Functions of Marriage

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ns of

By marriage, children of couples are
assigned with their right to be born
(full birth rights). It legally entitles
the child and /or the mother to the
husbands property upon his death;
and determines who claims the
responsibility for the child
(paternity claims) and who controls
the childs future (Kottak, 2008).


Societies which were

strongly dependent on the
agricultural system settle
for preferential marriage
for economic reasons.
Women who could take
the place of their
husbands in the tribal

3.Fulfillment of
intimacy needs
People seek to marry to fulfill
their intimacy needs. Couples
who live in marital bliss
achieve their physical and
emotional well-being that
serve as a buffer against the
negative effects or various
lifes challenges.

4. Personal Growth
Couples find the union as a
response to the need for
interdependence wherein each
enjoy doing things together
and enjoying each others
company, thereby, achieving
personal fulfillment and great
amount of life satisfaction.

5. Sense of

Regardless of the
presence of
unhappiness along the
way, couple who are
involve in this
partnership are
determined to work


Basically, the major factor

that influences someone
to marry would be to fear
children and build families
of their own. They are
obligated nurture their
children and raise them
with love and affection.


In sociological term, we
consider that the family is
the most basic of all
institutions. It is
necessary for society to
perpetuate, derived from
natural law; it springs the
conjugal love between
husband and wife and id
sustained by its efforts

ns of the

Propagation of the
Human Species
This favors the
naturalistic approach in
the continuance of the
race. Families
contribute to human
survival through
reproduction. Its

Families establish
emotional ties and are
responsible for the care
of individual members.
They provide the basic
needs essential to make
their children happy

Socialization for the

The family is the basic
foundation for children
to learn the norms and
moral values taught
and inculcated to them
through early education
and religion,

Regulations of sexual behaviors

There are norms and

social expectations that
vary from culture to
culture. This is the right
avenue where their
sexual needs are
fulfilled through their

Affection and
The family provides the
emotional support for its
members for them to feel
secure and satisfied. It is
from our relatives that we
draw the strength to face
lifes challenges, as well
as the care and concern


Family provides the

placement or status
ascribed to the individual.
It legitimizes the
existence of children and
their social position within
the societal ladder.
Children inherit the social

cation of

Nuclear Family
This is a Family pattern
where married couples
establish an
independent household.
It last only as long as
parents and children
remain together, thus

Extended Family
It is an expanded family pattern
where two or more nuclear families
and other generations of both
families live together in one
household. The collateral household
includes siblings and other spouses
and children. The benefit from
extended family is the assumption of
responsibility from child rearing, such
as the grandmother or other relatives
who are living with family or nearby
who provide extra love and attention

The Role of the Family in

the Philippines Setting

The Filipino Child

The birth of the child
brings unquantifiable
joys and fulfillment to
parents in the Filipino
family. Being the
product of love
between couples, he

The Filipino Parent

The parent are the
procreators whose
primary responsibility is
to build a place in the
community of person
which contributes to the
development and
perfection of man, until he

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