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Uvod i definiranje pojmova
Izvori podataka
Skladite podataka
Dimenzijsko modeliranje
Upravljanje podacima (Data management)
Upravljanjem ivotnim ciklusom informacija
(Information Lifecycle Management)
Kvaliteta podataka

Inmon, W.H.: Building the Data
Warehouse 4th Edition, Wiley Inc. USA,
Inmon, W.H., Strauss, D., Neushloss,G.:
DW2.0 The Architecture for the Next
Generation of Data Warehousing
Kimball,R., Ross,M.: The Data Warehouse
Toolkit: The Complete Guide to
Dimensional Modeling, Wiley
Kimball,R., Ross,M., Thornthwaite,W.,
Mundy,J., Becker,B.: The Data Warehouse
Lifecycle Toolkit, Wiley Inc. USA, 2008


Petrocelli, T. : Data Protection and

Information Lifecycle Management, 2005
Reid,R.S., Frase-King,G., Schwaderer,W.D.:
Data Lifecycles: Managing Data for Strategic
Advantage, 2007
Loshin, D.: The Practitioners Guide to Data
Quality Improvement, 2011


Priprema za svako predavanje na zadanu temu

DVA naina

Implementacija od problema do skladita podataka i


Analiza upravljanja podacima u konkretnom poduzeu

Analiza upravljanja podacima u konkretnom poduzeu

Pronai poduzee za case study

Analiza izvora podataka za donoenje odluka u
odabranom poduzeu prezentiranje rezultata
Istraiti mogunosti uporabe drugih izvora
podataka prezentiranje rezultata
Izrada dimenzijskog modela za data mart
prezentiranje rezultata
Definiranje izvora podataka za data mart
prezentiranje rezultata
Izrada Politike upravljanja podacima
prezentiranje rezultata
Preporuke za unapreenje upravljanja podacima u

Upravljanje poslovnim podacima


WHY Business Data Management

Businesses and other organisations need information for many
Planning. To plan properly, a business needs to know what resources it
has (e.g. cash, people, machinery and equipment, property,
customers). It also needs information about the markets in which it
operates and the actions of competitors. At the planning stage,
information is important as a key ingredient in decision-making.
Recording. Information about each transaction or event is needed.
Much of this is required to be collected by law - e.g. details of financial
transactions. Just as importantly, information needs to be recorded so
that the business can be properly managed.
Controlling. Once a business has produced its plan it needs to monitor
progress against the plan - and control resources to do so. So
information is needed to help identify whether things are going better
or worse than expected, and to spot ways in which corrective action
can be taken
Measuring. Performance must be measured for a business to be
successful. Information is used as the main way of measuring
performance. For example, this can be done by collecting and
analysing information on sales, costs and profits

WHY Business Data Management

Decision-makingInformation used for decision-making is often
categorised into three types:
(1) Strategic information: used to help plan the objectives of the
business as a whole and to measure how well those objectives are
being achieved. Examples of stategic information include:- Profitability
of each part of the business
- Size, growth and competitive structure of the markets in which a
business operates
- Investments made by the business and the returns (e.g. profits, cash
inflows) from those investments
(2) Tactical Information: this is used to decide how the resources of the
business should be employed. Examples include:- Information about
business productivity (e.g. units produced per employee; staff
- Profit and cash flow forecasts in the short term
- Pricing information from the market
(3) Operational Information: this information is used to make sure
that specific operational tasks are carried out as planned/intended (i.e.
things are done properly). For example, a production manager will
want information about the extent and results of quality control
checks that are being carried out in the manufacturing process.

Poslovni podaci


WHY Business Data Management

Rules for collecting and utilizing

business data effectively

Know what you're looking for

Garbage in, garbage out

Trust the data


It's difficult to collect and analyze all the data
your business produces unless you know what
you're looking for. You need to identify certain
metrics that, given the nature of your business,
will provide insight into how you can run the
shop better (aside from the obvious, such as
revenues and profit figures). Big businesses call
these "key performance indicators," or KPIs. I call
them common sense. For example, if you publish
a magazine, you need to know how well each of
your sales associates is performing, the renewal
rate for advertisers in various industries, and the
demographic information of your readers.


Not all facts are created equal. That's to say that
though you may be collecting and storing
information, if it's not accurate, relevant or
current, it's likely to hurt more than help. Data
management specialists call this "garbage in,
garbage out." If your data is not clean, it will
yield dirty and misleading analyses. So if you're
going to use data to support business decision
making, be sure it's scrubbed.


Once you've collected the right information, and

you're certain it's accurate, put it to use. I've
spoken with many business owners who collect
data and view the analyses, but don't act on it.
The data is there to tell you something. It's the
most objective source of advice you're going to
get. It holds no bias. It's the story of your
business laid bare. And if it's telling you to
change something, change it.

Does organisation need data management?

There are arguing about data ownership
There is prevailing opinion that organisation first
has to formalise processesof decision making
There is no sense to fix data or one system because
many of them have more ownerships in company
There is agreement about bad data quality, but
there is no agreement about ways for resolving that
CRM, SCM and ERP are in the dead lock status
There are more versions of the same truth.


Withouth data management

Data fragmentation
Employees frustration
More human work
More arguing
Higher costs
No posibility to establish data flows between
different systems
Problems during interation systems
There is no trustworthy performance indicators



Business data

Information about people, places, things, business rules,

and events, which is used to operate the business. It is
not metadata. (Metadata defines and describes
business data.)
Data management is the development and execution
of architectures, policies, practices and procedures in
order to manage the information lifecycle needs of an
enterprise in an effective manner.

Information management
Information management, in a broad sense, means
organization of information. There are three stages
in the handling of data in this situation:
1.Gathering information from various sources.
2. Comprises of organizing the information as per the
requirements of the user.
3. The final stage consists of dispatching information
to whoever requires it.
Organization of both physical and electronic
information like paper text, video and audio files and
electronic documents, is included under the concept
of information management. The major objective of
this concept is to help companies or organizations
provide better services to their customers.

data governance
Data governance is the practice of organizing and implementing
policies, procedures and standards for the effective use of an
organization's structured/unstructured information assets.

data management
Controlling, protecting, and facilitating access to data in order to
provide information consumers with timely access to the data
they need. The functions provided by a database management
Data management is an overarching term that refers to all
aspects of creating, housing, delivering, maintaining and
retiring data with the goal of valuing data as a corporate

data steward
The data steward acts as the conduit between information
technology (IT) and the business portion of a company with
both decision support and operational help. The data steward
has the challenge of guaranteeing that the corporation's data
is used to its fullest capacity.
Enterprise information management is the superset
that refers to the people, processes and technology
dedicated to gathering, managing, disseminating,
leveraging and disposing of all information assets used
by an organization.

Master data management (MDM) is synchronized

enterprise-wide business data that provides definitions and
identifiers of internal and external objects involved in
business transactions (e.g., customer, product, reporting
unit, market share).

Master Data is the critical business information supporting the

transactional and analytical operations of the enterprise. Master
Data Management (MDM) is a combination of applications and
technologies that consolidates, cleans, and augments this
corporate master data, and synchronizes it with all applications,
business processes, and analytical tools. This results in
significant improvements in operational efficiency, reporting, and
fact based decision-making.

Fragmented inconsistent Product data slows time-tomarket, creates supply chain inefficiencies, results in
weaker than expected market penetration, and drives up
the cost of compliance. Fragmented inconsistent Customer
data hides revenue recognition, introduces risk, creates
sales inefficiencies, and results in misguided marketing
campaigns and lost customer loyalty1. Fragmented and
inconsistent Supplier data reduces supply chain efficiency,
negatively impacts spend control initiatives, and increases
the risk of supplier exceptions. Product, Customer,
and Supplier are only three of a large number of key
business entities we refer to as Master Data.

Data Lifecycle managemene (DLM) is

a policy-based approach to managing the flow of an information
system's data throughout its life cycle: from creation and initial
storage to the time when it becomes obsolete and is deleted.
DLM products automate the processes involved, typically
organizing data into separate tiers according to specified
policies, and automating data migration from one tier to another
based on those criteria. As a rule, newer data, and data that
must be accessed more frequently, is stored on faster, but
more expensive storage media, while less critical data is stored
on cheaper, but slower media (Hough, 2008).
DLM architectures would typically include an archiving system
that indexes all critical and compliance-related information,
backs it up and stores it where it can't be tampered with and
can be discovered and accessed in a reliable and timely
fashion. Deduplication and compression of all files ensure
efficient usage of available storage space.

Information Lifecycle managemene (ILM) is

a comprehensive approach to managing the flow of an
information system's data and associated metadata from
creation and initial storage to the time when it becomes
obsolete and is deleted. Unlike earlier approaches to data
storage management, ILM involves all aspects of dealing with
data, starting with user practices, rather than just automating
storage procedures and in contrast to older systems (for
example hierarchical storage management HSM), ILM
enables more complex criteria for storage management than
data age and frequency of access. (SearchStorage, 2004).
It is important to stress that ILM is not just technology. ILM
integrates business processes and IT in order to determine
how data flows through an organization, enabling users and
managers to manage data from the moment it is created to the
time it is no longer needed


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