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WTO Workshop

Terms of Reference and Objective Setting
World Trade Organisation (Geneva)
Stephen Fevrier
Permanent Delegation of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States to the UNGO

Terms of Reference Defined

Terms of Reference defines the purpose and structure of the
National Trade Facilitation Task Force/Working Group/Committee
Documents how the scope (of activities) will be defined, developed,
and verified
Provides a documented basis for making future decisions and for
confirming or developing a common understanding of the scope
among stakeholders
It qualifies success factors/risks and articulates clear and
discernable objectives

29 April 2009

Terms of Reference WHY?

Creating detailed terms of reference is critical to the success of the
Working Group as it identifies and defines;
Vision, objectives, scope and deliverables (i.e. what is to be
Stakeholders, roles and responsibilities (i.e. who will take part in it)
Resource, financial and quality plans (i.e. how it will be achieved)
Work apportionment and schedule (i.e. when it will be achieved)
Procedural and institutional arrangements (i.e. quorum and meeting

29 April 2009

Terms of Reference WHY?

The terms of reference set out a road map;
Provides a clear path for progression;
Identifies key objectives to be accomplished when and by whom;
Identifies a suite of deliverables which conform to the requirements,
scope and constraints identified;
It is the constitution of the National Working Group.

29 April 2009

Terms of Reference - Specimen

Purpose and Objectives
Two Types longer term objectives (mission statement and
operational/specific objectives)

The purpose of the Trade Facilitation Working Group is

to provide policy guidance on Trade Facilitation reform
and supports the implementation of operational solutions
in line with the national development strategy [ies] and
international obligations. (very broad or narrow scope
depending on the needs OECS)

29 April 2009

Terms of Reference - Specimen

Specific objectives of the Working Group may include the
to make recommendations on strategic trade
facilitation goals and operational solutions
(practical benefits beyond V, VIII and X);
to strengthen policy coherence between national
development priorities and international
obligations, and between trade facilitation reform
initiatives and technical assistance projects (should
link S&DT and TACB to national conditions;

29 April 2009

Terms of Reference - Specimen

to provide technical backstopping to your national
and Geneva based officials in the context of the
WTO negotiations (and other negotiations) on trade
to provide a forum for stakeholder consultation on
trade facilitation related policies and
implementation (private sector dialogue);
to increase public awareness of trade facilitation
measures, practices and standards.
29 April 2009

Terms of Reference - Specimen

Composition and Authority
The working group shall be established by a decision of the Cabinet or
operate under ministerial authority or decree;
The national working group shall consist of authorized representatives of
parties (public and private) concerned with cross border trade;

Procedural and institutional arrangements

I) The election of the members of the Working Group shall be designated
by the working group for a time period, for example one year.

29 April 2009

Terms of Reference - Specimen

ii) Coordination of the working group shall function on a rotational
basis, with the incoming, outgoing and current lead agency
functioning as a troika.
The national working group shall function as a coordinating and
consultative body;
It will have authority to prepare recommendations and advise on
domestic, regional and multilateral policy matters related to
transport and trade facilitation;
Its recommendations shall be made in the form of proposals to the
institutions concerned and to Cabinet. (This includes recommendations
on the trade facilitation negotiations, implementation of obligations, bi-lateral
negotiations on technical assistance.)

29 April 2009

Terms of Reference - Specimen

The Chairperson shall have the authority to request contribution

and substantial reports from the participating agencies through their
authorized representative;

The Chairperson, upon the request of the Working Group, shall

submit proposals to the appropriate authorities;
The Chairperson will prepare [once a year/ twice yearly] a progress
report to be submitted to the Cabinet.

29 April 2009


Terms of Reference - Specimen

Operating procedures
The working group shall meet at regular intervals or at the request of this
Chairperson or by any member through a request made to the Chairperson;
A technical secretariat shall be set up to provide secretarial functions and
assist the Chairperson (This can be formal/informal and can function through a
regional secretariat/national agency);
A quorum shall be established when [X] members are present.
Informal subcommittees can meet on an ad hoc basis without the need to
follow the procedural requirements in 3 above.

29 April 2009


Terms of Reference - Specimen

Decisions of the working group shall be taken by a simple majority
of members present.
A work programme will be prepared and implemented by the
working group.

29 April 2009


Terms of Reference - Specimen

Sub-Regional Coordination
From each of the national working groups two members (current
and out-going coordinator) will constitute the sub-regional trade
facilitation working group which will meet at regular intervals;
The basic terms of reference of this sub-regional trade facilitation
sub-committee are:
To monitor regional progress;
To coordinate regional public awareness campaigns;
To identify common challenges/constrains;
To identify common solutions/regional actions identified to solve
existing problems;
29 April 2009


Terms of Reference - Specimen

To adapt region-wide trade facilitation standards;
To prepare coherent country positions for external trade

29 April 2009


Keys to Success
Visibility use the media;
Get Political support;
Pick low hanging fruit;
Appropriate leadership;
Resources (depending on scope;)
Regular meetings;
Establish a data base of national, regional and international contacts
(EC Birgit, Sheri, Jan, Mena etc)
Set up and maintain a working communications model to ensure
strong linkages with relevant national, regional and international
Provide political masters and key partners/sponsors with regular

29 April 2009


Keys to Success
Be proactive (a champion should lead);
Keep a log of actions and outcomes (document and institutionalize
with paper);
Members of the task forces should be updated on the status of the
Good house-keeping of the Working Group (maintain timelines;
keep minutes of meetings, consistent reporting etc.)
Report upward to political and resource sponsors on activities

29 April, 2009


Thank You!

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