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Show Me The Money

(Sell More Effectively)

Daniel Schwartz
Managing Director
Networking for Success
+66 89 444 8996 (M)


My Background
Sales Funnel
Lead Generation
Let Buyers Buy (Covered in half-day Seminar)
SPIN Selling
Question Based Selling
Buyer Influences


Biography Daniel Schwartz

Managing Director Networking for Success, President and CEO, Aviation

Unlimited, Inc. and Managing Director, DPS Worldwide Company Ltd.

24 Year Management Career

Business Development

Led Sales Teams

Sold over $200M USD in Contracts

Thailand Resident since 2004

Nothing Happens Until Something is Sold!
Focus on the Customer
What is in it for Me!
That is what the Customer is thinking

Some Practical Techniques

Using the Sales Funnel

What is the Sales Funnel?

Determine Your Own Conversion Ratios

Suspects (Leads) to Prospects
Prospects to Proposals
Proposals to Contracts

Then Get Better at

Finding Leads
Moving Through the Process
Win or Close them Out

Lead Generation

Lead Generation
Key Question To Ask:
What happens to create a need for what you sell?


Growth Events
Press Releases

Real Lead Generation Examples

Real Estate Agent
Company expansion announcement
Company relocation
MNC opening up in Thailand

Life Insurance Agent

New Company Formation

Real Lead Generation Techniques

Government Contracting
Press release of Prime Contract Award
You are SME sell services/products to Prime

RFI By Government
Find teaming partners

Aviation Business
New Routes
New Aircraft
Accident or near accident (be tasteful)

Lead Generation Exercise

Lead Generation

Turning Leads Into

Prospects and Closing

SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham

S Situation
P Problem
I Implication
N Need Payoff (Benefit)
SPIN In Detail

Selling Through Questions

If you want better answers, guess what!
Ask better questions

Question Based Selling

Authored by Tom Freese
Provides a Question Based Approach To Selling
Reinforces Concepts Used In SPIN, just puts a different
Spin on them!
Question Based Selling

Buying Influences and

Major Account Selling

Buying Influences
Multiple Levels When Selling Major Accounts

End User
Support Departments
Senior Management

Example From Aviation Business

Selling Airborne Communication Equipment

Not Required by Regulatory Authorities
Sold Based on Value Proposition
Cost is $75,000 Per Aircraft

Buying Influencers
End Users
Flight Operations Department

Inflight Services Department

Flight Attendants
Inflight Management
Customer Service

Buying Influencers

Support Departments

Negotiate Contracts

Senior Management
Project is more than $1M USD
Capital Investment
Board of Director Approval

Each Has Their Own Goals

End Users
Need the product and what the product provides

Support Departments
Convince them of the benefits
Creates more work for them

Get best deal for the airline

Senior Management
Return on Investment
Competing Uses of Capital

To Close Sales
You Must Focus on All Groups
Get Necessary Support
Utilize All Levels of Your Company
Sales Team Direct With End Users
Senior Management Support for Meeting Customer Senior

Tools To Use

Some Tools To Use

Opportunity Review
Opportunity Pipeline
Account Management Template

Opportunity Review

Opportunity Review

Used for Larger Selling Efforts

Organized Way to Present Opportunity
Marshal Necessary Resources
Gain Commitment to Bid and Win
Example Opportunity Review


Account Management

Major Accounts
Must Know The Account
Set Strategy
Action Plans

Opportunity Pipeline

Opportunity Pipeline
Why Use It?
What are the Components?
Practical Example
Fantastic Tool
I participated in first implementation with ARINC in 1999-2000
Makes Sales Tracking, Opportunity Tracking and Sales
Management Easy
No Software
Great Support for Far Flung Operations

Some Great Websites

Marketing Sherpa

Business Book Summaries

Up Your Bottom Line

Bob Urichuck

Up Your Bottom Line

Features the ABC, 123 Sales Results System
Great Tool for Individuals

Wealth Dynamics

What Is Wealth Dynamics?

Eight ways to create true wealth

Each has certain rules which should be followed to achieve optimal
The two questions that we need to ask ourselves are:
Which path to wealth suits our natural character and personality best?
Once we know which path to wealth is best for us, what are the steps
we should take, and the rules for that particular wealth creation game?

Background of Wealth Profiling

Based on a 5000 year old technology called the I-Ching.

Wealth Profiling uniquely links previously missing elements into the mix

Ancient Chinese philosophies show five natural energies.

Dynamo: Spring/ wood
Energized, dynamic, creative, great at getting things started, but terrible at getting
things finished.

Blaze: Summer/Fire
Passionate, outgoing, great at networking and meeting new people, but easily
distracted from task at hand.

Tempo: Autumn/Earth
Compassionate, great team player and reliable at getting things done with the team.
Will often seek direction from others.

Steel: Winter/Metal
Orderly, systems oriented with a good eye for detail. Strong at completing, but finds
it tough to start new things.

Wizard: Transition/Water
Connected, tranquil and spiritual. Focused at the why behind everything.

Wealth Dynamics Overview

Wealth Dynamics

Link to Wealth Dynamics including information and link to order your

own profile

Understanding The Profiles

Deal better with Customers/Prospects

More Information on XL Results Foundation

Contact Me or Callum Laing

Further Personal Development

Brian Tracy
Success University
Online resource for you
Bonuses greater value than the cost of joining

Apply The Tools Leading To:

Concluding Remarks

Selling is a Process
For Product
For Company
For Customers

Find Your Path To Wealth Creation

Continue Your Own Personal Development
Set Goals
Use and Adapt The Tools
You Are On The Way To Selling Success

Contact Information
Daniel Schwartz
Managing Director
DPS Worldwide Company Limited
Level 17 Silom Center Suite 112
2 Silom Road
Bangkok 10500 Thailand
+66 (0) 2632 6717 X112 (O)
+66 (0) 2632 6718 (F)
+66 8 9444 8996 (M)

DPS Worldwide

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