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Mario F.

C Ximenes

National Directorate for International

Environmental Affairs
Secretary of State for Environment
Ministry of Economy and
1. Timor-Leste’s Marine Resources Few
Quantity of Marine Resources, but rich with
species of martine biodiversity

2. Geographically: 2 Continental (Australia and

Asia), Dynamic areas: located between two
continents: Australia & Asia, Dynamic Region:
with dynamic problems globally e.g. Economically
& politically which has impact on national
development (Tourism & fisheries).

3. Marine Development in TL, needs to be

considered; Human Resources, Politic, Economic,
Environment, Social Culture, Security, Food
security, Integrated approach.
4. Marine Sector Development: Fisheries, Marine
Tourism, Mining, Marine Industry, Shipping, and
Marine Services.
One of the biggest Timor-Leste economic potential
is from
the Sea about 58% (non-renewable resources)
known Timor Gap (Oil)

5. Marine development in the future will depend on

Fisheries and Tourism sector (renewable resources)
and shipping we need to promote these sectors as
a important sectors

6. As a small island that vulnerable to the impact of

climate change, Timor-Leste needs to consider the
The impact of climate change in Timor-Leste

• According to study done by Jon Barnett et al (2005)

the temperature in TL has been increased and will
be slightly increased between 0.3-1.2ºC in 2030,
0.8-3.6ºC in 2070.

• The CSIRO regional climate model implies that

there could be less rainfall in the wet season and
more rainfall in dry season which may affect the
planting and harvesting cycle for non-irrigated crops.
In general, it is expected that there may be
increased in the intensity of extreme precipitation
such as droughts and floods.

•This may result in decreased agricultural

production, damage to infrastructure and loss of
• Illegal fishing and use of bomb, poison (traditional) method that
can affected to fish resources, coral reef & other biodiversities

• Impact from climate change to coastal ecosystem, coral bleaching, and

also it can be affected to other sector such as residences, health,
agriculture, and forest.
•Roaddestroyed in Karimbala, due to landslide
•Some of village in Hatudo and Liquica has been destroyed due to flooding

•Drought in 2001/02 and the late arrival of rainy season in 2002/3 resulted
about 34% declining in Mize production in TL in that year (WFP/FAO, 2003)
•Landslides in every where
•Timor Leste is also prone to the flooding such as in Suai in 2006/7 and in
Liquisa in 2008

•Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) e.g: an area that rich with biodiversity
resources, more than 500 species coral (75% coral world), more than
3000 fish species can be found within CT6 area that can support 162
millions of costal population. But cutting mangrove trees can threaten
towards this initiative as well as the sustainability.
• Economic Development: shipping, fisheries,
tourism, etc (presented by other

• Environmental Development
Economic development e.g. Shipping, tourism &
fisheries based on ecosystem approach and its
sustainability to ensure that the resources are
maintained for the wellbeing for the present and
future generations.

Thus, Environment development in Marine sector

will focus on:
Safe & clean marine environment, co-management,
•Environmental laws in order to prevent pollution from
domestic and Industries (Environmental Licensing)

• RDTL Constitution article: 6 and 61

• Law No.12/2004 about Crimes related to Fishery article 1 &

2, Decree Law No. 06/2004 regarding to Regime jurisdiction
related to Management and Ordenament for Fishery and
Agriculture, article 78, 80, 81, 83, 84 e 85 and Law No.
4/2003 regarding to Petrolium Development in TL

• UNTAET Reg. no 19/2000: Protected Areas.

• Penal Code which has been promulgated by President RDTL

relates to crimes in the area of environment starting from
artcle 215 - 221. Whoever breaks the law e.g. Destroying
(using bomb, poison materials and unallowed fishing
materials etc) on the marine resources will be panished,
Policy and Strategy ..........continue
• Cooperate with other Ministries to manage the
MPA (123,600) ha in National Park Nino Conis
Santana (NCS)

• Strengthening and develop network with other

CT6 members in related to management of MPA

• Cooperate with other agencies in Timor-Leste to

and implement CTI’s National Plan of Action

• Strengthening relation with international

agencies to get financial and technical
E.g. Adaptation
Mangrove Rehabilitation for

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