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Instagram has changed the way people

see the world.

A Brief History
Instagram Stats
Instagram - Features
Issues Addressed by Instagram
Impact of Instagram
Darker Side


the photo-sharing application, allows

participants to shoot, edit and share photos with users of
the application through the personal world of each one of
The name Instagram is a portmanteau of instant
camera and telegram.
Allows users to share pictures and videos at multiple
social media platforms.

A Brief History
Founded in 2010 by Stanford graduates Kevin Systorm and Mike
On October 6, 2010, Instagram was added to the Apple App Store,
generating 10,000 registered users within the first few hours of its
app life.
#1 in the App Store within 24 hours of launch.
In April 2012, Instagram was added to Android phones and was
downloaded more than one million times in less than one day.
In late 2012, Instagram was purchased by Facebook for $1 billion.
In 2013, it was listed among Times 50 Best Android Application.

Instagram Stats.
300 million monthly active users.
70 million photos posted each day.
2.5 billion likes per day.
86.4 million comments each day.
9 out of 10 Instagram video shares occur on Facebook.

Instagram Features
Sharing pictures.
Sharing videos of maximum 15 seconds.
Sharing with privacy.
Hashtags with anything which is shared.
Editing of photos.
Sharing post on other platforms.

Issues Addressed by Instagram

My mobile photos look lame.
A pain to share to all friends I care about.
Photos take forever to upload and viewing them is slow.

My mobile photos look lame


at the fingertips of masses due to

proliferation of smart phones.
Still few ways to hide the amateurism of photographer.
Allowing people to add retro-chic to their photos.
So helping them sharing the snaps as well as editing,
using the same application.

A pain to share to all friends I

care about
Time and effort wasted, sharing same picture on multiple
Easily linkage with other social media platforms.
Synchronization among the social sites.
Share the same post at other social media platforms

Photos take forever to upload

and viewing them is slow
Hooking up mobile phones to computer was frustration.
Uploading and sharing photos over shoddy internet was
Simple and compressed version solution.
3MB photo is uploaded as 60kb.
Reliability increased without compromising the quality.

Impact of Instagram
Affecting the ways we perceive ourselves and world
around us
Impact on society
A tool for marketing
Instagram for nonprofit organizations
Engaging students, using Instagram
A tool for photographers

Affecting the ways we perceive

ourselves and world around us
Pseudo phenomena that stalking photos of others seemingly
better lives and sharing your own photos as a way to project an
equally envy-inspiring social media persona.
Instagram is imperatively filled with half-truths and optimizations
of life.
Instagram photos are less manipulative of reality, as the photos in
They seem more accessible because we know the photographers.
Encourages individuals to improve themselves.

Affecting the ways we perceive

ourselves and world around us
Sharing moments of happiness with others.
Storing and recalling such moments is just few clicks
Our reality is so distorted that, reality seems boring without

It starts to look better cropped and edited than it does through our
own eyes.

Making people to take photos just for themselves!

Impact on Society
Instagram is influential
Redefined the teen culture
Provide chance to interact with people we would never
have a chance to meet
We can all be professional photographers
It has changed the ways industries communicate
Rise of selfie

A tool for marketing

Social media marketing trend is increasing.
Instagram presents an unparalleled opportunity to build and
share a brand.
Ability to connect with consumers through a two-way medium.
3 ways to build brand
Create original brand content and curating customer content.
Listening through over looking the posts and comments of customers.
Responding to customers through likes and comments.

A tool for marketing (Contd.)

Instagram is a photo vacation
Per-follower engagement is 58

times higher
Facebook and 120 times higher than Twitter.
How to market;
Create marketing strategy
Use hashtags effectively
Pay attention to followers and their responses


Instagram for nonprofit

Communicating by photos is more convincing
Sharing customized photos on the cause
Engaging followers with compelling photos
Sharing photos with inspirational quotes
Sharing a story with only a photo promotes the cause

Engaging student, using

Tons of web 2.0 tools available, better than Instagram
Then why use Instagram?
Because everyone is on it!
Most of young students use it!!
Students get engaged because, their audience is their
peers not just teachers.

Engaging student, using

Instagram (Contd.)
No need to get in touch via e-mail.
Only one class room account is needed.
Tag students while sharing class notes collectively in
shape of pictures.
Parents can also follow up by joining the class room

A tool for photographers

Due to visually appealing media, social media is getting
Use cellphone cameras to become a photogenic Internet
sensation - Title once given only to professionals.
So do social channels cheapen their craft?
Helping young photographers to build their dreams.
Helping photographers to build relationships by sharing
But in the way copyrights are being compromised.

Darker side
Instagram ups your chances of violating the gray line of
Instagram messes more with your sense of time.
Makes photographs less valuable
Debasing the real photography - by using filters.
Company could easily use or sell the pictures

Duncan, L. (2014). 4 Ways Instagram Has Changed Society. Retrieved from Linked In:
How Instagram took over the world in just three years. (2013). Retrieved from The Telegraph:
Instagram. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Mariella, A. (2014). How Instagram Is Affecting The Way We Perceive Ourselves And The World Around Us. Retrieved from
Elite Daily:
REED, R. (2013). Why Local Marketers Need to Start Thinking About Their Instagram Strategy. Retrieved from Street
Sawyer, K. (2015). The Instagram Effect & Faux-tography. Retrieved from Huffpost Hawaii:
Vogel, B. (2015). Instagram for Nonprofits: 4 Tips to Get You Started. Retrieved from Wired Impact:
Winter, J. (2013). Instagram and self esteem: why the photo sharing network is even more depressing. Retrieved from Slate:

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