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What is


Is it the ability to use reason and

Is it the ability to write and speak
Is it limited to ones performance in
Is it behavior in social situations?
How about knowing when youre
Not that simple, right?

What is intelligence?
The ability
to think abstractly
Gather information
Understand complex ideas
Solve problems
Adapt effectively to the environment
Overcome obstacles
Learn from experience
Adapt to a novel situation

What is Intelligence?
The mental abilities that enable one to
adapt to, shape, or select ones
The ability to judge, comprehend, and
The ability to understand and deal with
people, objects, and symbols
The ability to act purposefully, think
rationally, and deal effectively with the

How is Intelligence

IQ is a measure of relative
intelligence determined by a
standardized test.
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is the
score you get on an intelligence
test. Originally, it was a quotient (a
ratio): IQ= MA/CA x 100 [MA is
mental age, CA is chronological

How Is IQ Measured?
There are a number of IQ tests available.
Some IQ tests are untimed, individually administered
tests such as the Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler tests.
Other tests are timed, proctored group tests, such as
the Raven Progressive Matrices, the California Test of
Mental Maturity (CTMM) and the Cattell Culture-Fair Test,
Still a third class of test is the power test, such as the
Mega Test, the Titan Test, and the Test for Genius. These
are unproctored, open-book tests .These tests are not
universally recognized as true IQ tests because it is felt
that they are susceptible to cheating.

Can Intelligence Be Measured

With a Single Number?
One of the most serious criticisms of
using a single number to assess
intelligence is that people may be
stronger in certain areas such as
verbal skills, logical aptitude or
spatial visualization than in others.
The best results are obtained when
more than one test is administered.

Intelligence Tests
There are several types of tests you
may encounter. Most assessments
will include more than one type of
Intelligence tests (also known as
cognitive ability tests) are part of
most pre employment assessments
because intelligence is the best
single predictor of job performance.

Common intelligence
Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test
(KAIT): A broad intelligence test, assessing both
crystallized and fluid intelligence, in anyone 11 years or
older. The test, which can be completed with 1 to 1.5
hours, comprises six subtests. One subtest involves
comprehension questions after listing to a recording.
Another subtest involves learning pictures that represent
words, called rebuses, and then interpreting a sequence
of rebuses.
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT): Verbal and
non-vernal intelligence test that can be completed within
15 to 20 minutes, applicable to all ages from 4 to 90 and
individuals with language and hearing impairments.

Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB-II): This

test of aptitude and intelligence in individuals older than
15 and comprises ten subtests, which can be completed
within 100 minutes. The tests include verbal subtests,
such as arithmetic, comprehension, vocabulary, and
similarities, as well as performance subtests, such as
object assembly, picture completion, and picture
Raven Standard Progressive Matrices: An intelligence
test, applicable to anyone older than 5, intended to
measure abstract ability or the capacity to recognize
relationships and to apply analogies. The test, which
comprises 60 items, can be completed within about 45

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scale (RIAS): An

intelligence test, applicable to all ages from 3 to 94,
comprising two subtests that assess verbal intelligence and
two subtests that assess non-verbal intelligence.
Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test (RIST): This test,
a derivation of the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales,
is a brief screening test, which can be used for several
purposes and can be completed within 10 to 15 minutes. In
particular, this test is often used to estimate general
intelligence quickly, to evaluate large groups, and to identify
individuals who should be subjected to a comprehensive
assessment as a means to uncover more specific deficits.
The test is applicable to individuals aged from 3 to 94.
The RIST comprises two subtests: a verbal and
nonverbal subtest. The verbal subtest is called Guess What,
and the nonverbal subtest is called the Odd Item Out.

Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test: An intelligence

test that is applied to individuals who cannot be assessed
with verbal methods. Examiners rely on eight hand and
body gestures, all of which are relatively universal across
cultures, to administer the tests. The test is applicable to
children and adolescents, from ages 5 to 17, and
demands 10 to 45 minutes depending on the version that
is used.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test (WAIS-III or WAISIV): One of the most prevalent and comprehensive
intelligence tests, applicable to individuals aged between
16 and 89. The test comprises 7 verbal subtests and 7
performance subtests and can be completed within about
60 to 90 minutes.

A Five-Minute IQ Test

Water lilies double in area every 24 hours. At the

beginning of the summer, there is one water lily on a
lake. It takes 60 days for the lake to become covered
with water lilies. On what day is the lake half-covered?


A farmer has 17 sheep. All but 9 break through a hole in

the fence and wander away. How many are left?


If you have black socks and brown socks in your drawer,

mixed in a ratio of 4 to 5. How many socks will you have
to take out in order to have a pair of the same color?


With a 7-minute hourglass, and an 11-minute hourglass,

how can you time the boiling of an egg for 15-minutes?


Washington is to one as Lincoln is to:

Five --or-- Ten --or-- Fifteen --or-- Fifty

How did you do?


On day 59. Remember, it doubles every day.


Nine sheep. It is just a matter of careful reading.


Three socks. The ratio information is irrelevant.


Allow both glasses to drain simultaneously. As soon

as the 7-minute glass empties, flip it over (7 minutes
have expired). Then, flip it over again after the 11minute glass empties (11 minutes have expired).
Fifteen minutes will have passed when the 7-minute
glass empties.


The answer is five. The task here is to realize that

the relation is no the sequence of their presidency
but which denomination of bill upon which each face

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