Passive Intermodulation - Pim: The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

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The Leader in Communications Test &

Bui Nguyen Dat, TSE
Hanoi, 6 Apr 2009


What is PIM?
Take place in RF systems

Causes and Effects in system

Causes by components
Effects in current RF systems

Measurement of PIM PIM 21

How to measure?
PIM 21 Test Set

Test cases

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

What is PIM ?
Intermodulation or intermodulation distortion (IMD), is the result of two or more
signals of different frequencies being mixed together, forming additional signals at
frequencies that are not, in general, at harmonic frequencies (integer multiples) of

Passive Intermodulation
The Intermodulation Distortion
that cosue by the passive
components in RF systems is called
Passive Intermodulation PIM

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Take place in RF systems
This phenomenon frequently happen in any RF system, espescially in
Basestation Systems of Mobile network where the tranmister and
receiver contains various components.

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Causes and Effects in RF systems

What cause Intermodulation in RF system?
Components contain non-linear material such as niken,steel

The properties of non-linear material:

When a RF carriers signal pass through a non-linear material form a beam of carrier
similar to each others which have nearest frequencies .
These new beam of signal react with each of them and form Intermodulation distortion
which called PIM.

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Causes and Effects in RF systems

Non-linear material components:
Poor material in the building phase of BTS.
Effect of machining operations, solder splatters
that touch current carrying surfaces.
Bad solders joints
Poor mechanical alignment between components
The effect of themal loading or sun heating
Corrosion of components after a long time

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Causes and Effects in RF systems

PIM effect many wireless systems, especially cellular base stations.
These base stations are characterized by their high transmit powers and
sensitive receivers.
The transmit and receive frequency band are separated, but the 3 rd
Order of Intermodulation generated by Tx can interference Rx.

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Causes and Effects in RF systems


The result of effect is:

Over power receiver channel
Dropped call
Loss of air time

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Measurement of PIM
How to measure ?

Pim testing for field applications requires the injection of two CW signals (f1 and
f2) into a system under test. Intermodulation products (IM) of the 3rd, 5th, 7th
order, caused by faulty components, appear immediately.
The strongest intermodulation product is that of the 3rd order (IM3), which is
measured. Frequencies for these intermodulation products are calculated as
fIM31 =
fIM32 =

(2 x f1 ) f2
(2 x f2 ) f1

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Measurement of PIM - PIM 21

PIM 21 Test Set
Identify field PIM problem of Passive components like antennas, feeder
cable or connectors.
Adjustable level of customer specific test
frequencies to match power to application
Self calibrating
Rugged, weather-proof case (IP55 closed lid)
Very simple to operate
Small, very portable
Battery operated
Communications port allows for documenting and storage of test results
on an external PC.

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Measurement of PIM - PIM 21

PIM 21 Test Set
Easy to use
Numerically on the lcd in dBc
Lcd Bar graph
Quick view LED bar graph

Visible and Audible Alarm editable using Menu key.

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Test case
Tap test

All components during the measurement are tapped and the

Inter-Modulation (PIM) responses due to subsequent tapping
are observed.
A matter of tapping a part of the components will generate high level
of PIM but after the tapping is stopped, the PIM either returns to its
Low condition or remains high.
This demonstrates that tap test is useful in screening devices &
cables that will fail at some future time.

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Test case
PIM Test Component test
NOTE: The RF ON LED should be off if Test Port is open or connected
load is unknown.

Connect the Device-Under-Test to test port of PIM 21, connect the load to the far-end of
Press the red CONT. Test/RF On Off button to begin testing. Note the red RF ON LED
lit whenever the RF carriers are on.
If the REV PWR red LED lit during testing, recheck configuration for correct terminations
and proper connection till REV PWR red LED is turned off.
With this configuration, expected -140 dBc
and green LED to light on LED bar graph.
If level is > -140dBc and red LED to light on
LED bar graph, it is said to fail PIM Testing.

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Test case
Testing feeder cable system
Note: When making connection, observes for irregular contact surfaces
mating and apply appropriate contact pressure.

Disconnect all passive, active devices from the feeder cable system under test.
Disconnect the feeder cable system to be tested from Base stations transmitter output.
If more than one antenna is mounted on the antenna tower, all transmission to those antennas
are turned off before STAFF B goes up to top of tower.
Connects near-end connector of feeder cable to PIM21 via connector adaptor. Connects Far-end
of it to the Low PIM Load.
Perform PIM Testing while STAFF B performs Tap Test.
STAFF A turns off RF ON LED by holding down the CONT. red Test/RF On Off button for 5 or
more seconds.
Feeder cable should pass PIM Testing otherwise perform remedial action till it pass the Tap
If PIM test stil Fail, check the connector and other devices using Components test.

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Measure PIM help prevent mobile systems again failures.
Inspection the reducing of RF components quality.

The Leader in Communications Test & Measurement

Thank for your time !

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