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Power Point by Gaita-Pantiru Corina and Dimarco


Speedy little blurs flying throgh the water they are
penguins but penguins dont fly they waddle and
when babys are born the mother feeds them out of
there mouth penguins are like torpedos in water
Penguins dont fly but they do through water

What penguins look like

Black back and white front
Long, sharp beak
Tiny black eyes with white all around it
small animals
Two wings, but cant fly
Very short tail
No ears but can hear
No strong bones
Small beak

There are 18 types of penguin species
Emperor penguins are the biggest of them all

Penguins Lifespan
(How long it lives)!!!!!!

Penguins live until they have no food left to

Or they suffer from pollution and get sick and
die from different kinds of chemicals.

Although all penguin species are native to the Southern

Hemisphere, they are not found only in cold climates, such as

In fact, only a few species of penguin actually live so far south.
Several authors have suggested that penguins are a good
example ofBergmann's Rulewhere larger bodied populations
live at higher latitudes than smaller bodied populations.

There is some disagreement about this, and

several other authors have noted that there

are fossil penguin species that contradict this
hypothesis and that ocean currents and
upwellings are likely to have had a greater
effect on species diversity than latitude alone.
Major populations of penguins are found in
New Zealand, andSouth Africa.

Penguins live together in

groups called colonies

What Penguins Eat

Penguins love to eat

fish,squid,and krill
Their a little carnivore
They get their food by diving
deep into the ocean

In the water their predators are killer whales and
leopard seals (their greatest threat)
On land their predators are large birds

How Penguins Behave

When they travel far they use their tummies

and wings to save energy and propel like a


Penguins for the most part breed in large

colonies, the exceptions being the yelloweyed and Fiordland species; these colonies
may range in size from as few as a 100 pairs
for gentoo penguins, to several hundred
thousand in the case of king, macaroni and
chinstrap penguins.
Living in colonies results in a high level of
social interaction between birds, which has led
to a large repertoire of visual as well as vocal
displays in all penguin species.
Penguins form monogamous pairs for a
breeding season, though the rate the same
pair recouples varies drastically.

Penguin Babies
Baby penguins will maybe take up to 3 days

to brake out of their shell/egg

It may take 10-45 days to walk after they

Most penguins are monogamous.

This means that male and female pairs will mate

exclusively with each other for the duration of mating

The male usually starts the mating ritual and will pick
out a nice nesting site before he approaches a female.
After mating, the female emperor or king penguin will
lay a single egg.
All other species of penguins lay two eggs.
The two parents will take turns holding the eggs
between their legs for warmth in a nest.
The one exception is theemperor penguin.
The female of this species will place the egg on the
male's feet to keep warm in his fat folds while she
goes out and hunts for several weeks.

When penguin chicks are ready to hatch, they

use their beaks to break through the shell of

their eggs.
This process can take up to three days.
After the chicks emerge, the parents will take
turns feeding their offspring with regurgitated
Penguin parents can identify their offspring
byunique callsthat the chick will make

Physical Adaptations
Penguins have feathers that keep them warm

in cold water
Their black and white feathers work like
camouflage in the water to predators heres
how it works
When predators are looking from below or
from above they use their feathers to blend in
with the water
But on land its hard for that to work

Behavioral Adaptations
When a penguin gets too hot it fluffs up its

feathers to cool off

dad Penguins keep their eggs warm by
sitting on them while the mother goes fishing
Because their so cold penguins huddle
together to create heat and keep warm

Physiological Adaptations
Penguins can swim underwater for 25 miunits

and 40 3km per hr

Penguins have a stream lined body with
webbed feet in the water their webbed feet
help them swim like a speed machine
Penguins all use their short stiff tail wings to
act like a propeller and help them swim

Fun facts
All penguins use their beak to peck at stuff

sometimes for work sometimes for fun

But some penguin species(bare patches create
windows)around their eyes to help them see
Most birds have hollow bones but penguins dont
so they cant fly but they can waddle

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