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Life without

By :
1. Febriekha Yolanda Akbar
2. Intan Safhira


To go without electricity for a couple of hours is a bad

enough experience for most, but imagine the horror if the
power grid were to stay down for days, or even weeks!
Can you imagine the unthinkable and challenge yourself to
consider life without electricity for 1-year or more (e.g. SHTF
after an EMP cluster)?
The resulting shock to todays modern man (and woman)
would not only be an emotional jolt, but could quickly turn into
a life threatening reality for those who have not prepared for
such an occurrence. It could be life threatening even for those
who have prepared!
Without electricity (even for a short time), these ten things
will be high on the list for most people; the things that will be
missed the most based on the modern lifestyle of today

What do we need to make

these work?


Without electricity - We might use

Coal fires
Semaphore to send
- - Without electricity our lives would be very different.

1. Light
The most basic of luxury that
electricity provides is our light at
night, and even during the day.
How long will your batteries last in
your flashlights? Then what? Do
you have a plan for that?

2. Cell Phone

Most of todays communications revolve

around our cell phones / smartphones.
They are the lifeblood of our social
networks and the primary means of
communicating with our family and friends.
How will you cope without that ability to
#1 Solar Powered Charger dual USB,
Cell Phone, Autodetect


This category should almost go without
saying it is probably the most relied upon
resource in our modern lives today. It is
crucial to our communications, our
finances, our economy, and our
entertainment. Many people wont know
what to do without it.

4. Television
The average adult watches 4 hours of
television a day while the typical child
watches 6 hours TV per day including their
video-games. It will be a shock to the
(emotional) system without this


I mention this category due to the
observation of so many people walking
around with ear-buds attached to their
iPod (and other) devices while listening to
their music. There will be no recharging
these little entertainment devices. Like
television, music is a major part of the
background (and foreground) entertainment
for many people.

6. Air conditing, fans & heat

Many modern buildings will be completely
uninhabitable without it, due to modern
day HVAC design into large multi-story
buildings. We have lived for many decades
with the convenience of air-conditioning,
and being without it will be a shock. Not
sure how many could survive without it
these days. If electricity were to fail in
the winter, there will be even more grave

7. Refrigerator and freezer

This appliance is in its own category due
to the important role it serves in keeping
your food fresh longer and the ability to
keep you supplied with fresh food for a
time. Without electricity your frozen
foods will be thawed within 24 hours and
will need to be consumed immediately or
tossed out.

8. Kitchen appliances
How will you handle first thing in
the morning without a cup of coffee
brewed in your electric coffee pot?
Think about ALL of your kitchen
appliances that run on electricity
and how you would manage without
them. No dishwasher? No
appliances to assist?

9. Stove, oven, microwave

The majority of people rely on an
electric stove, oven or microwave
for cooking their food. Let that
sink in a moment


10. Clothes washer and dryer

Keeping our clothes clean is
something that we completely take
for granted. It would not take long
for this situation to become


What is electricity?
It is the movement of very, very tiny
particles called electrons.
As the tiny, tiny particles move they carry
Electricity flows through wires




Life would be completely different. Life

would be tough during intorabel hot & cold
weathers. But, social life will improve a lot.
Theres a lot of things that would change
without electricity when u think about it.
Without electricity we wouldnt have
benefit of having cool gadgets like Ipods,
phones, MP3s, etc.
So life would be a lot harder without any
electricity. So lets make the most of it


Wassalamualaikum wr.wb ^^


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