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What is Measurement Scale

The term measurement means assigning

numbers or some other symbols to the
characteristics of certain objects. when
numbers are used the researcher have a rule
for assigning a number to an observation in a
way that provide an accurate description .
We do not measure the object but some
characteristics of it.
So in research we do not measure the
people ,we measure their attitude ,perception
or any other relevant characteristics.

Scaling is an extension of measurement.

Scaling involves creating a continuum on
which measurement on object are
located .
Example- scale of 1to 11
Scale indicate the degree of
Scale indicate the degree of satisfaction
or dissatisfaction

Nominal Scale

Lets start with the easiest one to understand.

Nominal scales are used for labeling variables,
without any quantitative value. Nominal scales
could simply be called labels. Here are some
examples, below. Notice that all of these scales are
mutually exclusive (no overlap) and none of them
have any numerical significance. A good way to
remember all of this is that nominal sounds a lot
like name and nominal scales are kind of like
names or labels.

Nominal Scale


Players of team india

Marital status

Ordinal Scale

With ordinal scales, it is the order of the values is whats

important and significant, but the differences between each
one is not really known. Take a look at the example below. In
each case, we know that a #4 is better than a #3 or #2, but we
dont knowand cannot quantifyhow much better it is. For
example, is the difference between OK and Unhappy the
same as the difference between Very Happy and Happy?
We cant say.

Ordinal scales are typically measures of non-numeric

concepts like satisfaction, happiness, discomfort, etc.

Ordinal Scale

Ordinal is easy to remember because is sounds

like order and thats the key to remember with
ordinal scalesit is the order that matters, but
thats all you really get from these.

Advanced note: The best way to determine

central tendency on a set of ordinal data is to use
the mode or median; the mean cannot be defined
from an ordinal set.

Ordinal Scale


Preference Ranking
Image Ranking
Social Class

Interval scale

The interval scale of measurement has the properties of

identity, magnitude, and equal intervals.
A perfect example of an interval scale is the Fahrenheit
scale to measure temperature. The scale is made up of
equal temperature units, so that the difference between
40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to the difference
between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
With an interval scale, you know not only whether
different values are bigger or smaller, you also knowhow
muchbigger or smaller they are. For example, suppose
it is 60 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday and 70 degrees
on Tuesday. You know not only that it was hotter on
Tuesday, you also know that it was 10 degrees hotter.

Interval scale

statistical analysis on these data sets

opens up. For example, central
tendencycan be measured by mode,
median, or mean; standard deviation can
also be calculated.
Interval itself means space in
between, which is the important thing
to rememberinterval scales not only tell
us about order, but also about the value
between each item.


Index Numbers

Ratio Scale

Somethingmeasured on a ratio scale has the

same properties that an interval scale has
except, with a ratio scaling, there is an absolute
zero point. Temperature measured in Kelvin is an
example. There is no value possible below 0
degrees Kelvin, it is absolute zero. Weight is
another example, 0 lbs. is a meaningful absence
of weight. Your bank account balance is another.
Although you can have a negative or positive
account balance, there is a definite andno
arbitrarymeaning of an account balance of 0.

Ratio scales provide a wealth of

possibilities when it comes to statistical
analysis. These variables can be
meaningfully added, subtracted,
multiplied, divided (ratios). Central
tendencycan be measured by mode,
median, or mean; measures of
dispersion, such as standard deviation
and coefficient of variation can also be
calculated from ratio scales.


Market share


In summary,nominalvariables are used

to name, or label a series of values.
Ordinalscales provide good
information about theorderof choices,
such as in a customer satisfaction
survey. Intervalscales give us the
order of values + the ability to
quantifythe difference between each
one. Finally,Ratioscales give us the
ultimateorder, interval values, plus
theability to calculate ratiossince a

An attitude is viewed as enduring
disposition to respond consistently in a
given manner to various aspect of the
world ,including person, events and
A company is able to sell its product or
services when its customer have a
favorable attitude towards its
In today scenario it very important to
measure the attitude of the customer.


Cognitive component
Affective component
behavioral component

Cognitive component

The cognitive component represent an

individuals information and knowledge
about an object.

Affective component

The affective component summarizes a

persons overall feeling or emotions
towards the objects .

behavioral component

The of an aptitude reflects a

predisposition to an action by reflecting
the consumer s buying or purchase
intention .

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