
cmd > f1 2> f2 Redirect stdout to the file f1 and stderr to the file f2 . (overwrite
if the files exist)
cmd >> f1 2>> Append stdout to the file f1 and append stderr to the file f2 .
cmd | tee f1 Redirect stdout to the screen and to the file f1 . (overwrites f1
if it exists)
cmd | tee -a f1 Redirect stdout to the screen and append it to the file f1 .
Grouping command
Example Description
cmd1 ; cmd2 Execute multiple commands on the same line.
{ cmd1 ; cmd2; Execute
} multiple commands as a group in the current shell.
( cmd1 ; cmd2) Execute multiple commands as a group in a subshell.
Environment changes and defined variables will not persist
outside the subshell.
cmd1 && cmd2 Execute cmd1 . Execute cmd2 only if cmd1 succeeds. && is
called the AND operator.
cmd1 || cmd2 Execute cmd1 . Execute cmd2 only if cmd1 fails. || is called the
OR operator
 pipe – output of one command is supplied as input to

 tee – read standard input & writes to std o/p & the file of
user choice
User and group management
To create a Unix user id following information is required
User Management
1. User Name

2. User Id

3. Group Id

4. Home directory

5. Login shell
 User name – must be unique consisting of 2-8 letters
User Management
and numerals
 User id – Unique user id ranging from 100 to 60,000.
User ID’s 0-100 reserved for system users
 Group id – unique numerical id to which the user
belongs. Ranges from 100-60,000
 Home directory – identifies user’s home directory path
 Login shell – identifies the user shell
Various shells are:
Bourne shell (sh), korn shell (ksh), C shell (csh), bash shell
The user and group information is stored in following files:
User & Group Information


vi editor
Operates in two modes
vi mode
 Insert mode

 Command mode

Pressing [Esc] key returns the editor in command mode

 Insert before cursor, before line i, I
Inserting text
 Append after cursor, after line a, A

 Open new line after, line before o, O

 Replace one char, many char r, R

 Character to right, left x, X
Deleting text
 To end of line D

 Line dd

 Word dw
Copying is called yanking in vi
Copy and paste text
Yanking Text
 Line yy
 Character

Pasting is referred to as Putting text in vi

Putting Text
 Put after position or line p
 Put before position or line P
 Search forward /string
Search for strings
 Search backward ?string

 Repeat search in same, reverse directions n, N

The search and replace command is accomplished with

The syntax is
:start line no., end line no. s/pattern/string/flags

flags – g, c
 Exit saving changes :wq
 Quit (unless changes) :q

 Quit (force, even if unsaved) :q!

 Write (forcibly) :w!

Unix Commands
The command
 The shell which processes commands is itself a program
which can be invoked by giving command ”sh”. This
program is located in directory ‘/bin’.

 Whatever typed at the $ prompt is input to the sh program.

 To change the prompt so that it shows the path to your

current working directory, enter:
export PS1='$PWD > '
 To see the new prompt each time you login, place this in
your .profile (login file).
Internal and External Commands
 Internal Commands :
 These are built into the shell.
 Eg.cd

 External Commands :
 A separate process is spawned.

 Steps followed :
 Check if built-in command
 Check if absolute path is given
 Search in PATH – The environment variable containing a list
of directories
 Simple unix commands
 Organizing a directory
 File management commands
 Security Commands
 Status information commands
 Working with text
 Controlling a running program
 Redirection commands
 communication commands
 Process management commands
Command Substitution
 This enables the argument of one command to be
obtained from the output of another command.

 Eg.
 $ echo “Today is date”
Output will be : today is date

 $ echo “Today is `date`”

Today is Tue Dec 16 05:56:59 CST 2003
Getting help :

 man command read the online manual page

for a command
 whatis command brief description of a
Simple Unix Commands
 clear - clear the screen
 banner <text> - print in large letters
 pwd - prints the current working directory
 echo <text> - echoes the text on the screen
 cal - prints the calendar for the year.
 cal [month] [year] - gives the calendar
for the specified month & year.
Listing Files and Directories
 ls list files and directories
 ls –a list files and directories
including hidden
 mkdir make a directory
 cd directory change to named directory
 cd change to home-directory
 cd .. change to parent directory
 pwd display the path of the current
Copying Files
 cp file1 file2 copy file1 and call it file2
 mv file1 file2 move or rename file1 to file2
 rm file remove a file
 rmdir directory remove a directory
 cat file display a file
 more file display a file a page at a time
 head file display the first few lines of a file
 tail file display the last few lines of a file
 grep keyword' file search a file for keywords
 wc file count number of lines/words/characters
in file
 ps – report process status
-e ListsUnix
 Commands
information about all process now running
 -f Full listing

 echo – echo arguments

 \c Continues the output on the same line
 echo “Hello World!”

 chmod – change mode

 chmod 755 <filename>

 ls – directory listing
 -a list all entries including those beginning with .
 -l long listing
 cat – concatenate and display files
Basic Unix
-b number
 Commands
the lines Contd.
as in –n but omit numbers for blank line
 -s silent about non-existent files
 cat <filename>
 find – find files
 -name True if pattern matches the current file name
 -print causes current path name to be printed
 find <pathname> -name <filename> -print
 grep – search a file for a pattern
 -l print only the name of the file with matching lines
 -v print all lines except those that contain the pattern
 date – write the date and time
 date ‘+%m%d%y’
 -u – display the date in GMT
 cp – copy files
Basic Unix
-i interactive
 copy Commands Contd.
 -r copy files and subdirectories
 cp <source_filename> <destination_filename>
 mv – move files
 -i asks for confirmation before moving if file already exists
 -f move without prompting
 rm – remove files
 Same options as cp/mv
 who – who is on the system
 -m – output info about current terminal
 -q – display only names and number of users currently logged in
 whoami – display the effective current username
 pwd – print working directory
Basic Unix Commands Contd.
 wc – line, word and character count in a file
 -l – count number of lines
 -w – count number of words

 more – list file contents by screen

 -c – clear before displaying
 -w – prompts and waits for key to be hit before exiting

 diff – show difference between two files

 -i – ignore the case of the letters
 -w – ignore all blanks and spaces
 diff –w <first filename> <second filename>
 cut
-c – listUnix
 following cCommands Contd.
specifies char positions eq –c1-72
 -d – delimiter
 -f – show fields separated by delimiter
 cut –c1-10 <filename>

 paste
 -d – delimiter character
 -s – concatenate each separate line in a file into a single line
 paste <first filename> <second filename> > <Out_filename>

 sort – sort the file

 -r – reverse the sorting direction
 -n – restricts sort key to initial numeric value
 tee – send output to terminal and file
Basic Unix
-a – append
 Commands
the output to existing file Contd.
 uniq – show unique lines in a file
 -d – suppress the writing of lines that are not repeated in the
 -u – suppress the writing of lines that are repeated in the input

 expr – evaluate an expression

 head – output beginning of file

 -n number – the first number of lines will be shown on std

 tail – output end of file

 ln – link to other file
-f – linkUnix
 Commands
files without questioning the user Contd.
 -s – create a symbolic link

 file – show the file type

 -h – do not follow symbolic links

 tr – translate characters
 tr ‘[a-z]’ ‘[A-Z]’ < <input_filename>
 shift

 alias – display command aliases

 Works in ksh and csh
 alias dir=‘ls –l|grep ^d’
 Files with two or more names

 Hard Links
 Can cross file systems
 Not for directories
 Syntax: ln filename linkname

 Symbolic Links
 Can cross file systems
 Also for directories
 Syntax: ln –s filename linkname
Other Useful Commands
 quota
 df
 du
 compress
 gzip
 file
 history
 Recalling commands using ‘!’
 % !! (recall last command)
 % !-3 (recall third most recent command)
 % !5 (recall 5th command in list)
 % !grep (recall last command starting with grep)
Shell Scripting
 Shell Script is series of command written in plain text
file. Shellis Shell
script is justScript?
like batch file is MS-DOS but
have more power than the MS-DOS batch file

 Need for shell script :

 Shell script can take input from user, file and output them
on screen.
 Useful to create our own commands.
 Save lots of time.
 To automate some task of day to day life.
 System Administration part can be also automated
Shell variables
 No type declarations required.
 No initializations necessary before using them.
 Shell variables are assigned using = operator.
 Shell variables are evaluated using a $.
 All shell variables are initialized to null by default.
 Eg.
$ x=10 # no white space on either side of the =
$ echo $x # $ required at evaluation time.
 Variables can be concatenated by placing then adjacent.
 Eg
$ z=$x$y
Predefined shell variables
 There is a set of predefined variables in the shell.
These variables are used to store values and also to
change the behavior of called programs.
 Eg. PATH he path variable controls, where the shell
searches for commands, when you type them to at the
 Another example of a variable is the HOME variable,
which contains the path to your home directory
$ echo $HOME
 Use any editor like vi to write shell script
How to write shell script
 Unix knows a file is a shell script if it starts with
the path /bin/sh is the path of the shell program which
will be
 An example script :-
# Script to print user information who currently login , current date & time
clear #clears the screen
echo "Hello $LOGNAME"
echo "Today is \c ";date
echo "Number of user login : \c" ; who | wc -l
echo "Calendar"
exit 0
 After writing shell script set execute permission for your
script as follows the script
 Eg. $ chmod +x your-script-name
or $ chmod 755 your-script-name

 Execute your script as

 $ bash your-script-name
$ sh your-script-name
$ ./your-script-name

 Comments in shell script :

# followed by any text is considered as comment in a
script file.
 Why needed?
Command Line Arguments
Telling the command/utility
1. which option to use.
2. Informing the utility/command which file or group of files to
process (reading/writing of files).
 Eg: $ myshell foo bar

 1 = Shell Script name i.e. myshell referred as $0

 2 = First command line argument passed to myshell i.e. foo

Referred as $1
 3 = Second command line argument passed to myshell i.e. bar
Referred as $2
 $# is a built-in shell variable indicating no of arguments. Here
 Used to get input (data from user) from keyboard and
Read: Making
store (data) Scripts Interactive
to variable.
 Syntax:
read variable1, variable2,...variableN
 Eg. $ read fname

 While executing the script if the number of arguments

supplied are less than the number of arguments
required then leftover variables are left unassigned.
 If arguments exceed number of variables, excess
arguments are assigned to the last variable.
 If particular command/shell script is executed, it return
Exit Status
two type of valuesof a iscommand
which used to see whether
command or shell script executed is successful or not.
 If return value is zero (0), command is successful.

 If return value is nonzero, command is not successful or

some sort of error executing command/shell script.

 To determine this exit Status you can use $? special

variable of shell.
 Eg. $ ls
$ echo $?
It will print 0 to indicate command ‘ls’ is successful.
Special Parameters Used by the
Shell Parameter Significance

$1, $2, etc . Positional parameters.

$* All positional parameters as a string. Command line

arguments taken as single string
$@ All positional parameters as a string. Command line
arguments are taken individually.
$# Number of arguments specified in command line.

$0 Name of executed command.

$? Exit status of last command.

$$ PID of the shell.

Conditional Execution : && and ||
 The shell provides two operators to control execution of a
command depending on the success or failure of previous

 Syntax: $ command1 && command2

- Command2 is executed if, and only if, command1 returns
an exit status of zero.

 Syntax: command1 || command2

- Command2 is executed if and only if command1 returns a
non-zero exit status.
Conditional Execution…
 Both can be used as follows :
Syntax: command1 && comamnd2 if exist status is zero || command3 if
exit status is non-zero

grep ‘^name:’ /etc/passwd || useradd name
If the grep command fails then only useradd command will be executed

grep –v ‘^name:’ /etc/passwd && useradd name
Using both && and || in one statement
grep –v ‘^name:’ /etc/passwd && useradd name || \
echo “`date`: useradd failed”
Script Termination
 The ‘exit’ statement is used to prematurely terminate a
 When this statement is encountered in a script,
execution is halted and control is returned to the
calling program, in most cases the shell.
 Argument provided with ‘exit’ is optional.
 If you specify an argument, the script will terminate
with a return value of the argument.
 If no argument is specified, the value returned will be
 If given condition is true then command1 is executed
otherwise command2 is executed
Form 1:
 Syntax: Form 2:

if condition is true if condition is true

then then
execute commands execute commands
else fi
execute commands
Multilevel if-then-else
 Syntax:
if condition
condition is zero (true - 0)
execute all commands up to elif statement
elif condition1
condition1 is zero (true - 0)
execute all commands up to elif statement
else None of the above condtion,condtion1 are true
execute all commands up to fi
test: Numeric comparison
 The ‘test’ statement is used as a control command for
the if statement.
 Test uses certain operators to evaluate the condition on
its right and returns
Relational true or falseMeaning
operator exit status.
 Numeric-eq comparison inEqualshelltois confined to integers
only. -ne Not equal to
-gt Greater than
-ge Greater than or equal to
-lt Less than
-le Less than or equal to
test:TestString comparison
Exit status

-n str True if string str is not null.

-z str True if string str is null.

s1 = s2 True if string s1 = s2

s1 != s2 True if string s1 is not equal to s2

str True if string str is assigned and not null.

Test File Test Meaning

-s file Non empty file

-f file Is File exist or normal file and not a directory

-d dir Is Directory exist and not a file

-w file Is writeable file

-r file Is read-only file

-x file Is file is executable

Logical Operators
 Logical operators are used to combine two or more
condition at a time
Operator Meaning

! expression Logical NOT

expression1 -a expression2 Logical AND

expression1 -o expression2 Logical OR

case Statement
 Good alternative to Multilevel if-then-else-fi statement.
 Syntax :
 case $variable-name in
pattern1) execute commands ;;
pattern2) execute commands ;;
pattern3) execute commands ;;
*) execute commands

 The default is *) and it is executed if no match is found.

case Statement: example
case $rental in
"car") echo "For $rental Rs.20 per k/m";;
"van") echo "For $rental Rs.10 per k/m";;
"jeep") echo "For $rental Rs.5 per k/m";;
"bicycle") echo "For $rental 20 paisa per k/m";;
*) echo "Sorry, I can not get a $rental for you";;
while loop
 Loop is executed as long as given condition is true.
 Syntax:
 while [ condition ]
 Creating an infinite loop with ‘true’ command
 while true ; do
while loop: example
while [ $i -le 10 ] #while value of i is less than 10
echo “number is : $i”
for Loop
 Syntax 1:
for { variable name } in { list }
execute one for each item in the list until the list is
not finished (And repeat all statement between do
and done)
 Syntax 2 :
for (( expr1; expr2; expr3 ))
repeat all statements between do and done
until expr2 is TRUE
 Functions are powerful features that aren't used often enough. Syntax is
name ()

 Example :
if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
echo $1: No such directory 1>&2
Functions contd.
 Within a function the positional parmeters $0, $1, etc. are the
arguments to the function
 Within a function use return instead of exit.
 Functions are good for encapsulations. You can pipe, redirect
input, etc. to functions

# take standard input (or a specified file) and do it.
if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
cat $1 | do_file
I/O redirection
 Redirection simply means capturing output from a file,
program, command or script and sending it as input to
another file, command or script

 0, 1 & 2 are reserved file descriptors for stdin, stdout,

 Additional file descriptors can be opened from 3 to 9
The additional file descriptors can be used as temporary
duplicate link to stdin, stdout, stderr. This simplifies
restoration after complex redirection and reshuffling
I/O redirection contd…
 Redirecting stdin using exec

Sample Code:
exec 6<&0 #Link file descriptor #6 with stdin
exec <data-file #stdin replaced by data-file

read a1

echo $a1
exec 0<&6 6<&- #Restores stdin and closes fd #6 to free
#it for use with other process
I/O redirection contd…
 Redirecting stdout using exec

Sample Code:
exec 6>&1 #Link file descriptor #6 with stdout
exec >$LOGFILE #stdout replaced by data-file
echo “Logfile:”

exec 1>&6 6<&- #Restores stdout and closes fd #6 to free

#it for use with other process
Korn Shell
Matching Patterns
Pattern Example Matches Not matched
* Boo* Boot,boo,booth
? Boo? Boot Booth
[…] [aeiou]* Ark Bark
[!…] Boo[!st] Boor Boot
*(cc|cc) Boo*(ze|r) Boo,boor,booze,boozer Boot
Matching Patterns contd…
Pattern Example Matches Not matched
+(cc|cc) boo+(ze|r) boor,booze,boozer boo
?(cc|cc) boo?(ze|r) boo,boor,booze boozer
@(cc|cc) boo@(ze|r) booze,booth boo
!(cc|cc) boo!(ze|r) booth,boo,boot booze,boor
{c,c,c} a{b,c,d}e abe,ace,ade axe
Conditional Statements

Format true if
(( _num1_ == _num2_ )) numbers equal
(( _num1_ != _num2_ )) numbers not equal
(( _num1_ < _num2_ ))
(( _num1_ > _num2_ ))
(( _num1_ <= _num2_ ))
(( _num1_ >= _num2_ ))
Conditional Statements
Format true if
[[ _num1_ == _num2_ ]] strings equal
[[ _num1_ != _num2_ ]] strings not equal
[[ _num1_ < _num2_ ]]
[[ _num1_ > _num2_ ]]
[[ _num1_ = _pattern_ ]]
[[ _num1_ != _pattern_ ]]
[[ -z _str_ ]] str is null
[[ -n _str_ ]] str is not null
[ x=y –o k=j ] or in expression
[x=y –a k=j ] and in expression
Flow control statements

If _expr_ then
elif _expr_
Flow control statements contd.

case _word_ in
_pattern1_) _cmd(s)_;;
_pattern2_) _cmd(s)_;;
*) break;;
Flow control statements contd.

while _expr_
Flow control statements contd.

for _variable_ in _list_

Flow control statements contd.

until _expr_
Positional Parameter
Program, function or shell $0
Argument 1 through 9 $1 .. $9
nth argument ${n}
Number of positional parameter $#
Every positional parameter $@, $*
Value returned by last executed cmd $?
Pid of shell $$
Pid of last background command $!
0 stdin
1 stdout
2 stderr

<&- close stding

>&- close stdout
<>filename open filename for read-write
2>&1 open 2 for write and dup as 1
Other functionalities
V1=${V2:=V3} Set V1 with value of V2 if this is set else
set the variable V1 with value of V3
${V1:?word} if V1 set & V1!= NULL return $V1 else
print word and exit
${V1:=word} if V1 !set | V1 – null set V1=$word
${V1:-word} if V1 set & V1!=null ret $V1 else ret word
${V1:+word} if V1 set & V1!=null ret word else ret
${V1#patt} if patt are found at the begin of V1
return V1 without patt else return V1
${V1%patt} if patt are found at the end of V1 return
V1 without patt else return V1
sed – Quick Introduction
 sed is a non-interactive stream editor
 It performs basic text transformation on input string
 SED works by making only one pass over the input(s),
is consequently more efficient
 Syntax :
sed options ‘address action’ file
 Sed has two ways of addressing lines
 By line number
 By specifying a pattern which occurs in a line
sed addressing by line number
 Examples :-
sed ‘3q’ file
–-displays first 3 records
sed –n ‘2,5p’ file
--displays first 2 to 5 records
sed –n ‘$p’ file
--displays last record
sed –n ‘3,$!p’ file
--displays 1 & 2 records
sed –n –e ‘1,5p’ ’10,15p’ ’20,$p’ file
--displays 1-5, 10-15 & 20-last records
sed Context Addressing
 Examples :-
sed –n ‘/abc/p’ file
– searches for string “abc” and displays the record if found
sed –n ‘/abc/,/def/p’ file
– searches for string “abc” and ‘def’ displays the record if found
sed –n ‘1,/abc/p’ file
– displays 1 record & searches for string “abc” displays the record if
sed –n ‘/[abc][xyz]/p file
-searches for pattern abc & xyz and displays.
sed ‘$a\
Record to append\
Next record
’ file1 > file2 - Append record in the standard output and redirects it to
other file.
sed Context Addressing
Examples :-
sed ‘i\
‘ file
- Insert * between each record
sed ‘/abc/d’ file
- Deletes the search string in the output
sed ‘1,$s/string1/string2/’ file
-substitutes string1 with string2
sed –n ‘/pattern1/w file1
/pattern2/w file2’ file
-Write searched patterns in the files
sed –n –f pattern file data file
-Includes a pattern file
sed contd.
 Redirecting the output
sed ‘s/<pattern>/<replace with>/g’ <filename> > <new file>

 Insert spaces at the starting lines of file

sed ‘s/^/ /’ <filename>

 Display lines between markers

sed –n ‘/Unix is/,/Above me/p’ <filename>

 Print selected lines of a file

sed –n 6,10p <filename>
sed contd.
 Print lines apart from selected lines in a file
sed 6,10d <filename>

 Make single spaced file double spaced

sed G <filename>

 Stop printing after specified line number

sed 3q <filename>

 Deleting blank lines

sed ‘/^$/d’ <filename>
sed Functions
d Delete a line
n Next line
1a\ Append Text
2i\ same as a except inserts
<text> before matching line no.
2c\ delete line selected by
<text> addr. and change with
How to create sed scripts?
 Sed commands can be grouped in one text file, known
as sed script.

 TIME=`date | sed 's/.* .* .* \(.*\) .* .*/\1/'`

 awk utility is powerful data manipulation/scripting
programming language.

 Use awk to handle complex task such as calculation,

database handling, report creation etc.
 It is a tool for report writing.
 It is the combination of Shell script, grep, sed and ‘C’
Programming Language.
 Syntax:
awk options ‘address { action }’ file(s)
awk metacharacters
Metacharacter Meaning
 Following is the list of metacharacters in awk
. (DOT) Match any character
* Match zero or more characters
^ Match beginning of line
$ Match end of line
\ Escape character following
[] List
{} Match range of instance
+ Match one or more preceding
? Match zero or one preceding
Predefined variables in awk
awk variable Meaning
Awk var
FILENAME Name of current input file
RS Input record separator character (Default is new
OFS Output field separator string (Blank is default)
ORS Output record separator string (Default is new line)
NR Number of input record
NF Number of fields in input record
OFMT Output format of number
FS Field separator character (Blank & tab is default)
awk Built in functions
 awk Function Description

int (x) Returns integer value

sqrt (x) Returns the square root

length Returns the length of the

length (x) Returns the length of the x

substr(s1,s2, Sub String

index(s1,s2) Index position of string s2 in
split(string, Split string and store in
arrayname) array

system(“comma Runs Unix command

awk contd.
 Arithmetic with awk
 User defined variables in awk
 printf statement
 awk Options
-F Field Separator
-f Include awk script file

ARGC Argument Count , ARGV List of Arguments

predefined variables
awk operators
 awk Oper Significance
< Less than

<= Less than equal to

> Greater than

>= Greater than equal to

== Equates

!= Not equal to
awk if condition
 General syntax of if condition
if ( condition )
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement N
if condition is TRUE
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement N
if condition is FALSE
Loops in awk
 For and while loops are used for looping in awk
 Syntax for loop
for (expr1; condition; expr2)
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement N
Loops in awk contd…
 Syntax while loop
while (condition)
Continue as long as given condition is TRUE
Thank you

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