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Presenter Info
Kris Dunn
CHRO at Kinetix (RPO,
Founder of Fistful of Talent ,
The HR Capitalist
Hoops Junkie
Tim Sackett
President of HRU Technical
(Technical contract staffing)
Founder of the Tim Sackett
Worlds foremost expert on


The 5 HR and Talent

Analytics You Should
Stop Measuring

Why Days to Fill isnt working for you

Why is 45 days to fill better

than 90 days to fill?
Faster doesnt mean better
Speed without quality costs the
organization more in the long
Give it business context
Dont focus on the mean
(Average); its basically
Look at the distribution

Department Satisfaction doesnt add up

Based around flawed
concept of Customer
It sets the bar too low.
Gallup research shows
that emotion drives
satisfaction results
more than actual
rational considerations.

Absentee Rate isnt

telling you anything
Flawed assumption
that absenteeism is
costing your business.
Your measuring for
wrong reasons.
Give people a no
claims bonus and see
what happens.

Quality of Hire isnt quality

Subjective at best.
Cant compare against
industry or competition.
Takes too long to really
Is this really a measure of
HR and Talent Acquisition?

Employee Engagement
doesnt correlate!
You cant connect the dots.
Best places to work
examples are leading you
down the wrong path.
Engagement does not
equal productivity or
Emotion or behaviors?


The 5 HR and Talent

Analytics You Should
Start Measuring

#1 Most Valuable Employee (MVE)

What it is:
An ROI metric on which
employees bring the most value
to your org.

What you need:

Revenue per employee by

Why it will make a difference:

Think of it in way you think
about professional sports teams.

#2 Leadership Birth Rate (LBR)

What it is:
A metric that shows which
leaders are growing new leaders.

What you need:

Leader pipeline and succession

Why it will make a difference:

The most important thing a
leader can do is develop new
leaders for the organization.

#3 Organizational Fit (FAT)

What it is:
How well will a potential new hire fit into our culture and organization.

What you need:

Pre-hire data: personality, likes/dislikes, tendencies, etc. (HireVue Insights!)

Why it will make a difference:

You dont need a college degree to be talented Laszlo Bock But
you better fit in!

#4 Internal Mobility (MOVE)

What it is:
A metric that shows you who your
best employees are going to work
for in your organization.

What you need:

Employee performance data,
internal mobility data.

Why it will make a difference:

Your employees will tell you a lot
who your best leaders are, who
your worst leaders are, etc.

#5 Health Care Claims Per Capita (SIC)

What is it:
Its a touchy subject, but after fixed employee
costs, health care costs are one of the biggest
line items HR departments manage and
present the most downside risk.

What you need:

Reporting Health Care Claims Per Capita (HCCPC)
is easy simply take the total $$$ in health care
claims vs. your plan and divide by the number of

Why it will make a difference:

The resulting awareness helps in two ways: 1) It
gives you leverage so there are no surprises if
you have to reduce the quality of the medical
coverage to stay even, and 2) It helps fund (with
no budget) remedial, mid-stream solutions within
the plan year designed to reduce total claim $$
(examples of products in the past Tele-Doc, etc.


Why HR and Recruiting

Pros Need to SHIFT/LEAN
Comes to Using Data

To Be Strategic, HR has to Stop

Reporting and Start Predicting
The HR Standard for reporting
has traditionally been about
what has happened in the
Too little focus has been
placed on predictive use of
You might not have true
predictive analytics, but how
comfortable are you and your
team at using data to
directionally predict the future
and identify gaps?

Cops Report and Enforce

Assassins Use Leverage To Get Change
Youve got data
People like HireVue give
you increased visibility
and access to data
What are you reporting
on, how do you position
the data and how do
you use the data to
drive behavioral change
in your organization?


Practices you can
use right now with
your analytics

Begin Asking What-if questions

Old Math:
Whats our turnover?
New Math:
Whats our turnover
if we eliminate a
certain popular, but
costly, benefit?

Make Connections
Between Related Metrics
Old Math:
Lets look at out
demographics to see
who might be retiring
in the next three years.
New Math:
Analyze expected
leader turnover and
leader pipeline data.
Do we have a problem
or not?

Uncover Root Cause and Discover the Why

Behind Your Analytics
Old Math:
Lets analyze our
Resignation rate (those
leaving on their own).
Report on findings.
New Math:
First lets cut it up (R-rate of
Hi-pos, R-rate of those
below the midpoint, etc.)
Then, why are we having the
problems were having in
those areas?


Whats Next Once You Have
the Data and are
Broadcasting the Data?

Step 1 - Scoreboard the Data and Make

People Change Their View of HR
The Data weve focused on
isnt about HR, its about the
You dont win unless youre
willing to keep score and tell
the world whos winning.
The business will respect you
more in the morning if you
dont treat them equal.
Report on winners and losers,
but be quick to offer help to
those who arent winning.

Step 2 - Use Experiments and A/B Testing to Prove the

Things You Want to Spend Money On Actually Work
Your reporting on data sets
the baseline.
Smart talent pros with
confidence understand that
provides a perfect
opportunity to experiment.
Do experiments, measure
the outcomes.
Get early wins that give you
more rope to experiment in
the future and get you

Step 3 Get Strategic with Departmental Leaders by

Consulting on Their Teams Weaknesses
The reporting you do in public
doesnt have to include
individual manager level.
The reporting you do in private
MUST include and focus on
individual manager level.
Youre looking to share the
data with the leaders, prove
you understand the business
and gain their trust to help
them fix the problems.
Consulting 101 Data-driven,
then recommendations.

Step 4 Use Individual Scores to Apply Pressure

Whenever Its Needed
Lets face it theres a lot of people
out there who dont care about
Those people cause a lot of harm to
the business and create employee
relations issues everywhere they go
Even if they get decent business
results, the way they manage
should show up in the way you
measure the business (think
turnover, HMBA, etc.)
Sometimes you have to play
Hardball instead of Moneyball
thats what scoreboards and you
developing relationships with
leaders based on data are for.


Thank you to our webcast sponsor:

Twitter: @kris_dunn
Twitter: @timsackett

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