Spinal Cord Anatomy

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Anatomy && Physiology

of Spinal
Spinal Cord
Roopa Rawat
Specialist Rheumatology Nurse cum Clinical Instructor
Nervous System

• Central Nervous System (CNS) = brain

and spinal cord

• Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) =

Function of Spinal Cord
• Support to the body.
• Aesthetic consideration.
• Safety to internal organ
• Help in locomotion
Function of Spinal Cord
Sensory Functions
• Collect sensory input
• Integrate sensory input

Motor Function
• Motor output
Spinal Cord Growth

•Runs from Medulla Oblongata to level of L 1 (adults)

• Runs to level of L 3-4 (infants)
• It is part of CNS.
• It is cylindrical in shape.
• Covered by vertebral column.
• Spine covered 2/3 of vertebral column
• Length: Men 45 cm
• Women 43 cm
Spinal Cord
• Originate through foramen
magnum into vertebral canal
& ends at L1 & L2 in adults.
• End of Spinal cord called
conus medullaris
• Ends of vertebral canal called
filum terminale.
Difference between Spine
& Vertebral Column

• Cervical Region 1 diff

• Upper thoracic region 2 diff.
• Lower thoracic region 3 diff.
Meninges of Spinal Cord
Meninges: membrane
which cover brain &
spinal cord.
• Dura Mater
• Archnoid Mater
• Pia Mater
• Epidural Space
• Subdural Space
• Subarchanoid space

Pg 394
Vertebral Column
33 bones 31 Pairs of Nerves
• Cervical 8 • Cervical 8
• Thoracic 12 • Thoracic 12
• Lumber 5 • Lumber 5
• Sacral 5 • Sacral 5
• Coccyx 3 (fuse bone)
• Coccyx 1

•40 muscles & numerous tendons & legaments.

•Disc fibrous elastic cartilage between the

Internal Stucture of
Cross Section of Spinal Cord
• Gray Matter
– “H” shaped
– Gray Commissure
– Posterior/Dorsal horns
– Anterior/Ventral
Composed of
Cell bodies
Unmyelinated axons
Cross Section of Spinal Cord
• White Matter
– Surrounds gray
– White columns
• Posterior
funiculus/ column
• Anterior funiculus
• Lateral funiculus
Composed of
• Myelinated axons
• Unmyelinated
Types of Nerve Fibers
• Ascending / Sensory /Afferent Nerve fibers :
picked sensory receptors throughout body (PNS) and
carried towards spinal cord & brain (CNS)
• Eg. touch, pressure, pain, temperature.
• Descending /Motor/ Efferent Nerve fibers carried
away from CNS by nerves of PNS to innervate body’s
muscles and glands
• Eg.All motor activities
• Remember: SAME
Tract of Spinal cord
Collection of nerve fibers that connect two masses of gray mater with in CNS is called
• Tract.
4 Kinds of Nerve Fibers
• Somatic Sensory : body sense
– touch, pressure, temperature, vibration of
body, muscles stretching, balance
• Visceral Sensory : organ sense
– Stretch, pain, temperature in organs
– (eg) nausea, hunger, cramps
• Somatic Motor : body movement
– Voluntary contraction of skeletal muscles
• Visceral Motor : organ movement
– Contraction of smooth muscle, glands

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