Key Elements of Labor Laws

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Key Elements of Labor


Labor law is one varied body of law enforced to matters

such as industrial relations, employment, trade unions,
remuneration etc. Labor laws deal with legal relationships
between the state and organized economic interests, legal
requirements and cumulative relationships that are
progressively important in mass production societies.

The essential subject matter or the basic elements of labor

law can be studied under nine broad heads.
1) Individual employment relationships: The building,
refitting and termination of employment relations and the
resultant understanding forms one branch of labor law.
Also, certain aspects like transfer, promotion,
compensation and dismissal procedures are involved in
this element.
As the law advanced, implicit terms and legal matters
such as dismissal procedures, minimum wages, work
conditions, termination of employment limited the
freedom of contract.

Rightfully, the individual contract of employment plays a

more important role in civil-law countries than in commonlaw countries.
2) Employment: The main priority of this subject was upon
the reduction or prevention of enormous unemployment
rather than on a long-term employment policy that promotes
economic growth and stability.
Legislation has deep-rooted the necessary frame work for
catering employment services that include vocational
training, recruitment, placement, apprenticeship and for
predicting the need of man power and availability.
Factors such as employment and occupational equality,
exemption from forced labor and unemployment benefits are
regarded as part of the subject matter.

3) Wages and remuneration: Legal requirements regarding

the methods and forms of wages and wage payment deals,
notification of wage conditions, proper valuation and
limitation of payments, regularity in wage payments etc. are
covered under this subject.
The nominal law of wages and remuneration envelopes
factors such as:
The protection of wages against illegal understanding
Methods and forms of payment
Fringe benefits
Determination of wages and minimum wage arrangements
Judicial supplies and composite agreements for deciding
wages may consider elements such as elimination of sex and
race differentials, skill distinction, wage guarantees and the
relationship of wages to productivity.

4) Work Conditions: This element deals with the

conditions for work such as rest periods, hours, vacations,
special provisions in regard to the employment of women,
prohibition of child labor and effective regulation of young
people in employment.
Legal assurance of equal employment and pay, coupled
with provision of facilities with family responsibilities and
adequate maternity protection, are also included.
5) Trade unions and industrial relationships: This
category includes complex legal relationships such as
Rights and obligations of employer organizations and
trade unions
Legal status

Collective agreements and bargaining,

Representation of employees at enterprise and plant level
Prevention and settlement of various labor disputes
The way it integrates collective bargaining and freedom of
association with economic growth and stability remains the
most difficult and challenging problem of labor law.
6) Health, safety and welfare: Occupational health and
accident preventive regulations, services and special
regulations for hazardous occupations (dock work, mining,
and construction) are included in this particular element.
Major developments include increased concern with the
wide use of chemicals and welfare facilities related to
employment, recreation and transport facilities.

7) The administration of labor laws: This feature of labor

law involves the functioning and organization of
administrative authorities such as labor inspection services,
labor departments, etc.
It also encompasses industrial disputes between
management and labor, and the operation of labor courts and
bodies for settlement of hardships that arise from agreements
or contracts.
8) Social security: This category ranges from employers
obligation for occupational accidents to comprehensive
The schemes render income security in case of employment
injury, sickness, maternity, survivors benefits and medical

Social security found increasing acceptance with varying

degrees of application in varied stages of economic
9) Special provisions for particular occupational or other
groups: Labor law includes many specific provisions for
occupational or other groups that appear as parts of special
These provisions are important and common in
transportation (maritime transport), mining, agriculture and
other commercial occupations.
The main tendency of labor law is to strengthen the
constitutional relations and legal requirements at the expense
of rights created by individual employment relationships.

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