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Rahmatina B. Herman
Bagian Pendidikan Kedokteran

Oral presentations
will be a vital
component of your
medical career

The Success of Presentation

Communication skill
- verbal
- non-verbal: body language


Physic and mental

Presentation materials
Supporting tools: audiovisual
Time, duration of presentation

Attitudes and behavior:

- Including how to dress

Presentation Materials
Power point Better Power Point
Printed materials:
- Full text
- Print out of slide power point
Curriculum Vitae (CV): usually in
scientific meeting

.Presentation Materials
There are three parts to your presentation:
The beginning, the middle and the end
Start to plan out what you will do in these
three parts
The beginning is ideal for an attention
grabber or for an ice breaker
The end is great to wrap things up or to end
with a grand finale

Effective Presentation Techniques

Use visual aids
- Using pictures in your presentations instead
of words can double the chances of meeting
your objectives

Keep it short and sweet

- There is an old adage that said
No one ever complained of a presentation
being too short
- Nothing kills a presentation more than going
on too long

...Effective Presentation Techniques

Use the rule of three
- People tend to only remember three things
- Work out what the three messages that you
want your audience to take away and structure
your presentation around them
- Use a maximum of three points on a slide

- Practice makes for perfect performance
- Perform your presentation out loud at least
four times, one of these should be in front of a real
scary audience (family, friends)

...Effective Presentation Techniques

Tell stories
- All presentations are a type of theatre
- Tell stories and anecdotes to help illustrate
points and make your presentation more effective
and memorable

Dont put your speaker notes (bullets point) up

on the screen
- Most people use bullet points as a form of
speaker notes.
- To make your presentation more effective put
your speaker notes in your notes and not up on the

...Effective Presentation Techniques

Video yourself
- Set up a video camera and video yourself
presenting to see all sorts of mistakes that
you are making

Know what slide is coming next

- You should always know when presenting
which slide is coming up next
- It sounds very powerful when you say On the
next slide [Click] you will see, rather than a
period of confusion when the next slide appears

...Effective Presentation Techniques

Have a back-up plan
- Take with you the following items :
a printed out set of slides
a CD or data stick of your presentation
a laptop with your slides on it
Just in case it goes wrong

Check out the presentation room

- Arrive early and check out the presentation
room, where you will need to stand
- If you can, make sure that you see your slides
loaded onto the computer and working on the

Thank You

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