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Submitted By
Navaneeth Krishnan A R B130592CH
Naven Kalirana
Neethu Sreedhar

Magnetism is a phenomenon by which materials assert an

interactive or repulsive force or influence on other

Magnetic properties of a solid originate due to the motion
of electrons inside them, and their magnetic moments or
The magnetic field can be described by imaginary lines
as for a magnet and a current loop.

Magnetic Field Representation

Magnetic lines of force

Magnetic Moments
Being a moving charge, electrons produce a small

magnetic field having a magnetic moment along the axis

of rotation.
The spin of electrons also produces a magnetic moment
along the spin axis.
Magnetism in a material arises due to alignment of
magnetic moments.

Magnetic Dipoles
Analogous to electric dipole, a magnetic dipole can be

defined as two monopoles of opposite and equal strength

separated by a certain distance.
A magnetic monopole, however, is not observed in nature.
Two monopoles of strength +m andm separated by
distance l,will give a dipole = m1 m2 = m(1 2) =
A bar magnet can be thought of consisting of two opposite
and equal poles at its two ends.

Magnetic field Strength

If a magnetic field, H, is generated by a cylindrical coil

(solenoid) of n turns and length l, H = nI/l (A/m)
Magnetic flux density, B: It is the magnitude of the field
strength within a substance subjected to a field H
B = H (Tesla or Weber/m2)
, called the permeability, is the measure of the degree to
which a material can be magnetized.
In vacuum B = oH. o is the permeability of vacuum and is a
universal constant o = 4x 10-7(H/m).r =/o is the

With the application of a magnetic field magnetic

moments in a material tend to align and thus increase the

magnitude of the field strength.
This increase is given by the parameter called
M, such that B = oH + oM.
M = mH.
m is called magnetic susceptibility.
m=r 1

Types of Magnetic Materials

Depending on the existence and alignment of magnetic

moments with or without application of

magneticfield,magnetic materials can be classified as:
Diamagnetic materials
Paramagnetic materials
Ferromagnetic materials
Anti Ferromagnetic materials
Ferrimagnetic materials

Orientation of magnetic moments

In(a) the permanent dipoles are absent,therefore they


cannot be made magnets(Diamagnetic materials)

In(b)the permanent moments are randomly

oriented.they align themselves parallel to the applied

field feebly and become weak magnets(paramagnetic
In (c) a ferromagnetic material in which magnetic

moments are alligned and are equal in magnitude are


In (d) antiferromagnetic material in which magnetic moments

are alligned whichare equal in magnitude opposite in direction

are shown
In (e) ferrimagneticmaterial in which magnetic moments are

alligned are unequal in magnitude and in opposite directions

are shown

Paramagnetic Materials
In a paramagnetic material the cancellation of magnetic

moments between electron pairs is incomplete and hence

magnetic moments exist without any external magnetic
However, the magnetic moments are randomly aligned

and hence no net magnetization without any external field.

When a magnetic field is applied all the dipole moments

are aligned in the direction of the field.

This results in feeble magnetization and is

reffered as paramagnetization
Examples : Oxides of Al,Zn,Cr,Ti,Mo and
Rare earth based compounds such as EuS,ErNi2
The magnetic susceptibility is small but
positive. i.e. B in a paramagnetic material is
slightly greater than that of vacuum.

B versus H curve of a Paramagnetic


By analysing the curve we undestood that

both the flux density B within them is almost
the same as it would be in a vaccum.
Both diamagnetic and paramagnetic are
considered to be nonmagnetic,they exhibit
magnetization in the presence of an external

Curies Law
For low levels of magnetization,paramagnets

follow Curies Law.

The law indicates that the susceptibility of
paramagnetic material is inversely proportional to
their temperature
ie, the material becomes more magnetic at lower
M = H=(C/T)H

M is resulting magnetization , is magnetic

susceptibility,H is auxillary magnetic field, Tis

abs. temp, C is material specific curie constant.
This law is not applicable under high
field/low temperature regime where saturation
magnetization occurs and magnetic dipoles are
all arranged with the applied fields.


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