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Kaedah Ex Post Facto



Ex post facto
The Latin term "Ex post facto" means, in a UK
legal context: "by reason of a subsequent act".

Causal-Comparative Studies
Go beyond relationships/associations
to examine cause-and-effects.
Two types of these studies:
Ex Post Facto


Ex post facto
Ex post facto
The Latin term "Ex post facto" means, in a UK
legal context: "by reason of a subsequent act".

from what is done afterwards

Ex-post-facto designs ("after the fact")

Kaedah ini digunakan untuk mengenal pasti punca atau
penyebab (IV) sesuatu kesan (DV) yang diperhati
dimana IV adalah sesuatu yang telah berlaku dan tidak
boleh dimanipulasikan(diluar kawalan penyelidik.

Casual Research explores the effect of one thing on

another and more specifically, the effect of one
variable on another.
Lihat contoh dalam Noraini Idris (2010), ms. 230

This type of study is very common and useful

when using human subjects in real-world
situations and the investigator comes in "after
the fact."
For example, it might be observed that students
from one town have higher grades than students
from a different town attending the same high
school. Would just "being from a certain town"
explain the differences? In an ex post facto
study, specific reasons for the differences would
be explored, such as differences in income,
ethnicity, parent support, etc.

Characteristics of Ex Post Facto

Researcher takes the effect/dependent variable and examines

it retrospectively
Establishes causes, relationships or associations and their
Researcher has little to no control over independent variables.
Flexible by nature.
There is a control or comparison group.
Intact groups are used.
The treatment is not manipulated, it has already occurred.
There may be both treatment and control groups, however
these will be existing, not assigned by the researcher.
There is no manipulation of conditions

Ex Post Facto

Researcher cannot manipulate some variables

and therefor selects participants that have
certain values for those variables by
themselves (gender, personality, illness, ...)
Penyelidik tidak boleh memanipulasi beberapa
pembolehubah dan memilih peserta yang
mempunyai nilai-nilai tertentu bagi
pembolehubah sendiri (jantina , personaliti ,
penyakit, ...)

Kelebihan dan kekurangan

Menunjukkan korelasi
di mana uji kaji yang
lebih ketat tidak
mungkin berlaku
alat penerokaan
Berguna untuk
mengelakkan articiality
dalam penyelidikan.
Menunjukkan sebab
dan akibat hubungan

Kekurangan kawalan untuk

pembolehubah bebas dan
subjek random.
Tidak pasti jika faktor
penyebab telah
dimasukkan atau dikenal
Hubungan antara dua
faktor tidak wujud. Sebab
dan akibat.
Boleh dianggap sebagai
terlalu fleksibel.

Melibatkan perbandingan antara kumpulan yang sedia

Contoh: Menyelidik murid-murid yang menonton
rancangan belajar bahasa Inggeris melalui siaran TV
dan membandingkan prestasi mereka untuk mengkaji
sama ada menonton program bahasa Inggeris di TV
dapat membantu meningkatkan pencapaian mata
pelajaran tersebut. Murid-murid dikumpulkan dalam
beberapa kumpulan mengikut banyaknya mereka
menonton siaran tersebut.


Examples of Ex Post Facto Studies

What is the effect of day care on the social
skills of children?
What is the relationship between participation
in extracurricular activities and self concept?
"smoking causes cancer


Kajian perbandingan sebab perlu digunakan
apabila kajian eksperimen tidak dapat dilakukan.
Keadaan sebab mesti berlaku sebelumnya.
Pemboleh ubah ekstranous perlu dikenal pasti
dan dicatat.
Perbezaan antara kumpulan perlu dikawal.
Hubungan sebab-akibat perlu dinyatakan dengan
Baca Noraini Idris (2010), ms. 235 (Jadual 12.1)



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