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What are Cyclones?

"Cyclone" is an intense whirl in the
atmosphere with very strong winds
circulating around it in anti-clockwise
direction in the Northern Hemisphere
and in clockwise direction in the
Southern Hemisphere.
Word "Cyclone" is derived from the
Greek, word "Cyclos" meaning the
coils of a snake.

Cyclones are intense low pressure
areas - from the centre of which
pressure increases outwards.
The amount of the pressure drop in
the centre and the rate at which it
increases outwards gives the
intensity of the cyclones and the
strength of winds.

Cyclones are classified as: (i) extra

tropical cyclones (also called
temperate cyclones); and (ii) tropical
Extra tropical cyclones occur in
temperate zones and high latitude
regions, though they are known to
originate in the polar regions.

Cyclones that developin the regions

between the tropics of Capricorn and
Cancer are called tropical cyclones.
Tropical cyclones are large-scale
weather systems developing over
tropical or subtropical waters, where
they get organized into surface wind

Cyclones are given many names in different

regions of the world they are known as
typhoons in the China Sea and Pacific
Hurricanes in the West Indian islands in the
Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean
Tornados in the Guinea lands of West Africa
and the southern USA.
Willy-willies in north-western Australia and
tropical cyclones in the Indian Ocean.

Criteria followed to classify cyclones

As adopted by Meteorological
Department of India

Storm surges (tidal waves) are defined as the rise

in sea level above the normally predicted
astronomical tide. The major factors include:
A fall in the atmospheric pressure over the sea
The effect of the wind
The influence of the sea bed
A funnelling effect
The angle and speed at which the storm
approaches the coast
The tides

Exceptional rainfall
The very high specific humidity
condenses into exceptionally large
raindrops and giant cumulus clouds,
resulting in high precipitation rates.
When a cyclone makes landfall, the
rain rapidly saturates the catchment
areas and the rapid runoff may
extensively flood the usual water
sources or create new ones.

How cyclones are formed

i) Formation and Initial Development
ii) Mature Tropical Cyclones
iii) Modification and Decay

i) Formation and Initial Development

A warm sea (temperature in excess of 26
degrees Celsius to a depth of 60 m) with
abundant and turbulent transfer of water
vapour to the overlying atmosphere by
Atmospheric instability encourages
formation of massive vertical cumulus
clouds due to convection with
condensation of rising air above ocean

ii) Mature Tropical Cyclones

When the tropical storm intensifies, the air rises in
vigorous thunderstorms and tends to spread out
horizontally at the tropopause level.
Once air spreads out, a positive perturbation pressure at
high levels is produced, which accelerates the downward
motion of air due to convection.
With the inducement of subsidence, air warms up by
compression and a warm eye is generated.
Generally, the eye of the storms has three basic shapes:
(a) circular; (b) concentric; and (c) elliptical.
The main physical feature of a mature tropical cyclone in
the Indian Ocean is a concentric pattern of highly
turbulent giant cumulus thundercloud bands.

iii) Modification and Decay

A tropical cyclone begins to weaken in
terms of its central low pressure, internal
warmth and extremely high speeds, as
soon as its source of warm moist air begins
to ebb, or is abruptly cut off.
This happens after the landfall or when it
passes over cold waters.
The weakening of a cyclone does not mean
the danger to life and property is over.

Mechanism of cyclones

Mechanism of cyclones
A full-grown cyclone is a violent whirl in
the atmosphere 150 to 1000 km across,
10 to 15 km high.
The central calm region of the storm is
called the "Eye". The diameter of the eye
varies between 30 and 50 km and is a
region free of clouds and has light winds.
Around this calm and clear eye, there is
the "Wall Cloud Region" of the storm
about 5O km in extent, where the winds,
thick clouds with torrential rain, thunder
and lightning prevail.
Away from the "Wall Cloud Region", the
wind speed gradually decreases.

Once the cyclones reach higher latitudes
they often change their direction and
move north and then north-east (south
and south east hemisphere). The process
is known as recurreature.
When two cyclones exist near to each
other, they inter-act and move anticlockwise with respect to each other.
In India, when cyclones recur they get
broken up over the Himalayas and their
further eastward movement ceases.

Cyclone Map of India

Indian context
The subcontinent with a long coastline of
8041 kilometre is exposed to nearly 10
per cent of the worlds tropical cyclones.
the majority have their initial genesis
over the Bay of Bengal and strike the
east coast of India.
On an average, five to six tropical
cyclones form every year, of which two
or three could be severe.

More cyclones occur in the Bay of Bengal than the

Arabian Sea and the ratio is approximately 4:1.
An analysis of the frequency of cyclones on the
east and west coasts of India between 1891 and
1990 shows that nearly 262 cyclones occurred (92
severe) in a 50 km wide strip on the east coast.
Less severe cyclonic activity has been noticed on
the west coast, with 33 cyclones occurringin the
same period, out of which 19 of these were

Tropical cyclones occur in the months of MayJune and October-November. The cyclones of
severe intensity and frequency in the north
Indian Ocean are bi-modal in character, with
their primary peak in November and
secondary peak in May.
The disaster potential is particularly high at
the time of landfall in the north Indian Ocean
(Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea) due to
the accompanying destructive wind, storm
surges and torrential rainfall.

storm surges are the greatest killers

of a cyclone, by which sea water
inundates low lying areas of coastal
regions and causes heavy floods,
erodes beaches and embankments,
destroys vegetation and reduces soil

Cyclones vary in diameter from 50 to 320 km but

their effects dominate thousands of square
kilometers of ocean surface and the lower
The perimeter may measure 1,000 km but the
powerhouse is located within the 100-km radius.
Nearer the eye, winds may hit 320 kmph.
Thus tropical cyclones, characterized by destructive
winds, torrential rainfall and storm surges disrupt
normal life with accompanying the phenomena of
floods due to the exceptional level of rainfall and
storm surge inundation into inland areas.

Cyclones are characterized by their

devastating potential to damage
structures, viz. houses; lifeline
infrastructure-power and communication
towers; hospitals; food storage facilities;
roads, bridges and culverts; crops etc.
The most fatalities come from storm
surges and the torrential rain flooding
the lowland areas of the coastal

The principal dangers of a cyclone

Gales and strong winds

damage installations, dwellings, communication

systems, trees., etc. resulting in loss of life and

Torrential rain

may cause river floods

Storm surges or high tidal waves

A storm surge is an abnormal rise of sea level near

the coast caused by a severe tropical cyclone
as a result, sea water inundates low lying areas of
coastal regions drowning human beings and livestock, eroding beaches and embankments,
destroying vegetation and reducing soil fertility.

What is Storm Surge?

Surge prone coasts of India

Vulnerability to storm surges is not uniform along
Indian coasts.
East coast of India are most vulnerable to high
i) North Orissa, and West Bengal coasts.
ii) Andhra Pradesh coast between Ongole and
iii) Tamil Nadu coast, south of Nagapatnam.
The West coast of India is less vulnerable to
storm surges
i) Maharashtra coast, north of Harnai and
adjoining south Gujarat coast and the coastal
belt around the Gulf of Bombay.
ii) The coastal belt around the Gulf of Kutch.

How to avoid the catastrophe?

Effective Cyclone Disaster Prevention
and Mitigation Plan requires:
A Cyclone Forecast - and Warning Service.
Rapid dissemination of warnings to the
Government Agencies, Marine interests like
the Ports, Fisheries and Shipping and to
General Public.
Organisations to construct Cyclone Shelters in
the cyclone-prone areas and ready machinery
for evacuation of people to safer areas.
Community preparedness at all levels to meet
the exigencies.

Cyclone warning
Two Stage Warning Scheme
The first stage warning known as the
"Cyclone Alert" is issued 48 hours in
advance of the expected
commencement of the adverse weather
over the coastal areas.
The second stage warning known as the
"Cyclone Warning" is issued 24 hours in
Both cyclone "Alert" and "Warning"
messages are passed to the AIR stations

CYCLONES - Do's & Dont's

Before the Cyclone season:
Check the house; secure loose tiles, carry
out repair works for doors and windows
Remove dead woods or dying trees close to
the house; anchor removable objects like
lumber piles, loose tin sheds, loose bricks,
garbage cans, sign-boards etc. which can
fly in strong winds
Keep some wooden boards ready so that
glass windows can be boarded if needed
Demolish condemned buildings
Keep some dry non-perishable food always
ready for emergency use

CYCLONES - Do's & Dont's

When the Cyclone starts

Listen to the radio about weather

Keep monitoring the warnings. This will
help you to prepare for a cyclone
Pass on the information to others.
Believe in the official information
Ignore rumours and do not spread them;
this will help to avoid panic situations.

When the Cyclone starts

Believe in the official information When
a cyclone alert is on for your area
continue normal working but stay alert
to the radio warnings.
Remember that a cyclone alert means
that the danger is within 24 hours. Stay
If your house is securely built on high
ground take shelter in the safer part of
the house. However, if asked to
evacuate do not hesitate to leave the
Provide strong suitable support for
outside doors.

When the Cyclone starts

Small and loose things, which can fly in strong winds,
should be stored safely in a room.
Leave early before your way to high ground or shelter gets
When your area is under cyclone warning get away from
low-lying beaches or other low-lying areas close to the
If you are to evacuate the house move your valuable
articles to upper floors to minimize flood damage.
Get extra food, which can be eaten without cooking. Store
extra drinking water in suitably covered vessels.
Make provision for children and adults requiring special

When the Cyclone starts

Be sure that a window and door can be
opened only on the side opposite to the
one facing the wind.
If the centre of the cyclone is passing
directly over your house there will be a
lull in the wind and rain lasting for half
and hour or so. During this time do not
go out; because immediately after that
very strong winds will blow from the
opposite direction.
Switch off electrical mains in your house.
Remain calm

When Evacuation is
Pack essentials for yourself and your family to
last you a few days, including medicines, special
foods for babies and children or elders.
Head for the proper shelter or evacuation points
indicated for your area.
Do not worry about your property
At the shelter follow instructions of the person in
Remain in the shelter until you have been
informed to leave

Post-cyclone measures
You should remain in the shelter until
informed that you can return to your home.
Strictly avoid any loose and dangling wires
from the lamp posts.
If you are to drive, drive carefully.
Clear debris from your premises
Report the correct loss to appropriate

When choosing a site for your

house, consider the following
In cyclonic regions close to the coast, a site above
the likely inundation level should be chosen. In
case of non availability of high level natural
ground, construction should be done on stilts with
no masonry or cross bracings up to maximum
surge level, or on raised earthen mounds to avoid
flooding/inundation but knee bracing may be


No shielding from high

wind due to absence of

Shielding from high wind by

permeable barriers such as
strong trees

In hilly regions,
construction along ridges should be
avoided since they experience an
increase of wind velocity
whereas valley experiences lower
speeds in general

Damaging Effects of Cyclone on

Due to the high
wind pressure and
connection of the
house to the
footings it can be
blown away.

Damaging Effects of Cyclone on


can be
blown away


Light weight
roofs are
susceptible to
damage due
to high wind


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