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Debt-Equity Choice

Playing Games with Taxes and


Types of Debt Financing

1. Bank loans
2. Leases
3. Commercial Paper
4. Corporate Bonds

Bank Loans

Line of credit
An arrangement between a bank and a firm that requires the bank to
quote an interest rate, typically for a short-term loan, when the firm
requests the loan. The bank authorizes the maximum loan amount when
setting up the line of credit.

Loan commitment
An arrangement that requires a bank to lend up to a maximum
prespecified loan amount at a prespecified interest rate at the firms
request as long as the firm meets the requirements established when
the commitment was drawn up. There are two types of loan
Revolver, in which funds flow back and forth between the bank and the firm
without any predetermined schedule. Funds are drawn from the revolver
whenever the firm wants them, up to the maximum amount specified. They
may be subject to an annual cleanup in which the firm must retire all
Nonrevolving loan commitment in which the firm may not pay down the
loan and then subsequently increase the amount of borrowing.

A debt instrument in which the owner of an asset, the
lessor, gives the right to use the asset to another party,
the lessee, in return for a set of contractually fixed
Operating lease: An agreement, usually short term, allowing
the lessee to retain the right to cancel the lease and return the
asset to the lessor.
Financial lease (or capital lease): An agreement that generally
extends over the life of the asset and indicates that the lessee
cannot return the asset except with substantial penalties.
Leveraged lease (asset purchase financed by a third party),
Direct lease (asset purchase financed by the manufacturer of the
asset), and
Sale and leaseback (asset purchased from the lessee by the

Commercial Paper
Commercial paper is a contract by which a
borrower promises to pay a prespecified amount
to the lender of the commercial paper at some
date in the future, usually one to six months.
This prespecified amount is generally paid off by
issuing new commercial paper (rollover).
Typically only available to very large companies
with very high credit ratings.
These contracts are typically traded in public
markets and carry very low interest rates.

Corporate Bonds
Bonds are tradable fixed-income securities.
Always have a face amount of $1,000.
Nearly always have semi-annual coupon payments.
Coupon rate equals the sum of the two semi-annual payments
divided by 1,000.
If the coupon rate is 6% the bond pays $30 every six months.
The 6% represents (30+30)/1000.

Generally issued at with a coupon rate so that the bond

sells for $1,000 in the open market. This is known as
selling at par.
The initial coupon rate is typically set by the syndicate
desk of the investment bank, which issues the bonds to
its (largely institutional) clients.

Deciphering Bond Quotes

Bond prices are quoted per $100 of face
value (that is 1/10th of their true value).
A bond sells for par if its quoted price is
A bond sells at a premium if its quoted
price is above 100.
A bond sells at a discount if its quoted
price is below 100.

Quotes and Accrued Interest

Bond prices are quoted net of accrued interest.
Accrued interest is the amount of interest the
current owner has accrued since the last
coupon payment.
If the accrued interest on a bond is $4, and the
quote is $98, then it will cost you $102 per $100
of face amount you buy.
In other words a single bond will run you $1,020.

Calculating Accrued Interest

Corporate bonds accrue interest on a 30
day/360 day year rate.
Why? Because it has always been so.
Actually, due to the fact that bonds have been
around a lot longer than the calculator.
Go ahead try to divided say 6.25 by 365 and
then multiply by 14 by hand.

Accrued Interest Calculation

Coupon payment of $C.
Last payment at date t0.
Today is date t.
Accrued Interest = C(t-t0)/180.

Note that half a year has only 180 days!

What About the 5 or 6 Extra

So you noticed a year has more than 360 days.
What to do?
Since all months are assumed to have 30 days
this means that the accrued interest on August
31 and September 1 will be the same.
Example: Bond pays coupons on January 15
and July 15.
On March 15 two months have passed and the
accrued interest equals C(60/180).
Even February is assumed to have 30 days! On
March 31 the accrued interest is C(75/180) and on
April 1 it is C(75/180).

Secondary Market in Corporate

The secondary market for corporate debt is largely a
broker-dealer market.
Secondary market makers off to buy and sell particular bonds.
Quoted prices are better thought of as ads saying a dealer is
here and ready to trade the bond.
To get a price at which you can trade you need to actually call
the market maker. Yes, as in pick up a telephone and call.

A few corporate bonds are also traded on exchanges

(see the New York Bond Exchange listing in the WSJ).
But the market is limited to very small retail orders,
generally of 10 bonds or less.
Most corporate bonds are not actively traded anywhere.

Bond Covenants
Equity holders who control the firm can
expropriate wealth from bondholders by
making assets more risky, reducing assets
through the payment of dividends, and
adding liabilities.
Virtually all debt contracts contain
covenants to restrict these kinds of

Asset Covenants
Seniority and collateral provisions ensure each
debt instruments position in line should
bankruptcy occur.
Senior debt must be paid in full prior to the junior debt
receiving funds. Junior debt must be paid in full prior
to the preferred shareholders.
Secured debt has a lien on a physical asset, the
collateral. (Think car loan or home mortgage.)
If the firm does not pay the secured debt on time the debt
holders can repossess the collateral. If selling the collateral
does not pay the claim in full the secured debt holders
become unsecured claimants for the remaining funds.
Their place on line, with the rest of the firms claimants,
depends on the set of contract provisions.

Dividend Covenants
Prevent the firm from effectively
liquidating, handing the funds to the
shareholders, and declaring bankruptcy.
Helps guarantee the bond holders receive
their funds prior to the equity holders.

Financing Covenants
Prevents the firm from issuing new debt
that has seniority over the currently issued
Not all debt has this protection!
On occasion investors have seen the value of
their bonds plummet when a firm issues new
debt that is either senior to or has parity with
(a.k.a. pari passu) their bonds.

Sinking Fund Covenants

Require that a certain portion of the bonds be
retired before maturity.
A typical sinking fund on a 20-year bond might ensure
that 24% of the bonds are retired between years 10
and 20.

The company must establish a bond sinking

fund, which is to be used to meet the principal
payment when the bond matures.
The cash is often deposited with an independent

Theory: The Cost of Debt

What is the information revealed by announcing a
debt issue?

Debt in the capital structure induces a distortion of
investment decisions (deviations from NPV rule).

Reject projects with positive NPV

Accept projects with negative NPV

What are the costs incurred in the process of
resolving financial distress?

Announcement Effects
Stock prices reaction to the announcement of a debt
issue is as follows:
Non-bank debt: no impact.
Implies that such debt issues are neutral in terms of the information
conveyed to the market.

Bank debt (renewal) positive: Equity value increases by about

Good news. The fact that the bank is willing to make a loan
indicates that the firms prospects are better than the market
previously thought.

Convertible debt: negative: Equity value decreases by about

Bad news. The issuance of this type of debt indicates the firms
future prospects are not as good as the market previously believed.

Agency Cost of Debt

When a firm has risky debt in its capital
structure, maximization of shareholders
value may differ from maximization of
firms value (sum of equity and debt).
When evaluating a project,
shareholders emphasize its upside potential,
bondholders are concerned mainly with its
downside risk,
from the point of view of the NPV you should look
at both.

Equity Payoff
Debt Payoff

Amount Promised
Bond Holders


Risk Preferences
Notice that the equity holders like risk and
the bond holders dislike risk.
Encourages management to select riskier
projects, even if they have lower or
perhaps negative present values.

Firm owes the bond holders $100.
The firm can invest in project Green or Gold.
Each project costs $100 in PV to implement.
Project Green pays $101 in PV for sure.
This is a positive PV project with an expected profit of
PV = $101-$100 = $1.

Project Gold pays $25 in PV half the time, and

$125 half the time.
This is a negative PV project with an expected profit of
.5($25)+.5($125) PV = $75 - $100 = -$25.

If Firm Maximizes Equity Value

Project Green
Firm earns $101. Equity gets $101 minus the amount
owed debt ($100) for an expected profit of $1.

Project Gold
If the firm earns $25, it is bankrupt and the equity
holders get zero.
If the firm earns $125, the bondholders collect the
$100 due them. The equity holders get $125-$100 =
Expected equity payoff equals .5($0) + .5($25) =

Equity Payoff
Debt Payoff

Expected Gold

High Gold


Low Gold

Green Project Payoffs



For the equity holders:
Heads equity wins, tails debt loses.
If the firm does well the profits go to equity.
If the firm does poorly, the losses go to the
bond holders.
For a given expected payoff, the more risk the

What to Watch For

Project switching
Firm says it will pursue low risk cash flows in
the future.
After issuing debt the firm switches to projects
with high cash flow risks.

Empirical evidence
Only seems to be a problem when firms are
close to or in bankruptcy.
Look for this in firms with low quality high yield
debt or distressed debt.

Bankruptcy Costs
If a firm is in financial distress, it may not
be able to meet its debt obligations.
This may lead to default.

What are the possibilities?

Informal reorganization. Often called

Formal reorganization (Chapter 11), or
liquidation (Chapter 7).

Why the Bankruptcy Code?

Why the government says we need a formal bankruptcy
To facilitate lending, creditors need legal rights to claim corporate
To protect companies from excessive, inefficient liquidations.

Why we may not need the current structure:

In theory enforceable private contacts should allow lenders to
claim assets. What is needed is an efficient mechanism for the
verification of the lenders claim followed by the swift transfer of
Excessive and inefficient liquidations are unlikely in any setting. If
the firm is worth more alive than dead the parties have every
financial incentive to keep it going. It is more likely excessive
and inefficient liquidations are political speak for layoffs in my
voting district.
Current code often delays creditors claims, and makes contract
provisions either totally unenforceable or effectively

Bankruptcy Costs
Direct costs:
Legal and administrative costs; losses for forced

Indirect costs:
Lost business opportunities due to financial distress:
Lost customers
Suppliers want cash
Managers may leave

Why do shareholders care?

Because they can lose their stake in the firm
Because it makes debt much more expensive

Tax Advantages of Debt Revisited

Tax deductibility of interest payments makes debt
desirable at the corporate level.
What about personal taxes for investors?
Interest payments typically taxed at the personal tax rate
Equity income dividends taxes at personal rate
capital gains taxed at lower rate

Overall, equity income is typically taxed at a lower rate.

Implication: after adjusting for risk, investors will require a higher
return on debt than equity.

Tax advantage of debt at the corporate level.

Tax advantage of equity at the personal level.

Implications for Capital Structure

Firms will want to use debt financing up to the point
where they eliminate their entire corporate tax liabilities,
but they will not want to borrow beyond that point.
With uncertainty, firms will pick the debt ratio that weighs
the benefits associated with the debt tax shield, when it
can be used, against the higher cost of debt increases
where the debt tax shield cannot be used.
Firms with more non-debt tax shields are likely to use
less debt financing.
There exists an optimal, firm-specific capital structure
Optimal debt level will:
Increase with expected cash flows
Decrease with risk of cash flows
Decrease with available deductions




High ACD
Low Tax Benefits



High ACE
High Tax Benefits

Debt Policy In Practice

Most CFOs do not care about:
Bankruptcy costs
Comparable firms

It seems that the most important factors

that determine a firm's capital structure
Financial Flexibility
The cost of debt

How D/E is Determined

Structure is more often changed by changes in
the amount of equity, not in the amount of debt.
Since debt issues are infrequent relative to the daily
revaluation of the stock in the marketplace.

The most important reasons why firms issue

(repurchase) stock are:
Dilution in EPS,
Market under/overvaluation

Equity More or Less

Less: Share repurchases.
Stock prices react positively to the
announcement of a share repurchase.
Cash payout: equivalent to dividends;
Signal of undervaluation

Methods: Tender Offers vs. Open Market

For Tender Offers: Average increase in the
value of the firms stock equals 17%.

Equity: More, New Issues

Stock prices tend to react negatively to the
announcement of a new equity issue.
General cash offers occur after a significant run-up in
an issuers secondary market price.

Announcement of an equity issue is met by a

negative price reaction.
However, the negative price reaction tends to
decrease during economic expansions.

Cancellation of an announced issue is met by a

positive stock price reaction.
Frequency of equity issues tends to rise during
economic expansions.

Shelf Registration

To simplify the procedures for issuing securities, the SEC currently

allows for shelf registration.
Firms with a stock value greater than $150 million can register stock or
bonds, then issue them anytime in the next 2 years.

Allows management flexibility in when to issue securities (no waiting

period between filing with the SEC and sale).
Asymmetric information period likely to be worse.
Probably why shelf registrations are used more for bonds than stocks

Firms do not have to name an investment banker in the registration

Gives firm more leverage in bargaining wit investment bankers for lower

Empirically, issuance costs are lower for shelf registered equity.

Convertible Debt
A convertible bond gives the holder the right to exchange
it for a given number of shares of stock anytime up to
and including the maturity date of the bond.
If the holder chooses to convert, bondholders surrender
their bonds in exchange for a given fraction of equity.
Example: Bond with $1000 face value
Convertible into equity @ $20 per share (conversion price)
Conversion ratio: 50 shares per bond

Conversion premium is the difference between the

conversion price and the current stock price.
Convertible debt is sometimes callable. This means that
the issuing firm has the option to convert (call for
conversion) the bonds before maturity by paying a price
specified in the contract.

Convertible Bond Valuation

The value of a Straight Bond
Option value

Holders of convertibles need not convert immediately. Instead, by waiting

they can take advantage of whichever is greater in the future, the straight
bond value or the conversion value. (This is call option for convertible bond

At maturity = Max (A, , ET ) ,

A = bonds face value ($1,000).
= conversion ratio.
ET = stock price at maturity.

Max A,,ST

Max 0,ST -

Value of

Value of the

the bond.

call option.

Firm Options
Callable Bond
Firm has the option to call the bonds prior to
This is a call option for the firm.
Firms call bonds when:
Interest rates decline.
Their business fortunes improve.

Call Provisions: Investment Grade

Often not callable.
If callable typical terms are treasury yield plus
50 basis points.
English translation: Discount the remaining cash
flows at the treasury rate plus %. That is the call
Only pays to call such bonds if the bond can be
refinanced at a spread smaller than 50 bps.
From the Estimating the CAPM Inputs lecture: Average
yield spread between treasuries and AAA bonds is 52 bps.
Essentially call protected from changes in interest rates and
most events involving the companys fortunes.

Call Provisions: High Yield Bonds

Typically callable.
Call schedule for a ten year bond often
follows a pattern like the following if the
coupon rate is C (example 12%):
In five years call at 100 + C/2 (106).
In six years call at 99 + C/2 (105).
In seven years call at 98 + C/2 (104).

High Yield Call Provisions

Call provision is a bet on both the companys
future fortunes and future interest rates.
If the company does well or interest rates fall
substantially it will be able to issue new bonds at
a substantially lower promised interest rate.
This will make calling the bonds attractive.
If paid in full the bond may be worth say 110 due to
the high coupon rate and now promising company
fortunes but can call it at just 106.

Why Include Call Provisions

Signals that management believes the company
will do much better in the future.
Call provision requires a higher initial coupon
rate if the bond is issued at par (100).
Must compensate buyers for giving the firm the right
to call the bond.

For the firm to recoup the higher initial cost it

must do well enough in the future to make
calling the bond worthwhile.

What Firm Types Should Issue

Callable Bonds?
If management knows the firms prospects are
better than the market believes them to be then
such firms should find callable bonds to be cost
Pay more now, but know that with high probability will
save later on.

For firms where management knows the firms

prospects are no better than the market believes
them to be, callable bonds should not be cost
Pay more now, and later since with high probability it
will never pay to call the bonds.

Terminology: Yield to Call

Yield to Maturity (YTM)
Yield assuming it is never called.

Yield to First Call (YFC)

Yield assuming the bond is called at the
earliest possible date.

Yield to Worst (YTW) sometimes Yield to

Worst Call (YWC).
Yield assuming the bond is called on the date
that produces the lowest yield for its owner.

Quoting Convention
When bond traders quote yields, they typically
quote yield to worst.
Assumption is that the firm in trying to minimize its
cost of capital will end up calling the bond at the date
that minimizes the bonds yield.

Even YTW will, on average, overstate a bonds

expected return since it assumes all payments
are made on time.
Some bonds do not pay off on time reducing the
expected return from the promised return.

Callable Bond Yield Example

A bond pays semi-annual coupons of $6
per $100 of face value. The bond comes
due in ten years. The call schedule is as

Call Price





Price Call Date Yield Relationship

At Issue


Call Date






























Price Call Date Yield Relationship

In Five Years


Call Date






























Price Call Date Yield Relationship

In Seven Years


Call Date






















Yield to Worst, Call Dates, and

Time to Maturity
Because the call price is typically less than
100 + semi-annual coupon
Low market prices result in a Yield to Worst
equal to the Yield to Maturity.
High market prices result in a Yield to Worst
equal to the Yield to First Call.
As time progresses the price at which YTW
switches from YTM to YFC declines.

Why the Price YTW Pattern?

The tradeoff is the call price versus receiving the stream
of semi-annual coupon payments.
Low market price + receiving the call price in the near
future = very valuable relative to the future coupons.
Very high rate of return if you buy a bond for 100 and sell it six
months later for 105.

High market price makes the return from receiving the

call price much less attractive. In this case you want the
future coupons.
Negative rate of return if you buy a bond for 106 and it is called
six months later for 105.

As time passes the call price declines and the price at

which the YTW equals the YTM declines with it.

Debt Induced Problems

Having debt in the capital structure may induce
shareholders to deviate from the NPV rule at
later dates:
Shareholders may give up positive NPV projects
(underinvestment problem).
Shareholders may take projects with negative NPV
(excessive risk taking problem).

The cost of these inefficient investment policies

is ultimately borne by the shareholders.
When issuing debt, shareholders must consider
these costs as well, and trade them against the
benefits of debt (such as its tax advantages)

Debt vs. Equity

Share prices react negatively to announcements of equity issues,

and positively to announcement of share buybacks.
The presence of asymmetric information may induce the firm to give
up good investment opportunities.
Conflict of interest between short term and long term shareholders.
Issuing debt is better Pecking Order Theory of Financing
Use retained earning first.
Then use securities that are less sensitive to informational asymmetries,
such as senior debt.
Then use equity.

Value of financial slack.

If a good project comes along you want funds available to take
advantage of it. Issuing debt so that you can no longer borrow may
prevent a firm from making some beneficial investments.
Project financing may be helpful if it maintains some financial slack for
the firm.


Costly because of its negative announcement effect.
Project financing may avoid such a negative impact.

Has positive effects:
Tax Advantages
No announcement effect
Reduces free cash-flow

Has negative effects:

Bankruptcy costs

Distortion of investment decisions:

Excessive risk taking.

Role for dividend constraints and bond covenants;

Use secured debt, convertible debt

Good: avoid costs of external financing
Bad: costs of free cash-flow

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