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Step 1: Iron, Hydrogen, and Helium

F1: Hydrogen is most abundant element in universe.

F2: Hydrogen and Helium are burned by stars to create energy(fusion).

-It is my theory that Iron, Hydrogen, and Helium helps create planets because Iron is needed for magnetic
fields, Hydrogen is needed for stars and water, and helium creates stars.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Harun R.

Step 2: Supernovae
F1: Supernovae are associated with the formation of black holes.
F2: The explosion is the most powerful thing in the universe.

-It is my theory that Supernovae helps a planet form by: forming black holes or neutron stars, which lead to
the creation of nebulas that create planets.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Jackson W.

Step 3: Black Holes

F1: Last evolution of star
F2: Can suck light into it

-It is my theory that Black Holes helps a planet form by: it creates and is at the center of any new galaxy, and
a planet needs to be in a galaxy.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Jad S.

Step 4: Nebulae
F1: Nebulas are most common when a giant star like the sun supernovas
F2: Made of 90% hydrogen, 10% helium and 0.1% heavy element

-It is my theory that Nebulae helps a planet form by: gathering together all the star dust and iron that will
create a planet.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Aidan B.

Step 5: Sun & Stars

F1: Stars are the building blocks of the galaxy
F2: Sun orbits center of Milky Way once every 240 million years.

-It is my theory that Sun & Stars helps a planet form by: building up a galaxy and producing energy for
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Julius B.

Step 6: Gravity
F1: Force of attraction between two objects.
F2: The most important force is gravity

-It is my theory that Gravity helps a planet form by: being the most powerful force and keeping
organisms on the planet. Gravity would also bring all the star dust and rocks needed to make a planet.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Alexa D.

Step 7: Composition of Planets

F1: The solid crust of Earth(6.2% oxygen, 22% silicon, 6.5% aluminum, bits of iron,

calcium, sodium, etc.)

F2: All galaxies have hydrogen & helium-stars create helium

-It is my theory that Composition of Planets helps a planet form by: having a good composition of your planet
will help you sustain life.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Sophia B.

Step 8: Ice & Water

F1:Ice has the same mineral compound as water; is a mineral
F2:Ice is the #1 preserver of any organism; fossils

-It is my theory that Ice & Water helps a planet form by: you need water to sustain life for a long period of
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Clay G.

Step 9: Layers of Planets

F1: Inner core keeps everything stable
F2: Unstable mantles make the crust too hot or too cold

-It is my theory that Layers of Planets helps a planet form by: if you have a unstable mantle or inner core, you
would not be able to sustain life so you have to have Layers of Planets.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Finn R.

Step 10: Surface of Planets

F1: Surface that life needs-iron, oxygen, silicone, magnesium, sulfur, nickel, etc.
F2: Life needs energy-light or chemical energy

-It is my theory that Surface of Planets helps a planet form by: having a good, life sustaining Surface for your
planet is really important.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Paige H.

Step 11: Atmospheres

F1: Our atmosphere is 20% oxygen about 75% nitrogen and 1 or 2% other gasses.
F2: If you want a planet to sustain life it would have to around 92.96 million miles

from their sun.

-It is my theory that Atmospheres helps a planet form by: protecting our planet from dangerous outer space
and the sun.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Greyson B.

Step 12: Magnetic Fields

F1: A planets magnetic field forms a shield protecting the planets surface from

energetic, charged particles coming from the Sun and other places
F2: Created by Iron

-It is my theory that Magnetic Fields helps a planet form by: protecting planets surface from Sun and other
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Zayn Y.

Step 13: Mass & Density

F1: Measure of the amount of matter in an object is mass
F2: Solids, liquids affect density(mass/volume)

-It is my theory that Mass & Density helps a planet form by: you have to have mass to create planet with
weight, and density helps create stable cores.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Jakob H.

Step 14: Electromagnetic Radiation

F1: Electromagnetic energy is energy released by stars
F2: All of the energy travels in waves

-It is my theory that Electromagnetic Radiation helps a planet form by: Electromagnetic energy is the energy
that gives us life from stars, so we need that.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Caden J.

Step 15: Asteroids and Meteors

F1: Meteors-Anything larger than a mile could have worldwide effects. The largest

known potentially hazardous asteroid is Toutatis.

F2: Asteroids are the small rocky objects to the Solar System-Largest Ceres

-It is my theory that Asteroids & Meteors helps a planet form by: When an asteroid or meteor hits your planet,
it can possibly release chemicals that may help your planet evolve as in the case of the dinosaurs.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Abby S.

Step 16: Comets

F1: Have their own atmospheres
F2: Some think they are remains from rocks that formed the Solar System

-It is my theory that Comets helps a planet form by: If they truly are remains from rocks that formed the Solar System,
they would be supremely important, and also they could possibly be planets if they have their own atmospheres.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Ethan P.

Step 17: Earthquakes & Volcanoes

F1: If crust breaks it releases waves(Earthquakes)
F2: Ash clouds create volcanic lightning

-It is my theory that Earthquakes & Volcanoes help a planet form by: Volcanoes underwater created Hawaii, and so
they might be the key to making new land, and Earthquakes sometimes shift new land into more suitable habitats.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Ava K.

Step 18: Moons & Any Orbiting Debris

F1: A moon is something that orbits a planet and has its own gravitational pull
F2: Moons surface is rich with iron and magnesium

-It is my theory that Moon(s) & Any Orbiting Debris helps a planet form by: Moons have their own gravitational pull, so maybe
our planet could benefit from learning about our moons and knowing how the moons core reacts. (Knowledge is Power)
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Jacob C.

Step 19: Orbits & Satellites

F1: Satellite-celestial body orbiting Earth or another planet
F2: Orbits- spacecraft moving around other planets

-It is my theory that Orbits & Satellites helps a planet form by: Satellites create radar, so it might protect your
planet and warn of impending danger.
-(Leave a space here for something else you will add later. )
* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. (insert first name, last initial here.)

Step 20: Kepler

F1: It could find active galaxies
F2: Its mission is a planet hunt; found a planet same size as Earth

-It is my theory that Kepler helps a planet form by: Kepler may find better planets and galaxies,
which might help you make your planet better and more habitable.

* The information on this page was researched by: M.A. Luke S.

Leading scientists theory of planet

The information below is the only time I used the internet for this project,
other than when I researched my own A.B.C. (Astronomically Baffling
Concept.) The information is copied directly from ( Their theory
of how a planets forms is: Earth'srocky coreformed first, with heavy
elements colliding and binding together. Dense material sank to the center,
while the lighter pieces created the crust. The planet's magnetic field
probably formed around this time. Gravity captured some of the lighter
elements that make up the planet's early atmosphere.

Theories compared and


1. My theory is similar to ( theory in the following ways: I also had heavy
elements binding together to form the earths core.

2. My theory is different to ( theory in the following ways: Their theory

started with a nebula, while my theory started with Iron, Hydrogen, and Helium and
those elements created a nebula.

the steps in this booklet are my overall theory

of how a planets forms!
3. In conclusion,

DONT miss the following pages to see the actual 3-D model of my
planeta as
a special
to small
this booklet!
here for
a few
pictures of your model you will put here

The structure of Planet:

(insert name of your

planet here!)

Make a drawing of your planet showing: (DELETE THESE DIRECTIONS WHEN YOU ARE DONE)
The layers of your planet and the names of the layers
Whether they are solid, liquid or in between
What they are composed of (for example: iron, hydrogen, etc.)
Dimensions in kilometers

The surface of Planet:

(insert name of your planet


Make a drawing of the surface of your planet showing: (DELETE THESE DIRECTIONS WHEN
-Oceans -Land
-Large Lakes
-Polar Ice Caps


My Model of Planet:

(insert name of your planet


Insert a picture of you model showing (DELETE THESE DIRECTIONS WHEN YOU ARE DONE)
The layers of your planet and the names of the layers
Whether they are solid, liquid or in between

My Model of Planet:

(insert name of your planet


Insert a picture of you model showing (DELETE THESE DIRECTIONS WHEN YOU ARE DONE)
The continents and major oceans, named.
The major mountain ranges, named.

(Delete this when done: List your sources here: (Make the background of this slide have
images of your sources)

***Thank you also to all the Knowers who allowed me to seek information from them.***

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